So to keep this short, I just found out my second child is going to be a girl.. I am honestly close to crying from anger. My wife was so happy today when she found out and I tried to pretend I was too, but she saw that something was wrong.
My question is, how do I make sure the baby is never born? At first I was thinking about telling my wife that I lost my job and we can't afford a child right now but it would be near impossible to keep something like that up. I am freaking out. What the fuck am I supposed to do?
Daughter Advice
Embrace it, idiot
KYS, win / win
Are you afraid she'll grow up into a thot?
What's wrong with having a girl?
Yes, I don't want to raise a little whore that will shit on everything I ever did for her. No man hears the words "it's a girl" with a smile on his face. Some people just learn to accept it better.
Maybe OP is a chink, I know they hate having baby girls in China.
Is your first child already a girl? othrwise I don't know why you would be so buttblasted
Nope, it's a boy. I don't want any girls.
She'll get a sex change in the future (if you live in America). Just only buy her boy toys and tell her teachers that she's gender nonconforming. Everyone will lick your asses and say that you're a 'progressive parent', and your daughter will find that she can't relate to other girls and she only shares hobbies with boys, and gradually will come to believe that she IS a boy.
Sad to say, unless you do something crappy like making gf fall down the stairs or slipping abortive stuff into her food to try and make her miscarry (ie. everything you’re not supposed to have while pregnant), then you’re shit out of luck if she wants the kid.
You should prep yourself and accept the kid, unless you’re willing to give up your son, wife and money to not have to participate in the girl’s life.
Damn... with that mindset, I would be surprised if you're daughter did become a whore
why marry and have children faggot?
now you have to deal with consequences.
man up and take care of her
We had this sort of thread a thousand times.
Just ignore it, because either he's a troll or just sick in the head and doesn't need attention
Why dont you just, like, raise your daughter well so she isn't a whore. Or do you think you're too incompetent for that? Or do you think all women are whores, in which case why did you have kids with whore wife?
This is bait I see this thread like once every three weeks
then fucking raise her to be better than that
a lot of women end up that way because they had deadbeat fathers
what you're afraid of is your lack of parenting skills
You sound like a horrible parent.
>raise it better than that
Not OP but raising kids is basically a game of RNG. Schools and the other children who interact with your kid daily influence how they wind up A LOT more than their parents ever could outside of the parents just being outright abusive in some way
Hey I remember this thread!
All women unironically are. At least in the years when they are attractive.
And I was a little bitch back then so now i'm stuck with my wife.
You can't raise a daughter right. They're too stupid to understand what you're telling them. Whether she'll be a whore or not is like flipping a coin.
Exactly. After puberty you pretty much have no influence over your child.
Yeah, I made it once before but mods deleted it.
This thread again. Fuck off back to Jow Forums you bitter virgin.
Want a timestamped pic of my cock in my wife's ass?
Just leave your family, you sound like an awful parent already
I'm a great parent, actually. I love my son.
So much projection, move theaters pale in comparison
Kids can sense things, you’re obviously not fit to be a parent to her and if you are your daughters gonna hate you, kys now faggot
I used to think like exactly you. I had a son (he's 12 now) and then a daughter (she's 6)
A daughter changes life in ways you can't imagine, and all for the better. You may love your son and probably always will, but the first time you cradle your daughter will be a feeling you've never experienced before.
A son is great to do fun stuff with, and watch as he starts doing and creating things you can feel proud of.
A daughter is inspiration to sort your life out. Mine has already saved me from doing stupid shit more than once, simply by being around.
Of course she will whore around when she's a teenager. Think your son won't ?
She could also become the next astronaut, Nobel-winning physicist, or Suprmee Court judge. Someone's daughters already did.
Stay till she's 2 years old. If you still feel the same way after, just walk out. One should either be a good parent, or leave.
My 2 cents.
Kys you piece of shit
actually that's be pretty neat
do it