Western countries never had child labor, only India! We must help India and their 1.4 billion population! Fuck South Africans, fuck Slavs! Save India! BROWN PEOPLE YES!
Swedish SJW asks entire internet to donate to India
I knew pewdipi is a cuck faggot all nordcucks have the need to suck black dick but dont worry fellow europeans we slavs will kill the men and liberate their women and make them superiour slav so they dont have to suffer with their cuck husbands.
based slav god-warrior
Hes only trying to avoid negative press and turn the animosity hes generating against India around.
Literally just insurance. He knows how the media work, and the old meme of your fanbase somehow giving you a bad name.
Media can't blame him for anything now.
Kek based nazi pewdiepie sucking indian cock baseeeed
As soon as India is more economically and technologically advanced they will stop shitting out so many kids.
So shut the fuck up, this is a good thing.
great people of india youtube.com
He litteraly even supports faggots on his chanell and now sucking poo cock how in the fuck will this redpill the new generation? It wont it will make them into fucking faggots.
it's called a tax write off. he can claim every cent raised on his taxes.
zoomers are literally storming social media spamming 3rd reich rhetorics due to this beef. It's kind of obvious he wants to redirect the energy since it's all in good fun.
Truly Aryan
Didn’t expect anything else from a cuck that sleeps with a shitalian ogre
t. landlocked serb subhuman
Serbcuck is jealous, what is new
Take your flag off jew nigger
western countries dont have child labor though
Lol, as if India didn't generate animosity towards themselves on their own by being arrogant streetshitters
good taste
>When a turk rape baby brags about being alpha
Lmaoing at yur lyfe koskal baba
Superpower 2020, am I right?
Take your meme flag off and then you can inslut oh wait you are albanian nigger who you calling turkish rapebaby you faggot gyps nigger turk
If you can't become an economically advanced country with a labor force of 1.4 billion then you deserve to be eradicated.
Go fuck yourself
Jelaous of what jelaous that my country is not filled with faggots like the west?
>and liberate their women
faggot, we slavs are better then this. kys.
They did and they fixed that shit themselves
>Falling for obvious bait
To defense of the English people porn “taste”, England is only 75% White
This. pathetic roach probably blasts gypsy turbofolk as we speak
His complaint is 1 in 10 children in India (in mostly rural communities) are child laborers.
>implying farmers in rural communities in the West don't make their children work
Slavs need to rape to save white men from degenerate cuckholdry to preserve the white race. I need to rethink history now.
so you admit 70% of your country is filled with faggots? And then you insult me kek
Britain is sure pozzed, but 100% of your country is filled with racially mixed subhumans
Serb = cucked sandnigger with inferiority complex
yeah go shit in streets you are foolling no one poo nigger
>posting gypsies
Thats like if i posted every black nigger in your country and assumed you all looked like that.Which you do kek
fucking SJW dont even know the history or plight of their own people
Go fuck yourself Felix
>cucked sandnigger
Even if we were sand nigers like you claim we wouldnt be cucked when faggot is used as an insult and you can have a knife and live normally without police asking you for loisence all the time.And i wont go to jail for insulting somebody over the internet like you will britcuck kek.
I could literally post hundreds of pictures like this of European child laborers. It wasn't just the Irish.
Hes literally begging for Jow Forums to expose the organization C.R.Y. as libtards and marxists squandering money on vacations and feels and corropted kikes running it
>As soon as
Do you know how I know you are a Pajeet just reading that?
This gut=y has always been an asshole, an attention seeking wanker.
Remember e-celebs are nothing. Their opinions are irrelevant.
Ignore this asshole.
This is your based fuckin swede:
>Young swedes are arseholes for being racist
>"It's easy to blame immigrants"
>Native swedes are doing the raping
Fuck you celeb-suckers.
Thank you pewds, very cool.
>They did
yeah but they don't now. can't donate towards child labourers that don't exist can you
Irrelevant, immature, insecure, attention-whore.
