Only just heard about the "Hi Viz Revolution"
Sounds like frogs whining as usual
Tell me what I think about this cause I have no idea
Only just heard about the "Hi Viz Revolution"
Sounds like frogs whining as usual
Tell me what I think about this cause I have no idea
do not reply to kiwi posters
It is just an another exaple of failure of socialism.
What do you think about this? Nothing, clearly.
Restore the French monarchy give the king or queen power to save France
>Tell me what I think
It is beacuse French socialism is controling and ruling by limited elites, but it has been sustained by its retarded people, but now they have dilenma heavily depending on govenment ( the state of public sector)but everyfucking time they(plebes) are deceieved by those comapny elites.
So, in a french civil war, who surrenders?
Got some big intel that everyone here better spread ASAP.
British special forces are involved with the protests/riots.
How well does anyone know the history of Britain vs France?. Who do you think helped sabotage the French to help the Germans in WW2?.
It's no coincidence that the riots/protests are spreading to all enemies and allies of the UK recently.
The UK might be burning, but they are trying to bring down everyone both friend and foe with them.
Fuck I hope Canada is next, I hate those arrogant snow mexicans
Shit, me too.
Did le asshole address his civil war torn country yet?
I was gonna join the FFL too, gay
Unfortunately it won't be. We'll just sit back because muh politeness and get replaced with the undebated UN migrant pact, making criticism of mass immigration illegal. Good times.
Red pill me on this, I left leafland in 2013 guess I missed a few things
Is he copying the look of the White House? I would be flattered but I stand strongly against both anti-white presidents.
In a couple weeks or so the UN is having a shitload of countries sign a migration pact that will increase the number of very shitty people from shithole countries to European lands.
What's worse, it makes any criticism of immigration policies a hate crime.
I've just had quick rundowns on it but that's the idea.
Italy said they will vote on it in parliament (which means a no), Slovakia said outright no, I'm sure Hungary, Poland and Russia will say fuck off. It's very unpopular in Germany, 40% of people are against it and only about 25% say it won't be very bad (uninformed). A small minority actually support it. But the jew-run countries will accept it with no discourse or voting. Not sure what Trump is doing.
As broke as most developed countries