seeing rich kids on instagram enjoying life makes me want to kill myself
how do i cope
seeing rich kids on instagram enjoying life makes me want to kill myself
how do i cope
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Start observing poor kids of Instagram, this will make you want to kys even more
Get off of insta you dope
Stop looking, seriously.
I don’t walk into the Rolls Royce dealership nor do I go into Cartier; I know better things exist in life, but stuff out of my reach, why rub it in my face that which I cannot have.
>social media is an accurate depiction of a person's life
Everything on there is selected to make them look good and happy.
it isn't the material things which I'm envious of though
it's the experiences they get. i can't help but feel inferior. They get born into good families and then integrate well socially.
meanwhile i feel like my parents are just another worry for me, they're asocial and not well mentally which has resulted in me having a lame ass childhood/teenage years because I was an anxious mess all that time b/c of my life at home
never felt like i was enough and am still battling with it
Listen to and Social media is someone else's highlight reel. You have no idea what their "behind the scenes" is. When you find your mind drifting towards these things, find something else to think about. Maybe pick up a new hobby that has projects. Woodworking, rock climbing, etc. When you start finding yourself thinking about toxic things like this, think about your next project. Visualize. Focus on the next steps. It's what works for me.
Sounds like you need to get rich
it is a highlight reel but their everyday shit is still million times better than my highlights
my highlights are mostly going to kfc alone and enjoying the walk there while listening to music on my 50€ phone
i have hobbies. i'm learning guitar and I go the the gym and am studying engineering. but seeing shit like that makes me lose all motivation to pursue these things and just wonder why couldn't i have had experienced a worry free adolescence with friends exploring shit and discovering intimacy and just looking to enjoy life
Get over it
That's not the "real world"
>worry free adolescence
there is no such thing
people from rich, stable families suffer all the time, just like you
happiness has a lot more to do with inherent personality, not circumstances
i feel like a sucker
going to school and working on improving myself by reading and busting my ass in the gym and trying to create a career for myself when for these people it just all seems to happen naturally and despite my efforts i'm still miles behind them working hard in hopes of ever tasting the lives they live so easily
Don't look at rich kids on Instagram.
"Thall shalt not covet"
what happens naturally?
>Thall shalt not covet
fucking christianity has got it all figured out well stopping these thoughts before they can grow by means of a phrase you're supposed to believe in blindly
i should become christian
everything life is worth living for
they have jack shit to worry about except not flunk out of high school. their parents buy them anything they need to pursue their dreams and suddenly every other rich kid is a music producer and has 5k followers on instagram and has people trying to befriend him and girls all over him and is basically living a life with everything he could want
the confidence they get from the financial security also obviously attracts people and that's the big thing.
The commandments are good not because they keep you on the path to heaven, but because they're just generally good advice
imagine the social advantage you get by driving a nice car
how am i supposed to even have a car before i'm at least 25 having finished a reputable university and having managed to find a well paying job?
meanwhile a 17 year old kid driving his father's mercedes is hot shit, and why wouldn't he. people are naturally attracted to other people who are doing effortlessly well
what is my """intelligence""" and being "well-read""" worth when standing to a guy like that I'm practically invisible to others
i guess my problem is that i just can't seem to accept that life isn't fair
>i guess my problem is that i just can't seem to accept that life isn't fair
Life is fair, you get what your parents made for you
one of the biggest myths among humans is the idea that happiness comes through achieving big goals. people think "I'm not happy now but once I achieve X, then I'll be happy!". however, happiness from meeting goals is fleeting. there's something psychologists call baseline happiness to which everyone returns. you can win the lottery, have a great wife, whatever, but after one year you're always only as happy as before you had that.
they key to happiness to strive towards goals. positive emotions evolved to motivate us towards goals. when you see progress towards a goal, you become happy. the key to happiness is to constantly move towards a goal. it's not about the goal itself. that's why they say, "It's about the journey, not the destination."
rich kids who have life goals handed to them on a silver platter are not experiencing an unending state of bliss by any means. the closest you'll get to an unending state of bliss is through striving towards important goals.
