>pay no taxes
>don't work for corporations
>learn about the world through real engagement with it
>out of reach of (((media)))
>set your own rules
>hone your skills due to unlimited free time
>teaches you discipline and resourcefulness
>toughens you up
>builds character
I honestly don't see any reason not to be homeless in current year. It's the ultimate test, like how Spartans tested their young men. You can survive pretty cheaply if needs be. Gym membership for showers. Social welfare for cheap food. A tent and an empty field. A few layers of clothes. A little fire. Bookies do free coffee and electricity where I am so I could charge my phone over my morning coffee as per usual. Phone bill is only 20 euro a month so I could still watch YouTube vids and shitpost. It might actually be heaven.
Being homeless is ultimate redpill
Other urls found in this thread:
>cannot build wealth
>have nothing to leave your children
it's the ultimate good goy lifestyle
If you're an ugly incel none of that will happen anyway
stop autism, kill yourself
No. If life is truly meaningless to me I'd rather become homeless to find meaning than blow my brains out
And everytime you leave your tent someone steals your stuff
I've scouted places to hide my stuff.
>hone your skills due to unlimited free time
What's skills dumbass, you can't afford books
>420€ welfare paid by government
>480€ rent paid by government
>healthcare paid by government
>200€ job allowed without any taxes
>provide additional services or work illegally
>invest money to make profit off the working class
>continue until this retarded system collapses
>assigned a soldier to fellate as a young boy
>homeless dude
>give blowjobs for money
Checks out
What are libraries?
>Live a miserable, disgusting life that amounts to nothing
>live life on your own terms
Yeah sounds hellish
>I'm going to hone my skills stinking up a library for 2 hours a day
>what are gym showers
Do they not let you take library books home with you in America?
My own terms don't involve living sleeping in a fucking alleyway or a shelter full of heroin and schizos, and spending all day sitting on a pavement with a McDonalds cup you found in a bin hoping to get some spare change
Dear god what kind of legacy are you going to leave?
I’m leaving my daughter 400K and a paid for house that will hopefully be worth 600K by the time I croak
You really wanna leave nothing?
That's a relevant point if I was planning on living in the city centre. I like the suburban life.
You talking living on the streets of Dublin or one of the hard mode towns like Ennis or Galway
So what, rummage through people's trash all day for food when they're at work and sneak into sheds to sleep?
Dublin and won't be begging outside a centra all day.
>buy a tent
>set it up in a secluded place
>use 200 euro social welfare to buy cheap food
>get a gym membership for the showers
>use the shopping centre to take hygienic shits
>charge phone in the bookies
>also in the bookies enjoy the free coffee
>phone bill is 20 euro a month so I can watch YouTube videos and shitpost
>have a medical card so free visits to the doctor
>he thinks homeless people need to sleep in the street
Buy a car, loser.
>pay no taxes
>don't work for corporations
>learn about the world through real engagement with it
>out of reach of (((media)))
>set your own rules
>hone your skills due to unlimited free time
>teaches you discipline and resourcefulness
>toughens you up
>builds character
I experience all of this as a NEET receiving welfare.
Still, I don't want my life to be like a solitary low budget camping holiday
Fair enough
Weird flex, but ok.
Why survive to struggle daily? What is the purpose of such life?
It really is /ourway/ of living.
I couldn’t think of a better lifestyle than drinking 49 oz with my white priveledge and smoking white owls under the nearest overpass. The fentanyl helps, too.
Life is great.
Something just draws me to it. The unlimited freedom maybe. The lack of responsibility for anything but yourself. The genuine human experience.
It's best to have a white utility van to live out of too. It honestly is one of the simplest ways to live in this world.
> Buying the car
> Paying car tax
> Paying fuel
> Paying for parking tickets
Why not just rent somewhere to live instead of being a hobo lmao
homeless is nigger tier amico.
no, having a big dick is the ultimate redpill
it's better than being a wageslave, but you can't collect your own wealth
wageslave for a bit to get a cheap but decent armory, leech off welfare and then live off sect 8 housing
you give up what, 6 months - 2 years of wageslaving for 10+ years of comfiness
You're a big guy.
lone woodsman = alternate society > homeless > mainstream society
prove me wrong
That's where your wrong
>fucking have to work for the dole now
The final redpill: Child support
>Fuck a Ghengis Khan amount of women
>Have kids
>Register for child support
>Collect gibs
This guy has it. Stealth campervan is the way to go.
There's any amount of faggotry on youtube by bragging posers, but a bit of digging finds the true believers sacrificing just a little bit of comfort for pvre function over form.
>Taking the premium jobs while dodging the premium rents
>Capriciously choosing your own sunsets, at will
>Shitting in the wilderness like LONDON, our spiritual leader.
Paying full homemaker taxes after 2008 is basically agreeing to suck rabbi cock & liking it.
and she is going to get pounded by niggers on the bed and in the house that you paid for. Good going, cuckdaddy.
>Taking the inconvenient commute jobs while dodging the premium rents/fuel bills, I meant to say.