What a joke
Cuckdiepie was always a camwhore that will do anything for money, even cater to the edgier parts of the internet for clicks.
most of subs on YT are bots
Precisely, and it saddens me that so many shill this cunt here. FFS, it is obvious what he is..
Kek so basedd
he just pointed out how they still use child labor today... he is calling them poor and third world slavers.
Eh he still introduced a fuck ton of people to nationalism with his Mishima video. This seems like he’s trying to ensure that he doesn’t get backlash from being “racist against Indians”.
Indians are caucasoid and fight Pakistan, and are therefore based
Of course they can still blame him for things. You're assuming that the media is still even remotely moral or honest. All they have to do is not mention the new video at all, and poof, it no longer exists. At least as far as their target audiences know it doesn't exist. The only people who would know it exists are the people who watch his content.
>ensure that he doesn’t get backlash
His primary concern is "subscribers" the "substance" of his videos matters not.
A true e-celeb.
Its time to turn off you-tube. Ignore these idiots
>Even if we were sand nigers
>Even if
This. Eceleb fanboys should be sterilised
Anons want to believe, because it's a sad world where poorfags like them risk everything to save the west, while the ones that have enough money and fame, do nothing but exploit the risktakers to sell himself as more edgy.
Sounds like he’s joking desu
>most immigrant rapists are from Norway
>low IQ meme flag doesn't understand pewdiepie is literally setting himself up for life with this move
>73 mil subs
>3-5 mil views on a video
sub count is clear bullshit
If he was truly based he wouldn't use his platform for self serving needs and worrying about losing subs over that. He obviously doesn't care for the white race, he lives in comfort and still has no white children. Many normie whites couldn't give a fuck about the future him included.
Consider the rope, faggot.
Because it would piss off his brown and blue pilled white fans to tell the truth, that it's brown people that do the raping?
Not commenting on your own peoples genocide, because you want more fame and fortune when you already have enough, is illustrative of modern Swedes, but it's still sad to witness.
pewds should leave youtube and have his own site. fuck google
I saw this and voiced my protest in the comments. There's a fucking billion of them, the last thing we need to do is feed these fucking subhumans
>Many normie whites couldn't give a fuck about the future him included.
Yeah. But shilling for a rich manchild because you pretend he is secretly based, is pretty pathetic.
>voiced my protest in the comments.
He comments on YouTube videos.
how do we get him banned?
Someone estimated his networth at 20 million and he said he made more than that in a year. He's set for life.
Yep. This board needs to wake up, grow up and reject totally, motherfuckers like this guy
When subscribers no longer get notifications whenever the people they are subscribed to it makes sense that the number means nothing now. Youtube is such a piece of shit platform now with all of the autistic design changes that I'm waiting for the day one of the many other video platforms actually develops enough of a presence of content to be a legitimate competitor to Youtube.
It's all so tiresome
YT will not last forever.
One day Pewdiepie will just and old hasbeen, and it may be sooner than you think.
Can't play stupid forever...or can he?
Thank you mr SlavChad
Yes the definition of cucking.
this is really disgusting. cant believe some cuck fall for this trap. if he really cared about child labour he definitely help mexico or Philippines or bangladesh etc. he does not care about childern but making india and child labour synonymous to gain sympathy. what a piece of shit.
Tact and PR isn’t cucking. Is Spencer a cuck for saying violence won’t be necessary for the ethnostate?
He just tweeted:
Let him know how you feel about sending aid to India
He's been doing a lot of work getting other business avenues kicked off, so I think he is well aware of what is coming in time. He's done a lot better than other Youtubers in regards to having a dedicated fan base and externalized community that he can continue working with to create revenue for himself. He's also apparently done a bunch of investing, so he really isn't that bad off in terms of financial management or generalized success.
I've always hoped he would organize a move to another platform, just because there absolutely needs to be another platform. He regularly gets millions of views and has a community that would follow him pretty much anywhere due to them having already followed him to other external communities. That's an invaluable asset and if he cultivates it then he can really maintain a level of success that others won't even come close to.
