Be me

>be me
>only like women and femenine men
>go on a date with just a guy
>still like him even though hes not remotely femenine
the fuck is with me?

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Guess you’re more into mascs than you thought.

I think I care more about having a good meaningful relationship with someone than really anything physical
I could be wrong and maybe I'm just really gay


If woman, not knowing wtf you want is normal.

If man, haha faggot. Or not in that case.

Probably should have specified Im a guy

it's almost like personality and compatibility are more important than looks

plus i mean you could always ask him to get pretty for your birthday or something


You are a gay. Or not. So trannies are a good deal for you? If yes hit me up.

It is like you've figured out the secret of relationships. Don't pick based on your impression of what people should be, gender/class/education/body type etc and just select people irrespective of these factors who you are actually attracted to.

Of course you still have to have strong boundaries and be determined to walk away, you don't want to tolerate a toxic person just because of physical attraction.

My mother dated a woman and I was kind of confused by her reply. I didn't know she was gay, or bi. She said she preferred to ignore labels and focus on people who she found attractive and see what developed with those she wanted to be with. Nothing else mattered.

Of course, you might not want to bang a random person for the experience and then decide that you never would have had a relationship. You might prefer to have sex follow on from those who you'd naturally want a relationship with, but there is no reason why it has to be like this.

You're gay, but trying to fight it because social pressure. Starting off with "feminine" men made it more acceptable for you mentally, not as big of a jump so to speak

These are surely the end times if this is an unironic opinion

Yeah theyre okay

I guess so
I guess it feels nice to not care about labels anymore

I'm not saying that this is anything other than a position for an unattainable utopia or that this is the most desirable outcome, but I believe that plenty of people would be happier if they focused on what they are attracted to instead of what they think they should be attracted to.

No. Trannies are mentally ill people.

Theyre still people

so basically
>bisexual master race

Why does that matter?

I said mentally ill people. People are humans. Wtf is your point?

>chooses to go out with men

you are a horny faggot.

>the fuck is with me?
Your programming is failing. As a woman you're biologically designed to respond to masculine men. That can, and has, been overridden for most of your generation by social indoctrination and the sexual experience you've had which reinforces it. But at a deep cellular level you're still a woman and you still like real men. So the programming will still slip from time to time,though if you go back to carpet munching and faggy guys and stay with it long enough you may be able to override biology enough that it won't be a factor in the future.

Never mind faggot. You're just going through a phase to a deeper level of degeneracy. Carry on.

Well you said you were bi so should you really be asking that question? I'm really confused as to what you're trying to accomplish here.