
Not gonna lie, I don't know how to start serious post's, I joke about shit so often, I can't be serious about my problems, I'm just gonna start by saying I'm an 18 year old user with a shit ton of mental health problems (Schizo-effective, depression, severe social anxiety, literal fucking aspergers and some other shit I can't be fucked to write down)was raped by my dads girlfriend when I was younger (He didn't know until I told him but by then it was too late) next to no empathy and genunly find it hard to feel emotion and for the past 3 years I've wanted to kill myself but I carried on telling myself that shit will get better but it never does and I'm close to my breaking point, I have no friends to talk to purely because they don't care and I never talk to anyone anyway and I quit therapy because they did next to nothing for me.

Is there anyone I can talk to?

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Go get help if you feel like dying. Killing your self won’t do you any good anyways. But you seem like the type of person full of interesting stories. I don’t like being the person to tell what to do but it’s your life so you should enjoy it instead of wasting it.

I have nowhere to go for help and I have no way of enjoying life, I don't find anything fun anymore.

>genuinely find it hard to feel emotion
>I've wanted to kill myself
Why does a person who lacks the ability to feel emotions want to kill himself?

user what do you think it means to be happy?

I genuinly don't know.

Do your parents know about this and how you are feeling?

What are your hobbies?

My dad knows about it, kind of, because I've been on suicide watch for about a year and a half and my mum's dead, I used to like games but I don't find them fun anymore.

The conclusion I've come to is that happiness is a state of mind, it's when what you desire is how things are, the lesser the gap between what you want things to be like and what they are like, the happier you are.

There's not many groups of people that I can think of who are truly happy but I believe we all once were happy, that was when we were children. When all we wanted were simple things, basic needs such as; food, warmth, shelter and love. The way to achieve happiness is to deny yourself of your desires and to be content with what you can have rather than what you can't have.

There are two infinite abysses, one above you and one below you, the one above is what you can have and the one below is what you cannot, as you grow older the ones you can have start to fall into the one below, what you can't have. If you spend all your time looking down and desiring the things you can't have, you'll miss the things you can and do have.

Find happiness in love user, that's why we're here, God bless.

Have you tried picking up some new hobbies? Video games isn't much of a hobby to begin with. It's more of a time occupation like TV or reading the newspaper.

What is a day in the life of you like? If I had zero things to do I would go crazy myself. So I occupy myself with various hobbies.

Do you have any interests?

Well, if nothing else you're very much not alone. I've had no luck with counseling/drugs myself and have constant dreams of suicide.

I dedicate my spare time to trying to find an answer for what seems to be our problem. Check out and the experiments on mice with free access to dopamine.

Take it all with a grain of salt of course, as it could all just be confirmation bias.

If nothing else, it can't get better unless you try. That is the bottom line.

I can't find happiness in anything to be honest, I've always been fine with what I have, I've always been quite easy to please but I'm not really "fine" with anything anymore.

I've tried new hobbies but can never pick any up, I'm obsessed with tech, I used to like building up my PC but I lost my love for that and I used to be able to code but lost that about two years ago.

Maybe being obsessed with tech is one of your problems. The internet is generically depressing.

What new things have you tried and why did you not succeed in keeping an interest in them?

I've tried pretty much everything, football, swimming, writing, I think it's a part of my Aspergers because when I was diagnosed I was told that having obsessions (savant syndrome) is a part of it but that stops me having other interests I think.

Have you tried love user, it's a pretty amazing thing if you think about it, everyone on earth is here because of it, love is suffering for someone else's benefit, you're mother went through tremendous birth pangs to bear you, that's love. The universe was created through love too because energy cannot be created or destroyed, energy can only be transferred, given, meaning all matter and space are created through love.

I recommend trying it, giving a homeless man who doesn't have a coat your coat on a rainy day, volunteering at a homeless shelter, volunteering at an orphanage, anything really that involves sacrificing something for another's benefit, perhaps it's the only basic need you don't have met, love.

>pretty much everything
That's clearly a hyperbole. You need to get out there and try something new. Try following the advice of people like or others. You are 18 years old, your life hasn't even started. I only actually felt like I was living when I hit 20.

I genuinly don't care about helping people, I used to give food to the local homeless but never felt anything about it, I only did it because I thought it would make me feel good but it never did.

I felt the same way. I got a lot more out of getting drunk and commiserating with them, but that probably isn't a good idea in the western world honestly.

It's not supposed to make you feel good. It's about doing something that actually means something to someone else.

You seem to "not genuinely care" about anything probably because you have not discovered a reason to care. You don't magically care about everything. It's mostly up to you what you care about and whether or not something is meaningful.

Everyone is an empty husk of a person until they start filling themselves with events, actions, and people that they meet along the way. Basically you are a malleable piece of clay right up until you are at least 25, then things start solidifying and your life takes on some grander meaning through whatever philosophy of life you have picked.

I think if you are at this point you can risk everything to give it one last try. If you can say you tried then you can go knowing you did your best.

Life is unfair and it's okay to not make it all the way through, I believe we come back in a next life so if you do you best now you'll be happier in the next.

Well, you need a reason to care about them for it to feel good. The reason I have is that it's what God wants me to do.

That's the hope.

I don't believe in god or anything like that, I'm not gonna be an annoying cunt about it, those are just my views.

I want to thank everyone for trying to help but I've made my decision, Goodbye and thanks for trying.

That's fine, I won't go too much into it as you probably don't want to. God is simply energy, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, is everywhere, a part of everything and has power over all things (is omnipresent) and without energy, nothing exists. You can believe in evolution and whatever else, none of them denies energy.

Also, another interesting thing, the earth (or at least our solar system) is the centre of the universe, scientists called it 'The Axis of Evil'.

what is your method and place?
also did you write a will?

hey man, if you're reading this hmu, i do care

I have just woken up, I can't even kill myself properly, I'm such a fucking idiot.

Do you want to talk over discord? Things got a lot better for me, and I hope that I can help you

Not being able to enjoy things is a common symptom of depression, and trying things wont help you - you need help. I dont know you, but I used to feel a similar way when I was depressed. I felt disconnected to everything and I could not enjoy anything. What did your dad do about the assault when he found out?

He went apee shit and rung the police, the police in my area are useless so fuck all happened to her and my dads head was fucked for a couple years.

I could talk over Discord if thats OK.

My discord is Meowzart5469

Whats your hashtag?

Ignore that, I'm a fucking idiot.

Not feeling anything is really boring. It's like you're empty and got nothing

You hit it on the head dude.

Suicide is not a bad thing. People always go "hurr durr don't kill yourself" I think suicide is fine, there is nothing wrong with it. I have seriously thought about suicide, and knowing that I have nothing to lose now that I'm ready to die. I that I am "dead" how should I spend the rest of my life. Maybe become a lunatic and kill people for fun? nah, that would be pointless. My philosophy is that there are two ways to live life
>Batman: you live and fight intensely for a single cause that you religiously believe in.
>Joker: you become a harmonious troll who won't care and do whatever you wants no matter how ridiculous.

when u stop feeling, dying and living become the same
but living requires you to do shit like work

Thank you.

>>Batman: you live and fight intensely for a single cause that you religiously believe in.
>>Joker: you become a harmonious troll who won't care and do whatever you wants no matter how ridiculous.

Yeah, well you've obviously done a lot of deep study and thinking on the subject.