Spencer is a fucking cuck because he is a Glownigger assett.
Turns out {{{C.R.Y.}}}. is is just using the word children to collect bucks and is another kosher organization enforcing foremostly (((feminist))) agendas, pushing girls into male roles and jobs, promotes gender quotas, spends the money on "women empowerment" and is on a watchlist for femcommie organizations
he's literally worth probably 50 million at minimum, he'll never have to work again. don't forget he had a contract with Disney at one point.
>shining a light on child workers is a bad idea
Reminder that Indias economy would collapse overnight if child labour was stopped
haha what a joke.t
His net worth is a lot more modest than that by his own admission. He hasn't ever dropped his full net worth, but the way he speaks makes it sound like he's worth something in the 6-24 million range. Quite a huge range and even the bottom mark should be plenty to set him and his wife/future kids up for life, but the fact that he's actually doing something with the money means he has the mentality to keep his worth up rather than pissing it away like most Youtubers that became rich.
Why are you pretending that the Western world and its companies aren't in the same boat? What do you think if every country that does child labor would stop? Countless big companies would go under.
Capitalism has grown this big largely due to child labor.
Maybe. I still like his ideas, he’s not dumb. Is there anyone or any group that you DONT think is a glow in the dark? I’ve even heard people say that about David Duke and Taylor.
Considering he made over 15million this year (forbes.com
And then you add in all the other ventures like soponsorships and merch
There's nothing inherently wrong with child labor and if the western world wouldn't regulate it so harshly then conditions for child laborers across the world would improve in the same ways conditions for non-child laborers has improved across the world as competition by resource owners over scarce labor drives the selling price of labor up across the board.
If the west didn't outlaw child labor for the most part then neither China nor India would ever have a chance of coming close to us. By this point conditions in the west for child workers would be astounding just as conditions for adult workers have become and we'd still have a lower labor sale point than the low-trust shithole market that China has cultivated.
I mean if someone rates the companies ability to make profit for its rich owners over the well-being of children and poor people by all means. I sure as hell don't want to live in such country.
Child labour in India is mostly parents using their children as farm equipment.
Industrial child labour happens but since there is regulation against it, it doesn't happen on a very large scale.
>All earnings estimates are from June 1, 2017, through June 1, 2018. Figures are pretax; fees for agents, managers and lawyers are not deducted. Earnings estimates are based on data from Captiv8, SocialBlade and Pollstar, as well as interviews with industry insiders.
These are speculated earnings, not official. There's also no confidence interval provided so this coudln't even be used for rudimentary financial analysis.
What makes you think working is bad for either children or the poor? We send kids to indoctrination camps now under the guise of State mandated education. It has been shown empirically that people learn more useful information about how to work in the fields they go into in a 2 week training course than they do in the whole 12 years of USA State indoctrination. If you want people who can more easily access the labor market so that they can actualize themselves financially and become the people they want to be, then they should be learning through experience and application rather than sitting in boxes for the majority of their formative years.
>parents using their children as farm equipment.
isn't it helping family business? i also help but that does not mean i am labour
>Industrial child labour
it is very very low.
WTF is it with Europeans feeling they have to sacrifice to solve every other nations problems.
How about solving your own problems. EU falling apart, Paris burning, a black tide of immigrants.
Europe solve your own problems.
>mostly parents using their children as farm equipment
literally everyone does this
t. Donates to Israel
There's nothing wrong with having children help out on a farm just as there's nothing wrong having children help out around the house. I don't think it's good for those children in countries that don't ban child labor that competition is reduced, so it saddens me to hear that India does indeed have regulations against child industrial labor. That is going to keep the kids in China and the other asian shitholes suffering horrible conditions without hope of their market share and thus personal burdens being lifted through osmotic market practice distribution.
Well I'm sure on an economic scale you'd want to consider that as tangible labor. Anything that produces value for an enterprise through human effort is considered labor for the sake of economic calculations and superior accuracy of projections.