Philosophy test thread. What are your results?

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how does one become heavily spiritual, altruistic and ascetic, and yet not be moralist?

Based replies so far

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Uhh I the next Hitler?

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>fuck egoism
>fuck nihilism
>fuck sceptiscism

Attached: phil.png (524x673, 54K)

A Christian life is the best life. Good job railing against pleasure even harder than I did.

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You're all some spooky fucks.

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Now we know why Germany became nazis

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''Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen''

It's in my blood I'd guess.

Maybe I shouldn’t have read “City if God” before doing this

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Agree my friend.

Good or bad?

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I should be more edgy I guess.

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This makes it look like i have no strong beliefs. Im just very passionate over very few things.

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Absolute skeptic coming in.

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here ya go, dataminer-kun

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Y'all need more Jesus

i like jewsus as a random gnosticfag
>source -

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What does this mean?

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how did I do Jow Forums ? Let's make world great again

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Fucking radical, go back to your room temp IQ board. You clearly aren't as smart as me.

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Are these random tests just adware shit or something?

You are a typical 15 years old girl

Nope, real test not a pop test but an intellectual one

What for real and I'm only 24

Guess I'm boring as shit. Didn't even choose "neutral" often.

Attached: asdf.png (516x718, 66K)

>A bit towards spiritualism
>Everything else fairly netural

Attached: my-result.png (554x836, 132K)

This mean you still haven't matured or received a proper education by your parents, probably they left education up to the school and gave you little to no input

if you score 3 different emotion tests high, you're definitely a woman, or a faggot.

Well you are taking your time to mature and man up or gay up idk

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-03 Results Philosophy.png (548x892, 43K)

I'm posting this to stroke my ego.

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i choose neutral to about 6 questions

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That's interesting. I'm actually starting to question myself now and I know I'm not gay. It could be that I watch a lot of romantic anime and I know I'm a big edge lord saying edgy things Idk

pretty good in my opinion

I thought this better, looks like you are still transitioning from a child like mind into an adult one not necessarily you are a girl for the lulz

>It could be that I watch a lot of romantic anime

yeah, stop doing that... watch Californication, eat some Tuna, build some testosterone and do the test again, be angry when you do it.

Attached: 12-02-2018 Dichotomy Test Stoic Philosphy Results.png (642x851, 80K)

Kind of interesting, some of the questions are really loaded though and could easily offer a third answer in which both "aspects" are correct at the same time.

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Not sure how I feel about it.

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Kinda lame, wish it could have told me more than "monotheist"

Forgot pic

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I have nothing to add that lets channel the Skynet AI from the future faster so we can be fucking eradicated.

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We could be frens ez.

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Leave a rating and get a rating

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So what do all the circles at the bottom stand for? The Cross stands for monotheism.

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Reminder that if you don't have 100% moralism you are honorary Jewish

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I am you, but better.

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What does it mean ?

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Good or bad?

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Doesn't specify if the child is white, so I just stopped right here.

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practically got 50/50 on everything mostly because i answered neutral/i don't know

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Means you're probably a pretty functional guy user, good job.

There was a thread like this on Jow Forums and everyone there was a nihilist.
I'm not surprised.

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Here ye go

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happy hanukkah Jow Forums

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If you didn't get my exact result, you're an idiot.

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the ultimate Jew appears.

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Female detected. That delusion of romanticism and thinking you're that altruistic are dead give aways.

Hobbesian and Objectivism is truly the path to enlightenment and happiness.

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Happy hanukkah, schmul

hi there scholomoshekelstein

wtf is this suppose to mean

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It means you're almost as smart as me but not quite.

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Didn't even post the right one

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Thoughts on my results?

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The test is garbage, it was like I was gerrymandering my judgement based on what they implied in the phrasing of the question.

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10/10. Well done user.

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100% aryan

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Rate pls

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This is the best autism test I've seen so far, and ITT it's easy to see who's here for the laughs and who's unironically autistic

(Hint: if you're not mostly balanced around 50% with a 10% error , mental disability is extremely likely)

Go back to /b/

fity fity

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Hail Victory!

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