>how do i cope
You're seriously fucked up, but here are the two things you can do:
1) Resolve to get rich yourself so that you can have whatever they have and more, then completely dedicate yourself to the project, i.e. as 50 cent said: Get Rich or Die Trying.
2) Realize that these motherfuckers are no happier than you. About 75% of the fun of being a rich guy is looking down on poor fucks and feeling great about being better than them.
But there's a problem here for the rich guy. First, you have to be around for him to look down on. Second, you have to give a shit what he thinks. If you're around but you privately think he's an asshole and couldn't give a shit what he thinks, then you won't react properly to his wealth display. You won't feel all envious and covetous and you pay attention to him. In other words, you win. He's sitting there with all his shit trying to impress you and make you feel inferior, but you're not biting. It really takes a lot of the fun out of being rich.
You're just going to have to play into their hands and be an envious fuck, which is good because half the fun of being rich is looking down on the people who aren't. They love you for hating them because they have more than you.
you're right user
but it still gets to me when I work towards a goal and it isn't going well and then I see others achieve it effortlessly
and i end up short again and again and it starts to feel like i'm forever stuck playing catch up.
i've tried all my life to become a decently adjusted social person with a couple of good friends and a decent social life and yet here i am. Where did i go wrong
thanks user that's some real talk
Kids who do that shit are often depressed, suicidal, pop benzos like candy and feel like life in meaningless.
that still describes me except for the benzos
>magine the social advantage you get by driving a nice car
Imagine what kind of asshole gets impressed by a nice car.
>how am i supposed to even have a car before i'm at least 25 having finished a reputable university and having managed to find a well paying job?
>meanwhile a 17 year old kid driving his father's mercedes is hot shit, and why wouldn't he. people are naturally attracted to other people who are doing effortlessly well
You're not wrong. Have you had the pleasure of being around those people? I have. You're going to have to
>what is my """intelligence""" and being "well-read""" worth when standing to a guy like that I'm practically invisible to others
Well here you've actually hit a legitimate problem. What IS the value of being "well read" or "intelligent"? Not much, but not for the reason you cite. Being "well read"/intelligent doesn't translate into money in the workplace. In fact, it is more often a burden than an asset. You're better off learning things that make you money and more importantly make you able to earn money independently.
Being well read and intelligent doesn't really do that anymore. There was a time, back when the universities were for the elite and well-to-do when it did. If fitted you to associate with high society, or at least to ape the habits of the upper classes.
But the upper classes are all corrupt and degenerate now anyway, so there's no reason for anyone to study that stuff. I say this as someone who spent a great deal of time studying it. Stop wasting your time with that shit and get practical. Find a way to make a living that gives you independence.
>i guess my problem is that i just can't seem to accept that life isn't fair
Stop following cebebraties, just people you know.
You'll be much happier.
>they key to happiness to strive towards goals. positive emotions evolved to motivate us towards goals. when you see progress towards a goal, you become happy. the key to happiness is to constantly move towards a goal. it's not about the goal itself. that's why they say, "It's about the journey, not the destination."
I'm not sure "happiness" is the emotion that is elicited or to be strived for here, but this is generally right. You hear this expressed in pop wisdom sometimes as "life's a journey not a destination"
>Imagine what kind of asshole gets impressed by a nice car
most people do, it's all over popular culture. but it's not as much being impressed by a nice car as the status it gets you
hell driving anything at 17 makes you popular
it's about the journey, not the destination
just keep going
some of us have to keep going for a long time, but that doesn't really matter
Those rich kids can also find at least a million people with lives better than there's.
There's this whole ohenomenon with Facebook where people compare themselves and their lives to others.
Pro tip. They're only bragging about the best moments.. Doesn't mean the rest of their lives aren't fucking terrible.
