The reason why France is the only Western country to rebel

France is probably the only major Western nation which has entirely rejected the English language. The most subversive propaganda originates by way of the UK and America. They are excellent at misdirecting, dumbing-down, and shifting blame. If you notice, the countries which have adopted the English language are the worst off. Just look at Sweden or Germany for example, they are close second to US, UK, Canada, and Australia. I cannot even tell the difference between a Swede or an American anymore, they are even more Americanized than Americans. Therefore, France is isolated. Their culture and ideas are more (but not entirely) isolated from external influence. I think we can all agree, propaganda is so extreme in the West, even on this board, that everything has been turned on its side - left is right, and up is down. France's exposure has been minimized due to its rejection of the (((English))) language.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>x is why

no, it is because France is the go-getter of eurospring

other nations will follow, contribute to the idea of the thing itself all your high energy

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I think you are correct. It's not like they are in the dark. They just have the attitude of revolution ingrained in their history. But then again, who knows. It's all speculation at this point. Hindsight after the fact years from now will give a better view. If this even turns into anything. Which we all hope it does.

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interesting theory desu

it's the message to the westerners not to fuck with (them))) voting right parties

>France is probably the only major Western nation which has entirely rejected the English language.
fucking what, french and english have one of the most incestuous language relationships there are

There's no rebellion going on. Name one (1) thing so called rebels archivied. It's just chimps chimping out together other chimps.

Op Counts the number of French revolutions and makes an excuse for why they happen. It's in the French people's blood to chimp out. Good for them.

All Germanic languages are the same brainlet
Protogerman/Latin and in some cases there is some Celtic on the mix as well

>A riot about fuel taxes is now equated to a rebellion overthrowing the government

the literaly state of Jow Forums as soon as fuel tax is reduced everyone will go home, all the niggers and Algerians will be happy again that they can fill up their BMW for the month.

You have a point son.

In my opinion, the only thing I hope they achieve is setting Europe ABLAZE.

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Of course it will. Europe will be embroiled in civil war within the next 10 years.

>All Germanic languages are the same brainlet
french isn't germanic its romance idiot.
what I meant was that english was heavily influenced by french after the normans, like 30% of the language is french. french then took in a lot of english once the industrial revolution happened. the languages have A LOT of common ground between them

wrong,it's because they do it every couple of years but this time shills are hyping this shit up for nothing

Don't try to cheer me up.

better than the literal archaic hieroglyphs gayreek shitskins still use

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I like how Rooskies and NatSocs get a little traction with they're PsyOps and subversion and they think the entire Western System is going to collapse. LOL!
NATO and UN are FOREVER. Get over it already, Boris!

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Same why Quebec is most base Canadien providence

>civil war
So if you start a war with HUNgarians, do you consider it a civil war?
Idiot the Roman alphabet comes directly from the Greek one, do you even know what hieroglyphs are? Fucking roach


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not really just look at Italy and Austria people are tired of globalism and leftism i give EU 5-10 years max the nationalism will be only on rise this is only the begining imagine how it will looks like at the peak

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You better hope you're wrong.

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It’s true
Started out as a mix of German and Latinized Celt, some Viking influx, then since the Norman conquest of 1066, all English nobility was french speaking until roughly the war of the roses.

Usually the protesters are commie and union faggots, mostly bourgeois parisians, that's why people don't care.

But this time, people are coming from everywhere, from every classes (and mostly working class) and essentially white people. These people don't have anything to loose, they already lost everything.

+ firemen
+ hospitals/ambulances
+ some policemen
+ others

This demonstration is something truly new, that's why french people are 75%+ to support the movement and that's why the french government is freezing : because they don't know what the fuck to do.

I understand what you're saying and it's probably true or you're completely wrong, either way it's late right now and you're probably tired, you did your bit and probably deserve a rest.

>alpha beta
>literally Greek letters
Aleph jew detected

france likes to revolt. they have attempted and succeeded in recent history. this is fresh in their culture and they like symbols of solidarity in their revolts, the yellow jacket thing reminds me of mobs in french history wearing identifying markers like scarves or hats.

French "people" have Barbarian AI, instead of merchants like us.

