Bullying an old grandpa

>Bullying an old grandpa
Why do they do this Jow Forums?

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There is no such thing as enough blood for a progressive

I hate this country
Death to America

Why aren't they doing this to Soros?

They didn't deport the actual Nazis who came in operation paperclip

What's with the weird social norm that implies old people are all cute and innocent?

Hes harmless now

They are wise and have many things to teach.
Well grandfathers that lived in earlier decades, now they are just lazy boomers who don’t know shit. But they still are wise in 2nd and 3rd world countries because fuck technology.


Doesn't the US have a statute of limitations?

Over here old crimes are written off.
Minor crimes like economic stuff take 10-15 years, big time crime like murder is written off after like 25 years.

Maybe it's wrong but how can you even go after someone for what he did 30 years ago? It's hard to even prove it

Just the ZoG reminding us "who runs this shit". It's more of a terrorist threat than "justice".

what a faggot

because he's jewish.

We do.

Oy vey we got anudah one, shoah averted

You mean a Zionist. No liberal in their right mind thinks we should be doing this. These men were all between the ages of 14 and 23 when they were part of the Nazi war machine. They didn't have any real choice in the matter, they were born into it.

That isn't good enough for the Zionists though.

>Doesn't the US have a statute of limitations?
Only for some people/crimes. We also have to #believewomen, #neverforgetthe6gorillion and #justice4traybone

Nobody really gives a fuck about his past crimes. This is only done to serve as a reminder that there are still Nazis alive to this day and that WWII was not quite as long ago as it seems.

Both the United States and Russia took hundreds of thousands of actual Nazis. With project paper-clip, the U.S. went to the Moon - all thanks to Nazis.

It's just propaganda. Nothing more. And isn't George Soros an admitted Nazi collaborator? Why isn't he being arrested?


this man fought against ZOG under the Great One


what does that even mean

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Because money has no morality.

But Jow Forums said the holocaust is fake. They wouldnt deport people over fake information

Fuck him I hope he gets killed.

bullshit. they'll be finding more for hundreds of years to come. anyway i thought world war 2 was over, so why are we still on high alert from a threat that hasn't existed since the 1940s?

You're a smart atheist, right? There's no proof of God and no proof of the Holocaust. All we have are dead bodies of people who died in camps from starvation and disease. There is no proof that the "final plan" was ever executed.

oh god I thought that was varg for a second

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>No liberal in their right mind thinks we should be doing this.
i don't know, i wouldn't underestimate your average liberals willingness to adopt the opinions given to them on the talking box.

Find the ones who did this thing to that poor old man. Cmon look at him he barely can move... Where are they deporting him???

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Then why is he being deported if there is no "proof"?

Not for war crimes.


I hope you get raped and then killed by niggers.

That sounds hot.

Go back begging in the subway with your gypsie family

fucking hell

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I am not a gypsy so I dont have to beg.

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Why do people believe in God if there is no proof?

>Why do they do this Jow Forums?
Jews are soulless creatures and want total revenge, on the people, country and descendants of those who tried to go against them.

You can guarantee every liberal thinks this old man getting arrested and put in jail for the rest of his life is a good thing based on nothing but what the (((media))) claims about him.

Nobody was allowed to investigate the alleged holocaust until the iron curtain fell. All the information we had up until the '90s came from the Russians. Do you think maybe the Russians may have wanted to make the Germans look bad?

When we did finally investigate the holocaust it was revealed that not nearly as many people had died. Soon after, the EU banned investigations into the Holocaust. It's literally illegal to even question the Holocaust. If it happened, why can't anybody provide proof, and why can't it be investigated?

nazi's and zombies are the only thing that we are allowed to hate.
everything else is off the table.
it doesn't matter that ww2 was 80 fucking years ago

>It's literally illegal to even question the Holocaust.
this is the biggest thing for me. laws to stop the conspiratards

Well, technically it's ok to hate racists, but only if they're white.

dude shouldve went out in a hail of lead

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oh, okay i'll give you that
but don't hate fucking niggers, wet backs, kikes, muslims, fags, ....

Have you not seen the rash of loving reformed zombie movies lately? Its a push towards necrophilia.

