Am I fucked?

Gf's period is 2 days late, and she stayed home from work today because of upset stomach and diarrhea. How many days late does it have to be to start worrying?

I don't have alot of money, but I have enough to support a kid for at least the first year, and a few thousand dollars in possessions I can sell. I would get a second job too.

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Jesus stop being a bitch. Find a starting position in something like construction or get an apprenticeship in hvac or electricianship. Raise the fuck out of your kid and treat your girlfriend right. You are literally what's wrong with society right now.

don' overthink, its perfectly normal for periods to be late. i'd start being anxious after 8-9 days of her missing period, otherwise its most likely a false alarm or some kind of a test. Girls are nuts

> find staircase
> bring gf to top of staircase
> push
> no child support, no shit whore leeching off of your ressources.

2 days is too early to start seriously worrying

Fuck off shill, I worked for a construction company before and there were massive droughts in work. I'll stick with my guaranteed 60 hours a week thanks.

8*5 is only 40? Are you a slave? Wageslave?

Attached: neet vs wagecuck.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

You must work a McJob since you've apparently never heard of overtime.


Get a PREGNANCY TEST, there like 10 bucks and they are 99.9% accurate a day BEFORE a missed period. And like 99.99% in your case.

Also unless you had sex with between 17 and 12 days before her period, its highly unlikely she conceived.

Woman can only conceive a few days a month.

Yeah. Overtime is a thing. Luckily my education and personality doesnt allow such thing to happen to me. I simply go home after certain time. Working for free? I told my boss he can do a lot of things, but overtime isnt one of them.

But you are true, plenty of people who are "scared to lose" a job so they shut up and do whatever they are told. I lowkey pity them.

Software engineer.

I'm not a shill you just are a shitass who doesn't know how to find stable work or budget expenses.

Yeah, your personality is sure golden. It's good we have our smart, doughy basedboys working their comfy desk jobs because if they worked labor jobs they'd pussy out and nothing would ever get done.

>Working for free?

Double time pay

That is actually a good deal if you need the money. Too bad in my country unpaid overtime is the standard you have to fight against...

Supply and demand. For example good plumber or carpenter makes double my money and is his own boss: people have problem even finding quality worker these days and arent afraid to pay well. All you need is to stop using ad hominem online and do something out of yourself.

But i dont blame you. Normies favorite passtime is to sit in pub, drinking alcohol, slowly getting old and fat while complaining about literally anything: their shit jobs included.

Want a raise? Persuade all your coworkers to go on strike. See what will happen. You can get shit job anywhere anyway right?

My job isn't good, but it isn't bad either. It's pretty much a solid rock in the middle of good and bad. I can make a living for the rest of my life working there, but it would suck staying for so long. On the other hand, if I wanted to do bigger and better things, I would have to quit in order to go to uni or trade school, and settle for a much shittier job on the side, with no guarantee of landing that dream job.

I just looked into a great trade school. It's flexible if you don't work full time. It's affordable if you have a decent flow of income and aren't broke with bills. It would be great, but I just don't have the time for it. I'd have to work at Walmart or McDonald's to find the time.

>Women can only conceive a few days a month
The most useless people are born from parents who think this

Women can only conceive a few days a month. You are wrong.
Diarrhea is not a sign of pregnancy. But yeah, just go get a test.

We will this weekend. I was wrong and she's actually closer to a week late (I can't keep up with women's cycles). She has been feeling nauseous and tired. She often gets a stomach bug every few months, but her period is NEVER late. She honestly always gets it around when she expects it, and regardless of the time it comes, she can always feel it coming on. She claims she doesn't feel like it's about to start at all.

Im a woman and my period is unpredictable. It can be weeks late. Stop stressing. Have her take a few pregnancy tests and figure it out from there.

Oh darling. That's literally science but whatever. A woman isn't fertile after they've ovulated. She should always be on birth control, but the likelihood of conceiving a child that close to menstruation is virtually zero.


Babbys first biology lesson.

What led you to believe this wasn't true?

hahahahahahahaha fucking loser kys and your gf lolollololololololol

People having kids that don't want them is what is wrong with society

I never said I don't want kids. If she is preggo I'll be quite excited to be a father.