Lmao isn't this a bitch move? did he actually accept Xi as superior to him?

lmao isn't this a bitch move? did he actually accept Xi as superior to him?

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What in the fuck are you talking about?

i mean first this and now that...?

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This is better than threatening to start throwing nukes over Twitter.

>Azerbaijani Khan retweeted
imagine my shock upon discovering that one of our resident Trump-haters is the Imran Khan worshiping paki

>our president

desu he'd probably get more homeland support if he did this

Every american secretly wants a nuclear war

Nevermind, I'm blind.

In that case I rather he be unpopular at home, desu.


doesn't compute

>nuclear war
No, that would be over instantly and we'd all die. Now an invasion of the mainland US on the other hand, that gives many of us throbbing erections.

Are you retarded? He's saying that America Russia and China are powerful countries and should work together for global disarmament, a noble cause if you ask me

>we'd all die
only city slickers

Literally the less retarded thing he's ever posted on twitter.

>Literally the less retarded thing he's ever posted on twitter.

but did he accept Xi as superior to him?

>defusing an arms race he himself started
He'll change his mind again next week

He's just trying to make America great again by letting China take Africa and Asia, Russia take Europe and middle east so that they can have both south and north Americas to themselves so that they can call themselves USA without having to question why they don't control the southern part or the central part at all


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just make a bunker in the middle of the mojave

>north dakota
Why are these literally who states getting so supernuked?

>did he actually accept Xi as superior to him?
how so?

military targets

by starting a war and now pretending like everything is normal and begging them to stop?

He didn't start a war you dumb paki, that tweet is about stopping an arm's race that could have terrible consequences for everyone

trade war* you actual literal braindead retard

as far as I know, that's were a lot of nuclear silos are

>Doesn't go full YEAH KILLEM on chinks and actually attempts diplomacy
>this means he's submitting to Xi

I see, thank you for the answers bros

this is further proof that trump is a putin agent


Politics and current events belong on Jow Forums

Well he's right. That might make the traditional jingoistic American conservatives angry though

holy FUCK you shills are retarded
is this literally the best david "kid cocks" brock can do?

This just in: Trump is a stupid cuck.

wtf Trump? why is he cucking out on us AGAIN?

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Kinda rare to see a /b/ thread get kicked to us. Where are all the tranny and gore pics?

we have and ways will outmatch china militarily.

Shills are more retarded than usual today.
Preventing an uncontrollable arms race is unambiguously a good thing for the economy and the world, and is in fact something that anti-war folks have talked about as a goal since the US and Russia started growing stockpiles of thousands of nukes, and you're still pretending to be unhappy just because it's Blumpf that's advocating it.

>President Xi and I, together with
wew lad, try harder next time.

It's a shill thread dude. D&C and all that jazz
Sage goes in the options field.

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