>on Wednesday federal officials announced they would begin proceedings to deport Mr. Palij (pronounced PAH-lee), ''based on his participation in the persecution of Jewish civilians.''

>The officials, from the federal Justice Department, say Mr. Palij, 80, worked at the notorious Treblinka death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland during 1943, when some 6,000 Jews were killed and buried in pits. They say he also worked at the nearby Trawinki training camps for secret service troops trained to carry out the extermination of Polish Jews.

>Eli M. Rosenbaum, director of a special investigation unit for the Justice Department, called Mr. Palij ''an essential component in the machinery of annihilation'' at the camps.
>''He took part in the persecution of Jewish inmates at Treblinka and ensured that they could not escape, and the end result was that as many as 7,000 people were individually massacred,'' Mr. Rosenbaum said.

>Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which helps bring former Nazi war criminals to justice, dismissed Mr. Palij's denials.
>''Every time they find a guard like this, he says he was forced into service,'' he said. ''To work at those camps, you had to be eager to be there. They only took people they knew were loyal and brutal and not sympathetic to pleas of the inmates.

somebody set him up the jew

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>do what you must
>I have already won


i am selective in my viewing.
also, don't be hatin' on the zombie tv show because every couple is interracial or fag and the only ones with power are the bitches

basically anyone who was not actively fighting the nazis

once the last remnant of the past is erased the world will be perfect

if i a not mistaken, not every german soldier was nazi or ss. most were just kraut soldiers

>defending actual nazis

Im not talking about walking dead, that shit is retarded, is rick still aiming at the ground and scoring head shots? There have been several movies in the last few years about zombies "getting thier humanity back" and getting with white women.

There no statute of limitations on murder, and there shouldn't be. If you can still prove it, that is.
This guy did nothing wrong though, except be on the losing side.

He was a collaborator. The United States and Russia took hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Nazis collaborators and actual Nazis after the war.

>Our space program was built by Nazis. Then there's the Japanese. Should we start arresting Japanese collaborators as well, or only the white ones?

>defending communists

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what about fucking kikes working as kapo's in camps?

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never happened goy

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And all the scientiats

Meanwhile real criminals illegals who are commiting crimes now don't get deported because das raysis

This cant be real

but it can, AND IT IS!

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>as many as 7000
Wew there
How is it that these so-called investigating and orchestrated by jews alone. No bias there, right?

This is a bunch of moralist nonsense. I have relatives who lived in Nazi prison camps and later came to know several Nazis. Many of them went into esteemed positions in American government and business. And it was ignored and/or overlooked.

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After all, why would you waste good German talent.

I hope they torture this piece of shit and let him rot. Even that wouldn't be enough justice for what the he did to Jewish people.

books.google.pl/books?id=RI0MCgAAQBAJ&pg=PT45&lpg=PT45&dq=Moshe Nachtinger fresh wounds&source=bl&ots=w5mcUmOKWv&sig=eETaROL3nNGSWKTGkk9G5V-rb9o&hl=pl&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjoxr3SuITfAhXKKlAKHRzxDwcQ6AEwAnoECAUQAQ#v=onepage&q=Moshe Nachtinger fresh wounds&f=false

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>Islam pls gas me

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>this city must be purged

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A Google result that makes sense.

should've circled the whip on the desk desu


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Not sure how many people pick up on this but the number of murders they’re charging these old pensioners with kind of gives the game up IMO.

Like Hans gets charged with a death for every Jew who died at a camp in 1943 and 1944, but that number is like 20,000. So now do you go from that number in one of the prominent camps over a significant chunk of the war to the 6 gorillion?

This happened in America? what?

IT'S PATHETIC. These old farts were kids back then, they didn't anything about anything. I can't believe they are still at this.

No statue of limitations on upsetting the merchants

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It’s hugely redpiling that without fail the serious one in a billion geniuses all were particarly unfriendly to the merchants guild

Seriously fuck this kiked country.

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go back to /ptg/ faggot

Are you high? You sound high.

To Tyron's cell to be culturally enriched.

>Mr. Palij, 80, worked at the notorious Treblinka death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland during 1943,
>80 years old = born in 1938

So he was working there when he was 5 years old?

leave that old man alone REEEEEEEEEE

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the article is from 2003