Don't do it

Attached: FB_IMG_1543864289492.jpg (720x926, 57K)

paramedics are mvp's

wrong board
we dont suicide
we kill niggers and jews

My older brother shot himself in the head with a 12 gauge shotgun when he was 20 (I was 9). He left a note on a paper plate on the kitchen table, my mom found in while we were getting ready for school on Halloween day. Most fucked up day of my life.

based and rebelpilled

Damn, wasn't ready for those feels.

What about the unfortunate children of single mothers? Those dykes don't care about anyone or anything.
Sorry about you though, guy.

Sorry to hear that user. Did your family ever recover and lead a "normal" life?

It sucks even worse in reverse too. My dad shot himself in the head when I was 4 and I still have nightmares about it.

>papas here, buddy, papas here
ugh, I'm ruined for the day. Funny how 5 words can rekt ya, but watching hours of liveleak and I don't feel anything.