I watched this vid this morning
>Van is an absolute piece of shit
>Owner is reasonably competent & prepared to put the elbow in
>Every buyfag purchase is geared toward practical self sufficiency
>Van is still a pos, but now the owner can easily over-winter in relative luxury for extremely cheap
You sound like an American
I was mostly kidding. I guess I'm highly influenced by those thread on r9k about how fathers are cucks.
Anyway, homelessness isn't something you can maintain, and it's actually CHEAPER in the end to actually rent a place as a NEET. People rent\own properties because they're functional. You end up paying in SOME way for being homeless, even with a van or something like that.
you huffed too much paint and are confusing being homeless with being financially independent.
I scrolled past a post on twitter just yesterday, the tax take in the UK is the highest it has been in 50 years. After 10 years of (((Austerity))) too.
You're probably right about homebuilding being better all in, but it's indefensible to pay a tax it is possible to avoid in the current transparent ZOG-land.
>Implying I can find a rental that isn't a muslim or boomer landlord with a small fee for the (((letting agent.)))
one for sleeping, one for chillin out.
free wifi. bathrooms.
RIP Terry Davis
I miss you
Here is an opportunity to learn some unique redpills from The Based Man
>the nature of Chaotic-Good and Jow Forums
>100th monkey effect and shitposting
>NXIVM child cult in Columbia
>eternal Memetics and symbolism
>article 13 is the great meme Iconoclasm of 2018
>prophecy of a cyber future IF we DONT act
>your leading a revolution and dont even know it
>planned parenthood expose , legal sacrifice
>npc meme 3 part miniseries starts here
>john titor time travel trump doc
>ingersoll lockwood and Baron trumps wonderful adventure
And LOTS MORE, here is a small window into a world you might not know.
My number one fear is homelessness.
I literally woke up with ny heart beating fast and full of fear and one of the first things I thought was: “I better get to work or I will be homeless”
Its killing me. The anxiety and fear and pressure of paying bills and the fear of losing it all.
I’ve read articles about people with this fear and some have even gone as far as becoming homeless for a while to treat their fears.
Fuck off faggit, we'll continue to rob the elite globalist mass migration pushing cocksucking traitors to the brink of destruction by robbing them of as much as possible by claiming NEET bux and destroying their property whenever, wherever we can.
Get rid of the bills, user. That's no way to live.
>>buy a tent
>>set it up in a secluded place
What exactly is a secluded place on the middle of civilization? You're going to get robbed every time. Your flimsy tent will be rubble under a rainy storm. You take showers in the gym but how do you wash your clothes? How do you cook? Do you plan on surviving solely on junk food?
Lel. This
>thinking that physical skills can be honed by reading books
I'd rather just play Elder Scrolls too, user.
>pay no taxes
>don't work for corporations
>learn about the world through real engagement with it
>out of reach of (((media)))
>set your own rules
>hone your skills due to unlimited free time
>teaches you discipline and resourcefulness
>toughens you up
>builds character
>get raped
>get tazed
>get stabbed
Is red pill not just modern day virgin epicureanism
>Jerk off behind a dumpster
>Get stabbed
>Eat garbage and vomit
>Suck dick for money
Truely the enlightened way to live
As someone who was homeless for a short time, i will say the absolutely hardest thing is finding a safe place to sleep.
After that is the cold.
After that is dealing with carrying or storing your stuff.
Nomadic life in a van or a tiny home is better.
For real, though, I work at a welfare agency. I've seen a lot of homeless people get food stamps going back years. All you've got to do is say you're homeless and have no income, and you'll get approved. Assuming you have no employers we can see in our system, and even then, you can literally just say you don't work there and write a signed statement. Worst case scenario you get an investigation.
Same here. I would add getting so hungry you have to ask people for food or look through trash bins. Two well dressed ladies caught me looking in a bin so I slammed the lid down and said "don't eat out of the ones with rats in them", which made one of them laugh. Humiliating though.
>take books home
>A tent and an empty field
It's illegal to sleep outside where I live and the police will send me to prison to do slave labor fighting the fires in California for 30 cents a day
>leaving your daughter only 400k
You might as well be homeless.
path to escape homelessness
>find God again as Trump gets elected and find Jow Forums same time
>decide to finally stop travelling world as nomad and build roots and make a white family
>zero credit (500), no house, no car, no job, no assets, almost 40yo whatdo.jpg
>find temporary housing with uncle, get job, prepaid credit card, build credit to 600 within 3 months, get high interest (18%) loan on new car
>move into car, sleep at rest areas and apartment complexes, /lift/ and shower at gyms, rent small storage unit, coin laundry, drive around all day delivering food with meme jobs
>tfw making $1,000/week before taxes and expenses while “homeless”
>get 2nd prepaid credit card then normal one with increasing line over time, make $500/week car payments on principal
>credit score approaching 700
>Two years of 1099 income proof that banks want to see to get first house loan
>buy house, improve it, add 2nd house on property, rent out other house, mortgage paid, buy second property to rent out, profits for waifu and big white family
>empty field
good luck