Why do American support tax cuts for the rich when they have a huge deficit?

Why do American support tax cuts for the rich when they have a huge deficit?

Especially poorer Americans. Why do the poor vote against their own interest?

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Show your flag, Turk.


The vital RIGHT to succeed.

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>tax increases help the poor


Socialism is not in the interest of the middle and working classes.

Tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires help the poor? How?

Apparently Republicans don't give a fuck about the deficit. They only care when Democrats are in power.

I called you a Turk, not Mohammed. Show your flag.

Why do leftists never understand basic economics and human nature?

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>taxes go to the political class
>most of it spent on middle men and then they use it to buy a missle


>rich people get tax cut
>that money filters out into the econemy giving poor person a job

The end

Half of Americans don’t even pay taxes.
Having higher than median corporate tax rates naturally drives business out of the country, which fucks everyone in said country over.
This isn’t complex economics.

>people actually believe in trickle down economics

kys dumb nigger

>>rich people get tax cut
>>that money filters out into the econemy giving poor person a job
the government can employ people too

You can declare a high tax rate but you cannot force people to pay that high rate. Set it too high and the rich will just leave, and they will take the businesses they built that made them rich. So then you'll be taxing 90% of $0.

Money is a proxy for resources.
Government doesn’t create resources.
When you tax a private company to fund a government job, you’re effectively forcing that private company to hire a person they don’t want or need.


>the government can employ people too
And where do you think the government gets the money to pay them?

True, my dad works for Amtrak, but even then it has to operate as a private-public hybrid.

Expecting a leftist to understand the laws of economics is like expecting a Congo pygmy to understand differential calculus.

That girl is some white man's little girl, and somehow she's happily hanging out with hood rats in tiny short shorts that show off most of her ass. 0% chance that this evening didn't end with her choking down on one black cock whilst the guy in the back was in her asshole.

Cuck father.


Chances are the last time her father laid eyes on her she was 6 months old.

They cannot generate income this the government just takes from the existing wealth base

Almost always, it's the daughter of a single mother. This is why Jews want families broken up, and the courts to give the mother everything.

>0% chance that this evening didn't end with her choking down on one black cock whilst the guy in the back was in her asshole.

At least im not alone in my fetish

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most american believe that one day that too will be rich and can reap the benefit of tax breaks

The tax breaks gave me an extra $5000 a year. I would rather flush that money than give in to funding degenerates.

The (((subversion))) affects intact families as well. But you're right, broken-up families makes it even easier.

Things Americans support:
>Tax cuts for the jews
>Dick cuts for the goys

Because I don't give a fuck how much someone else pays in taxes.

>implying the tax rate is or was anywhere near the inflection point

cause if you want to live a good life in an
evil kingdom, you must cause suffering.

Fuck off nigger

>>Dick cuts for the goys
Less of us are supporting that. Even the good goy liberals and cuckservatives are rejecting that shit.

Why do Americans have to pay taxes to support women's poor choice in men ?

Because the (((system))) likes it that way.