Why do Indians worship a blue baby?

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A lot of stupid superstitious idiots worship a lot stupid shit. Why are you surprised?

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it represents an abortion, the greatest honour an Indian can achieve.

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I dunno man. Hinduism is pretty complex, I thought it'd be similar to Greco-Roman or Germanic Paganism and it's not even close. I kinda gave up on it because it's just way too vast to understand as a foreigner and desu I don't find it THAT interesting.

>way too vast to understand as a foreigner
you just explained australian culture, thankyou.

krishna is best god OP get fucked

Poos worship everything. It's why they shit in the streets. The toilet is a god to them and they won't defile it.

Because the Gods are blue

Its not complicated, Indians are just weird by their nature.

Literally just play TeS and you'll basically get it because TeS rips off hinduism the most.

Whats vast about Australian culture?

Don't you guys just go outdoors alot and get drunk at nearby asian countries?

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ITT ignorance. None of you will be able to achieve moksha in this lifetime. Pray that you are re-born as Hindus in the next lifetime

gee billy, 3 jesuses?

Why would the gods have the same skin color as mortal humans? Europeans are like those basic as bitches in college who can't read a book unless they fully identify themselves with the main character.

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Friendly reminder Max Muller, the first peddler for the (((aryan invasion theory))) regretted it later in life and even glorified the Vedas in his last book

>Indians worship a blue baby
This explains why they shun toilets. They don't want to poo in the loo because the water is blue. Their holy color.

>because the water is blue
imagine being this retarded.

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I played Morrowind years ago, I can see the Hindu influence. I have Oblivion but never played it.

Because Krishna is described as blue-black. So artists used blue dye, because it's the closest thing.


Because it's blue daboody daboodie daboodie daboodie daboodie daboodie

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Lord Krishna is blue because it's the colour of the universe.
Also because he was poisoned.

based and blue pilled

>Also because he was poisoned.


almost as retarded as literally shitting where you eat, sleep, walk, work, and do everything else

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oh please, you think I am some spent daisy waiting for rains that never arrive?

I'm not ignorant - I'm just not delusional.

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well, that was meant to be...

Poos will worship just about everything, if I brought them a fridge with an icemaker I'm sure they would worship it too, or bidet, or an urinal, or a bucket with a stuck. In summary, poos are dumb sub human negroids propped up by white men, otherwise they would still be eating rats... wait they still do that.

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>Australian culture

Why not? No crazier than a burning bush.

fun fact: according to vaishnav theology even saying the name krsna one single time is enough to deliver you from the cycle of reincarnation... if you believe in that.

Poo in loo you dumb nigger


More cultured than you, Rajeet.


Culture as in civilized and clean.

Only culture you're familiar with is the culture of bacteria hanging on the shit of your unwiped ass hairs.

the absolute state of mutt education
next nobel prize

Better than mutt culture

Could you imagine bats that looked lile that flying around? That would be horrifying.

Why do they swim in their own shit?

You don't even deny it either ahahahahahaha

they are highly adwanced Yogis who have transcended identification with the body and its senses so they can endure consideration which lower beings would react to with revulsion...

Indians are the original mutts.

And so India you'll become

Most Indians don't understand Hinduism either

I've lived here all my life and I can't tell you what the core tenets of Hinduism are

It's pretty much a DIY religion. Beliefs and practices change literally from individual to individual and house to house

We'll worship anything. There is a fucking temple for a motorcycle ffs (supposed to bless you and avoid accidents)

It's a crap tier religion if I'm honest. But it IS resilient, mostly because it absorbs any and every influence

The only idea you should understand and adopt is in Bhagavad Gita - that your goal in life should be to focus on your duty and forgey worrying about its results

Krishna isn't blue you dumbasses.

He is dark skinned, which is represented as blue for artistic purposes (and Indian disdain for dark skin)

His name - Kisna - literally translates to The Dark One

you dont even deny it hahaha

I see you've never met a bogan

he is not dark (as black) but dark blue.


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His literal name means black

Those fuckers even shit where they die.

alright hinduism has two main religions (vedic and puranic) and multiple mini religions (derived from puranic). the vedic religion has similarity to european paganism. the puranic religion has similarity to sumerian religion (from which abrahamism is derived)

you're thinking of shiva. he drank the dankest poison in the universe

Not really, the races are still pure.

fucking night elves

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No retard

also watch this kino if you're interested in learning about krishna

krsna means black, but not his skin you fucking dolt. Have you never read Mahabharata? Veda Vyassa is explicitly refered to as having dark complexion but Krishna is specifically referred to as having light skin. kys

is that ram lakshman sita hanuman?

hinduism is itself a parody of the ancient religion of the old testament, except with worship of Abraham and Sarah.

>What is caste system

He's also called Syama, meaning black. All his idols are black and depictions blue or black


>Most Indians don't understand Hinduism either
Hinduism is what the British called it.
There are many different religions and philosophies in Hinduism

>Bhagavad Gita is meme-tier

hindus do and believe in a lot of stupid shit

what's the issue here? this is just a fact of life, a simple axiom of nature




..because, Poojeets.

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from what I have gathered in my studies, hinduism is one of the basic type of "Creation, Destruction, and stasis/existence" type religions....

They worship existence.

why do you think gold is valuable, human?

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indians have literal SHIT for brains, once you realize this everything makes sense

Based and redpilled!

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