>MONTREAL — Hate crimes against Jews in Canada have spiked 60 percent since last year, making them the most targeted minority group in the country for the second straight year.

>“It is disturbing to think an anti-Semitic hate crime takes place every 24 hours in our country,” Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs CEO Shimon Koffler said. “History demonstrates that those who target Jews and other minorities pose a threat to society as a whole. All Canadians should be vigilant in standing against hate.”

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god I wish this was real

The fucking Juifs

Its the same in europe, its the muslims.

Bringing this up in Canada is seen as somewhat racist.

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Watcha Doin Mordecai??

>import more muslims and third-worlders
>they all hate the jews back home
>they attack the jews in their new home

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>force majority white countries to accept muslims and africans
>both hate jews
>both breed at much higher rates compared to the white citizens
>be surprised when former white majority countries show rising levels of antisemitism
>"Oy vey, why do they persecute me so?"

I can't believe Canada turn agaisnt his muslim population

those cucks?
pffffff more like just too much new mudslimes

think about it

It’s hard to accept the superiority of the Jewish people. I’ve made my peace with it. Now I love Israel.

To anyone here that wants to downplay the rise in antisemitism in Canada, you're being either blind because of stupidity or because you willfully want to deny it because it scares you. The youngest generation has more radical potential than every generation past '45 combined. It isn't the 20 year old guys going out and vandalizing synagogues and it isn't false flags 9 times out of 10. It is going to typically be kids ranging from the age of 14 to 16 who are having a great time pissing of Jews and embodying that same spirit that was found in books like Mein Kampf and God und Volk.
Not every white kid is out there doing it, but the statistics since 2016 have made it adamantly clear that something is happening. Most the larpers on Jow Forums, especially the Canadians, have no idea how many highschool kids have begun to idolize Hitler, especially in the shitty areas like Toronto where police are BANNED from entering the drug infested, nigger ruined schools. That's a fucking redpilled if there ever was one.
The biggest white pill of the world is knowing that a small, but ultimately extremely radical, wing of today's youth are more determined to see white homelands than ever before and this failed British colony is going up in flames in the next 5 to 10 years because of it.
Ignore the people screeching "HEHEHE, WHATCHU DOIN' SCHLOMO!", ignore the people looking for a "traditional" movement (because the really radical kids are smart enough to avoid that honeypot shit), and ignore the blackpilled niggers. Generation Revenge is a reality and the Jews are fucking TERRIFIED!

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fuck i love trudeau. he preaches tolerance and while he uses the wages of every canadian as his personal SJW piggy bank. he is an actor.
he burned down half of canada, raised the taxes, allowed weed but restricted the supply coming in to spike demand and further raise prices.
he Flooded his stupid country with rabid feral unemployable antisemites (us but brown and stupider with less self control and more aggression).
every muslim he brings in hates jews all the way down to their blood.
do you know how many crimes against canadian jews continue to be covered up by this madman?
Trudeau - lies for- and protects- canada's brand spanking new super anti-jewish army of rape crazy self exploding dune coons that throw faggots off roofs, cut hands off of thieves and then stone them, slaughter degenerate roastie sluts and naive sheltered SJW's that think they are there to help and will be fine.
this is the hell you deserve, he is the man who singlehandedly has destroyed canada forever, and when the Trudeau caliphate builds a wall on its own border to keep its people from escaping, ill be the guy with the big smile drinking and watching the tranny corpses stack up at the bottom.

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Hey rabbi

Yeah but the Jews plan is to blame it on the white majority

it feels good

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Trudeau is actually doing a great job in continuing to make Canada the best place to live. Rise of antisemitism is a reflection of our lack of backbone in curbing radicalism. Most antisemites are NOT Muslims but stormfaggets wannabes.

Trudeau has to pass laws to more severely punish acts of hatred.

Clearly Canadians are the most targeted group in Canada
>pic related

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>“It is disturbing to think an anti-Semitic hate crime takes place every 24 hours in our country,”

I agree, it should be happening much more frequently

>be surprised when former white majority countries show rising levels of antisemitism

They aren't surprised, they're doing this on purpose. They're making it seem like they're the victim so when it's time for them to flee a hollowed out West on the brink of a new dark age, they don't get followed to Israel and destroyed as would be just.

this ice cold mother fucker is better than daniel day lewis. what an act he's put on. the best part is his acting. he turned himself into a parody of canada itself, captain sweden style. he paraded their own idiocy in front of them, and the world, to become a subject of global laughter and scorn. he took it all and never broke character.
You honestly think Trump doesn't know this?
talk about the true master of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer, those two are thick as thieves.

Oh, I know it's deliberate but this time, we're living in the age of information. Even if we descend into a dark age, no doubt China and other countries have paid careful attention to the jewish question.

Im in Montréal and I dont know a single french speaking person thats sympathic towards Jews. Oh the other hand, (((anglos)))

That’s only because most Jews are anglos.

He isn’t wrong. We’re just like the US. A country of immigrants.

>Jews bribe country’s politicians to take in more mudslimes
>mudslimes target only Jews in hate crimes
>god’s chosen people

Oy vey

>implying we're not going after hajjis as well
On the other hand, hajjis are 3% of our population and yids are 1%, so if Canada truly is a land of equality and respect for diversity, we should work to triple those numbers on attacks against goatfuckers for the purposes of promoting equity among minorities.

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none of that is true those numbers are lies.
you have no idea whats been going on and what is about to happen to you and I could not be more pleased.
you have just been baited into proving my point for every user here to see. this is what they think is real. look at it. they think they are in control.

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I wonder how many of those hate crimes are graffiti
I wonder how many of those hate crimes turned out profitable
I wonder how many of those hate crimes had correctly drawn swastikas
I wonder how many of those hate crimes, especially in Montreal, were done by Canadians instead of the Quebecois

wish this was true but its just muslims
and to a larger degree...its probably not true at all.
>someone cut me off in traffic...ANTI SEMITE!!!

>none of that is true those numbers are lies.
I know at least a handful of them are real, and that's all I have to say about that.

1/10th of 1% of all crimes commited. wow big deal.
>spiked 60%
what like 8 instead of 5?

pfffft. no. they are not.
I've done data collection first hand for the department of commerce and know for a fact that the numbers that people get are totally fabricated for psychological effect, chosen specifically to have the most reassuring effect on society.
it is all made up. none of the numbers for our nations are real. 12% blacks here for the last 35 years? no. jews 2% of the population? no. 320 million people? no. billions in china and india? no. 7 billion on the planet, big nope.
these figures are to make you feel like you know what is going on, to give you a false sense of control. knowledge is power and we are to be powerless, to die in our beds.

2000 and 18 years since what?
our enslavement. the date is a reminder.

Good. The jews that live here are absolutely delusional subhuman israel firster trash. I can't wait until they start getting lynched.

You say this like its a bad thing.

So... what are the real numbers?

It's probably all the Muslims the government is bringing in.

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Shit load of good that's going to do them when the Muslims outbreed everyone and finally shoah the fuck out of the kikes.

>1 year its too much islamaphobia
>this year its too much anti-semitism
Also the irony that this news comes out during the start of Hanukkah. Hate crimes stats are bogus garbage that mean nothing, unless its people being beaten for a certain descriptor its not even remotely close to a so called "hate crime."

lol this fucking country. abolish the CBC

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It's not the leafs but their imported muslims.