How can we deceive the public and make them think it was a white man?

>How can we deceive the public and make them think it was a white man?

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>Utah man

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so much projection, why are white women like that?

The damage WE do?

I don't see any white people forcibly injecting drugs into this or other perps. It's typically not even the whites who are selling the drugs. But even if drug dealers were white, the onus is still not on whites to stop people from consuming drugs. Is this woman saying that blacks are so stupid that they can't make adult choices for themselves, such that a range of goods have to be taken away from them by responsible (read: white) people?

>"Why is this person so stu-"
>"Oh, nevermind."

It's just blind, ignorant hatred of whites that was caused by Jews and giving brainwashed and inherently hateful blacks a platform to amplify the anti-white rhetoric and hate.

It’s Utah. Living there makes people homicidal.

Read the twitter feed. They’ve convinced themselves it is a white man.