How do I stop caring about height?
Watch ANY Youtube video of randomly sampled women being asked about whether or not they would date short men, and the results are always unanimous. Friends have tried to convince me that the vast majority of women do not care, and that those videos are all edited in a way that is cherrypicked (what would the motive for that even be?). At this point, people usually tell me that I am denying advice, but what these people are doing is more or less trying to get me to deny reality. Women are just generally shallow about height in men. Is that so crazy to think? Anyways, it is making me discouraged from ever dating. It does not really help that I am babyfaced, either. I will probably never achieve my dreams and have a family at this point, because women being height queens is making me depressed and discouraged from wanting anything to do with them. I have had women tell me that the mere presence of short men makes them feel uncomfortable and unfeminine. Am I not even allowed to EXIST?
How do I stop caring about height?
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Don't be scared OP, there are plenty of women who you will find beautiful and will go out with you
I am convinced!
Women care about height in the same way that men care about weight (I understand one is controllable, the other isn't). Some people who can't afford to be choosy can overlook it, but most people if given the chance would always aim for someone who wasn't overweight/short.
Some women, generally shorter women but not always, don't care about height as much. However, the vast majority of women would probably list height as being one of the things they look for in a man. I'm sure you will get some women flocking to this thread to say their boyfriends or exes are short, but let's be honest, they're on Jow Forums, so chances are they're not high tier women anyway.
I know, anecdotally, of short men who have girlfriends, so as long as you have other positive aspects then you can usually find someone who likes you. If you're fat, poor and bitter, you're probably not going to meet anybody regardless of your height.
So yes, height is important to most women. Not to all though, so you just need to search for someone who doesn't care as much.
>search for someone who does not care as much
IMPLYING i have not been doing that. It is fucking discouraging. They may as well ALL care. I look like a fucking 16 year old, too. I have been cheated out of good experiences by genetics
If it makes you feel better I dated shorter men than me, and I'm 5'10, and I've seen couples where the woman is taller. Also a lot of girls don't care as long as the guy is her height/at least a bit shorter. It is a meme to think that every woman's top priority is that the guy is over 6 feet tall.
How tall are you exactly, OP? I know it's difficult but your attitude towards your height means a lot. People can tell if you're insecure and angry about it
My height is the last two digits of yor post. It is shameful. And, whenever girls come in these threads, it is always a short ex they dated; it is never their current bf. Was it too physically awkward to be with him?
Get buff date short girls, that is what all the short guy I know do.
I literally have to devote myself to becoming swole to get even a fraction of the attention tall men get. This is making me literally want to kill myself, and i am thinking about finally doing it today
Well then, your chances of meeting somebody are lower than the average person. Have you tried dropping your standards?
>I'm sure you will get some women flocking to this thread to say their boyfriends or exes are short, but let's be honest, they're on Jow Forums, so chances are they're not high tier women anyway
Chances are they're an ex for reasons unrelated to their height. They would have known the guys height before getting into a relationship with him, and you don't suddenly change your mind about something like this.
Yes, and that essentially requires me to date fat women, who i am not physically attracted to. This proves my point that being a manlet is the male equivalent of being an overweight woman, and there is nothing i can do to change that. And, keep in mind that i am also in possession of a babyface. I am in my early 20s and look FUCKING SIXTEEN. There is no reason not to commit suicide
>wah... it's not fair
t. 6'1"
You should be killed
My ex was the one who dumped me, I was crazy in love with him. Even if I were the one to dump him it would not be about as something as stupid as his height.
>they're on Jow Forums, so chances are they're not high tier women anyway
True. I'm attractive apparently but haven't got much else going on lol
How would that help you? Your literally biggest problem is that you are a whiner.
Women smell that from a mile a way (and a half).
You came in here and felt the need to remind me that you are genetically superior to me. Go fuck yourself, you piece of shit. I hope you die violently
you reasoning is retarded and let me explain why you are thinking wrong. women think of height as a ''status'' symbol, not as a PHYSICALLY attractive trait. If a woman won't be physically attracted to a 5'7 or 5'8 180 pound pure muscle guy, then this woman would be classified as mentally insane.
Whenever I see a short built guy, I often think he's overcompensating for being short. It's not that attractive as they just look like muscley kids. I guess I'm mentally insane.
It's also much more difficult for a tall guy to get built, so I have far more respect for a taller man with a muscley frame.
Not really, dude. A lot of women just feel unfeminine around manlets, regardless of how built they are
So, there is basically nothing us manlets can do to be attractive? If we don’t lift, we’re unattractive, and if we do, we’re just “overcompensating”? We literally cannot win. Women will judge us for everything no matter what
Little man syndrome, amirite?
T. 5'9" but I don't give a shit
Wow, 5’9” is SO short. Kill yourself
why is that a bad thing? you should stop listening to dumb roasties and take opinions from people who can think. IT: roasties can't think
If you're attractive, you have a decent career and you're a pleasant person to be around, women will be attracted to you.
If you're mad and bitter all the time, plus you're short, they probably won't be.
LOL why wouldn’t i listen to roasties on what they find attractive? I wouldn’t listen to them in any other circumstance
You sound like the kind of woman who sits on Jow Forums rather than spending time with her boyfriend.
>being interested In dating literal whores
the state of you
Will do little man
“wahhhh i’m a manlet at 5’9” wahhhh”
Shut the fuck up, bitch!
