Literally nothing in those speech bubbles is bad to the average person. conservatives can't meme lmao
Literally nothing in those speech bubbles is bad to the average person. conservatives can't meme lmao
literally the "fnord" of the modern era
How is taking from the rich wrong when they literally own everything!
Yay let's give up our country to the Jew! Yay communism! Let's destroy our military so we have no way to defend ourself in the future! Yay!
oh sweetie, but it is free if you don't have to pay for it
If everyone gets free everything, who is paying for it retard? How will society function when nobody is working because working for money is useless when everything is free?
It's all so simple to some people, isn't it.
We take all the rich peoples money
that girl is a keeper
The people you think that will pay for your college and homes are smart about hiding their money. It'll be you and paying for all the free shit. Actually, *YOU* are going to pay for *my* college and health because quit my job. Get to work, cuck!