How does this end?
How does this end?
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Seeing both those niggers are wearing bell bottoms probably at a disco club you dirty faggot.
I really hope Trump flees the country when he is indicted. We know that bone spur pussy is a coward. He would do it.
The minute by minute updates on the Trump manhunt will be riveting.
A superbug airborne drug resistant bacteria comes from india and wipes 80% of humanity before the right wing can rise again in the west.
anyone that plays both chess and checkers knows that a checkers peace while only being as mobile as a pawn can capture multiple peices in a single move and don’t suffer from the Idea of a king
screen cap this
If you dislike Trump so much, why don't YOU leave.
Trump isn't going anywhere.
trump flips the table and slams a domino on that faggot
what did Trump do wrong though?
Why is trump always drawn so fat and big? What are they, fat shaming or something?
The majority of America voted against that fat faggot.
Dozens of indictments and arrests of Trump's inner circle so far. Individual 1 won't last to the end of the year.
imagine being such an incel that you think treason is OK. And then imagine being such an incel that you get triggered by the word incel.
blond man bad
Nothing? Fucking incels.
36 indictments from the investigation SO FAR. All of Trump's aides that were indicted pleaded guilty.
Few investigations are this successful.
Turns out Trump and Hillery were in on it together and they both get arrested. Then Jeb! takes office.
Like this
Tried all on shit unrelated to Trump and in most cases like Manafort beforehand.
Trump is so untouchable Mueller is desperately getting people near him for irrelevant shit. Which given that reach, if he had dirt on Trump he would have mentioned it by now. This is like when they couldn't prove Arpaio was a racist so they get him for contempt of court over a race category on an application to save face and then try to frame it as profiling.
How dumb are you to think there is ANY evidence of wrong doing by Trump?
Seriously... how dumb are you?
Hillary was IT. It literally WAS HER TURN. Trump throws his hat in the ring and ducks it all up. Not only did Trump crash the wedding reception, he caught the garter. Trump proceeded to the center of the room raised it over his head and yelled “MORTAL KOMBAT!”.
When he slipped the garter into the leg of the bridesmaid of the best man who is also the bridesmaids fiancé he grabs her pussy and fists her. To the shock of all watching... the bridesmaid whoregasms.
Do you think a guy who did all this would have ANYTHING Mueller can nail him on?
Mueller is there to save himself and the clintons. Trump walked into the Oval Office with the deep state to do list still on the desk. Trump has all the evidence because NO ONE was smart enough to cover their tracks in case Clinton lost.
You... you’re so dumb you think everything the Ds Do is pure as the wind driven snow.
Btw Trumps guy, Whitaker has Mueller on a leash now.
Yeah, Trump just accidentally hired a bunch of criminals for his inner circle. Whoopsies. Trillion D chess. Durrrrrr
Imagine being this boomer cucked.
Yeah, according to your erotic fanfic.
Alt-right incel delusion
Digits confirm
Oh you think Rosenstein is in charge?
Criminals that have more history with Clinton than Trump.
Even worse. Trump knows the Clintons are criminals and he acclivity chose to recruit their criminal gang.
Oh and criminals that have done NOTHING wrong so far as the trump campaign is concerned.
I suggest all you DNC hacks reading here go look up Dan Bongino and his book Spygate. It’s almost 300 pages sourced from left wing media hacks (to avoid accusations of bias) connecting the dots to election fraud and they all lead back to the deep state
The comic aside, chess pieces would always beat checkers pieces all other things equal.
Comic is dumb though.
How long did they last during the campaign? Not very.
checkers pieces are unironically more powerful than chess pieces. especially after getting kinged.
A king in checkers doesn't make a weak target on the board, that defeats its own team if its captured, it just makes the checkers stronger.
Chess on the other hand? There is only one piece that needs to be captured, and any checkers piece can take multiple chess pieces to get to them.
Id like to see how a checkers x chess plays actually.
How long did they last through the campaign? Not very.
NPC code is brroken
No doubt white people will be blamed for it
Yeah seeing this draft dodger in shackles will be hilarious
The game is checkers as determined by who makes the first move.
Read up on Operation Jow ForumsTERGEIST. If they try to do him dirty, they'll die.
King me
>60 million + 5 million foreigners > (330/2)
Common Core, everybody.
Not many men are incels. Not raping a woman into compliance is a choice for most men. If you keep saying it though, people will just piece together that you art the faggot who doth project too much.
technically speaking, chess player cannot lose if they're both playing the game designed for their pieces. The king need only not move, or move diagonally as a checkers piece cannot exist on a white square. If a black square is for some reason a requirement, anything on the border is safe