He's complaining that women won't find him attractive. This suggests he cares greatly about the opinion of roasties.
yes but he shouldn't be concerned about whores
If I'm helping you vent your anger I'm still helping
Reminder that the most attractive men with the most sexual partners are average to below average height. If you are 5'7" then you will literally slay pussy. The 6'3" guys are the awkward permavirgins.
Wow, what universe do you live in? I wish that I could just make up facts like that
>mere presence of short men makes them feel uncomfortable and unfeminine.
Lots of short pussies in the world today. I'm 5'7" and I got more pussy than most guys get their whole life while I was still in high school, and have done fine after that too. But I never really worried about being "short." In fact, I had plenty of tall girls coming on to me a lot
The difference between me and you is I was a bad boy, and I was pretty muscular. Girls don't care that much about the height if you've got attitude and reputation, and if you walk the walk, instead of just talking the talk.
Now I'm 64. That's right 64 motherfucker. And I can walk out the door and get laid today with one or two nice ladies whose acquaintance I've cultivated over the last couple of years. I can always do that. And I'm probably on 5'6 or so now.
Attitude is more than just being a tough guy. It's about being independent and determined. In short, unstoppable. Girls pick that up. People pick it up. If that's what you are, they know.
Stop obsessing over your height. Yeah, it would be nice to be taller, but hit the gym instead and make up for it.
Blacks were still segregated when you were in high school grampa
Women were less hypergamous and disgusting when you were a young man, and they didn’t have Tinder.
>I literally have to devote myself to becoming swole to get even a fraction of the attention tall men get. This is making me literally want to kill myself, and i am thinking about finally doing it today
Oh, it's you. The guy who posts about this just about every fucking day. You know what? Fuck off faggot. You've gotten plenty of good advice here before and you just keep whining and crying and wanting more sympathy.
Fuck you you insecure short fuck. Like I told you before, your problem isn't your height. It's your shitty personality and your bitchiness.
>Blacks were still segregated when you were in high school grampa
Actually they had just gotten integrated when I was in high school. We'd have a little riot with them every year just to remind each other how much we loved each other.
>Women were less hypergamous and disgusting when you were a young man, and they didn’t have Tinder.
OK, I'l give you that. Women were a lot better back then. I wish like hell there was some way you guys had women like back then, but those days are over.
But it was also a lot harder to get laid. Women didn't just put out for anybody anytime. They worried about their reputations back then. So if I could be getting laid pretty regularly back then at 5'7" then it really shouldn't be too hard for short young guys now.
Women nowadays don’t put out for “just anybody”. They put out for Chad.
>They put out for Chad.
Chad is 5'7", benches about 250, and takes no shit from anybody.
When they tell you you've got a Napolean complex, you'll know that you're putting off the right attitude for a short guy
Chad is six fucking feet. Stop lying. Where are you even getting this “chad is a manlet” meme from?
>Chad is six fucking feet. Stop lying. Where are you even getting this “chad is a manlet” meme from?
I was fucking Chad nigga. You could be Chad to if you wanted to.
Why are you lanklet virgins always so bitter?
I’m literally the OP, you faggot. And, I’m 5’6”.
I'm 5'7" and have fucked more girls than almost anyone on this board. Maybe not you grandpa.
Women base their entire perception of ME on one metric
i'm 6'1 and still a loser if it makes you feel better
You are literally a piece of shit because you choose to be. You could be fucking bitches left and right but you are so angry and desperate you chase everyone away.
I feel like part of the reason why it's so painful to be below average height is that it's the most obvious thing about you. You are able to estimate a person's height before anything else in a real-world encounter. People are flawed in other real and damaging ways that are genetic and virtually unchangeable, I firmly believe that. Personality predispositions and patterns of thinking or biological flaws. The difference is that these things aren't so obvious. I'm not below average height myself but I get the impression that it's like your most sensitive shortcoming (lol) is constantly on display and there are very few ways of hiding it.
This is not advice I suppose, more like a rambling thought.
First of all congrats on dubs second of all know the single fact that there are women who look past height or prefer shorter men. I am between 5ft 8in and 5ft 9in and I have had lots of girls show interest in me. Ultimately, it is how you present yourself. Be confident girls see that and it makes you seem bigger. Girls have told me that I appeared much taller than I actually am because I exude that confidence. If you walk around slouched and without purpose girls won't approach you. Don't be whiny just boost your confidence.
>be 170cm (5'7")
>fucked over 100 girls
Any questions?
You sound like you'd make for good trap material, OP. You should capitalize on your effeminate qualities and become a better woman than they could ever hope to be.
Go away Reiko.
>Women are just very shallow
Just find shorter than you woman. I've been with taller than me girls and they were very into me, but I don't dig it. Just look them straight in the eye when you talk to them even if you're looking slightly up, like another user said confidence. I ended it because I don't really dig girls taller than me, but it was cool because I learned I could pull it off.
>tfw 6'5 and ugly
would gladly trade away 8 inches to be average looking
Or you could wear high-heels and if anyone gives you shit for it, tell them that you're bravely defying gender roles. The liberal handmaiden cunts should come flocking to you and you can guilt-trip them into dishing out their tang, lest they be branded as anything less than progressive for not wanting to fornicate with a stunning/brave smasher of muh patriarchy.
Watch a YouTube video about random.sampled women asking if they'd date any specific one man and most would say no.
That's the part you're missing.