Get off social media if you're gonna be a faggot about it. Knock that shit off. Seriously.
somewhat related
man the fucc up
Pick one with 32-60 days, aim to move there. Generally relax a lot, go swimming outdoors. Take two holidays abroad per year, somewhere on a different continent. You can enjoy speedboats and other materialistic things while you're there. Retire at 60. Remember celebrities like Taylor Swift can't go to sex parties, you can.
Smart people concern themselves with ideas
Normal people concern themselves with things
Stupid people concern themselves with other people
>follow people you know just to see how much better they're doing than you
that's even worse desu
If I chose to sit around and dwell on it, then that’s all I would think about.
Always going to be people worse/better than you. Not worth thinking about. Go be happy. (I walk to the top of the hill by my house and sit on the ground and watch the birds and bunnies, look at the clouds, and if costs me nothing and makes me smile...
T. Went to a rich high school and most of my friends are rich.
I know what you mean user. All you can do is realize that not everybody is happy even if they are rich. I knew 3 kids in the grade above me that killed themselves, all were rich, one of them was the grandson of a movie producer
if they post stuff on Instagram is pretty obvs they are trying to get validated
is same shit like with Dan Bilzerian
everyone was oh look so rich, so alpha
but a group of ppl started trolling him "chicken legs"
and he was so insecure he didnt show his legs in pics any more
actually the only way to be happy in this world is to enjoy what you have small or a lot
or just be stupid . poor or rich stupid ppl enjoy life more a lot more no joke.
Just kys inmediately
so what if they're trying to get validated? everyone wants to feel appreciated
but it's not like they're posting their rolex watches, as i said, it's more about the experiences they have that I wish I could have or be a part of
Watch this sort of shit maybe it's gonna have the opposite effect
delete any and all social media. Social media is a mind prison. you are only truly free once you abandon your social media alter ego.
Fuck that, stop comparing yourself with people, you'll never be happy if you do.
Get off Instagram, basically. You can't find faker fucks if you tried.
Also, any sauce on that image fella? Phwoar.
Rich kids are piece of shits and they do not have anything to contribute in our society and just keep sucking their parent's bank account.
Well i am a neet so i think i am also one of those trash but hey atleast i enjoy my life inside my room.
the pic is from instagram man
except they're enjoying life too and they have financial security that'll last them until they die so what does it matter to them that some neet thinks they contribute nothing to society?
they'll still live a better life than most others
from an 18 yr old btw
Don't worry user. I know someone who is so rich but they are not happy even if they are "enjoying life" in ig. I know someone who spends lots of money to become more handsome and have nice skin because he wants to be validated by peers / do not forget those luxury bags. I don't think they really enjoy life even if they do in ig. Those pictures are fake. That is why i think they are shits on a golden plate.
bitch, if they're still consuming resources the rest of us are dying or will die for lack of I don't give a fuck if rich kids are actually happy or just pretending
Friendly reminder that social media is largely people pretending to be happy to get likes and attention
We've just watched a bunch of celebs kill themselves over depression. Clearly, our parents weren't fuckin around when they said 'money doesn't buy happiness' lol
rather be depressed and rich than depressed and poor
HEY ARROGANT POOR, just eat the egg with basedsauce and rice and stfu. If you do not like rich kids and you give so much damn about them then just kill them.
Sweet, cheers bud. Got the username?
Except now they're just dead instead of depressed and anything
The difference is that even without money you don't suffer so badly that you've killed yourself yet
that said, not gonna disagree, money is cool
delete it
Delet insta
I got off fb and I'm much happier without it
Money. They were simply born into money. Even if you work hard to earn the money comparable to what their parents have now, you won't get to experience the careless lifestyle alotted to them at birth. If you accept that their life is not yours, and their problems are not yours, you will lose the envy and anxiety you feel when comparing your life to theirs. That is the only way to browse Instagram without envy of others' endowed riches. Faggot.
Become more successful than all of them... aren't you hungry user?
He is complaining about the very fact that rich kids already have money... even if it's their parents' money. He is jealous of their lot in life - the experiences available to select few (spring break trips to Cancun, new car for college, credit card privileges), not the money alone. Ya big dummy.