Let's be honest, you're jealous

Let's be honest, you're jealous.

Attached: ChadCali.png (696x822, 158K)

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And yet Californians are leaving California in drones. Must be really great.

California is a gorgeous land infested with filthy communists that lack the self awareness to realize the corporate masters they are enslaved by live in luxury while they live in squalor.

You forgot the rampant homelessness, the increasing feudalism, the crab bucket mexicans, the shameless materialism etc

the fact that the chad is on the left is unsettling. this meme always looks backwards if chad is on the left.
> never has to go first, always knows he wins regardless


Attached: ChadCali2.png (687x822, 159K)

Chad's are supposed to be on the right aide of the paper. Virgins left. Fuck out of here. I see some intentions to put cali on the left side just because it is leftist. But please do the memes right.

California sucks thanks to Mexicans and Jews

>the virgin chad vs the chad virgin
chad always wins

California expat in Wisconsin right now, I only come back for holidays with the family. California was once a great state, but has become a techno-feudal society. Almost everyone speaks in terms of material and brands, and could not explain why they believe in anything. Enjoy drowning in Mexicans and fire and debt. Perhaps when you've been cleansed and the cities are hollowed shells of their former glory, we can reclaim our lost state, because its natural beauty is second to none.