Your country should know all about rebellions that are started from taxation.

user I'm pretty sure at this point it's just anti government protesting in general, the fuel tax just being the straw that broke the camels back

Le Pen’s sixth republic when?

it looks like a soros-like colored revolution

>American myths
Mutt education
Pay for your own French and Indian wars.

Anglos are niggers desu

Hail france! Viva la fuckin revolution!

The gilet jaune is a master trick honestly. It's like a freaking uniform, and you instantly know who's with you and who's not.

When in demonstration, it really feels good because you feel part of a masse and really an awesome feeling of unity.

+ there's no mud at all in protests in not-major cities, it's incredible you are in a full white demonstration with fucking uniforms.

Honestly best feelings I had in a long time

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Like that Arab spring that started with a Tunisian setting himself on fire for food.
They found a mundane cause to rally around about a government that funds its elitism on the back of the working people.
Lots of those scooters getting set on fire too.

General Strike.

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This headhunter has a point! Bilingualism is the measure of the civilized man!

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(((Journalist))) manages to find the one case of diversity.

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Latin is the true language of the West

Feeling it.

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Eurospring. Let's spread this word

Akshually, America's SJW drap has been reaching France in force these last few years
Macron even used the term "white male" (in French) during an official speech



Bullshit, we just happen to have an electoral system that is just hanging in there, I can only speak for Australia but we have had hung parliaments for the whole time this globalist full court press has been going on. The closest we came to revolt was when Gillard was starting fires every where pretending to be some great Elizabethan hero, just about everyone went after her, we just do thing different here, the transport workers were going to shutdown Canberra with their trucks but the real work was done by serious legal people who got Gillard by her red minge and destroyed her politically.

I might have learned that if only we had free education, healthcare, and plans to import sharia law like the great leaf nation.

I don't know why this isn't generally accepted on this board. People are always happy to shit on the devil's daughters, the jews, but I always see them singing praises for the devil's sons, those niggers with white skin known as the english.

This is going to be a huge nothing burger as usual keep me posted when they start getting shot at or when they start shooting politicians.

Shut up nigger

>projecting your own idiocy
Public healthcare
We know how it’s paid, you fucking Jew.

It's because our history is littered with revolts and civil wars. It's in our blood.

Outside of meme languages like classical Greek or vulgar Latin, what would be the choice option for the people that literally went to the other side of the planet to get away from the fucking english?

Honestly I don't really like Le Pen. She's not so intelligent, and really is just a right-wing commie lover of nigger patriots.

I mean she would be better than Macron, but still I hope for a military coup and not a politician taking over, they're far too soft, they are submitted to the lying press therefore they can't take necessary actions because the press will say it's bad. Retired military generals are more and more talking on TV, they're very popular and really are the best option ATM.

Not really, people are coming from everywhere and spontaneously. There's a lot of solo people coming for the movement and there's no leader, EVERYTHING is made by social media, there's really no leader.

If people like something/some guy saying something, some actions to be made, they will answer to it on social media and organize directly with people volunteering.

Maybe you're right, but it dosen't feel like it at all IRL.

CGT are commie faggot licking nigger cock, they only represent a hundred old boomers that will die out soon.

Lots of the SJW crap actually started in France with your stupid 1970's (((Philosophers)))

I should have known it would be you guys to bring the glimmer of hope.

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I always recommend Greek though, being able to read the Iliad and the Greek tragedies without a need for translation is the best

all written languages come from the semite masterrace you pinoid cuck. this is the jewish man's world, we simply let you live in it
hahah quit rewriting history, you disgusting shitsking raperoach

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>Almost a million members
>few hundred members

top kek

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>We don't speak english!

Good thing they said that in perfect english or I wouldn't have understood

But really folks, France rebelling against English like Wisconsin rebelling against Minnesota. No fucks to be had, no fucks to be given.

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You wouldn't know what history is even if it's avatar came and rape your retarded sister
The Roman alphabet comes from the Greek one, simple as this, fucking Albo diaspora everywhere

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>he thinks this is rebelling

It's rioting without a clear political goal.
It's utter garbage what these people are doing.

First three guys in front from the left: dreads, ssa, magrebi.


England was conquered by frenchmen in 1066, then ruled by french rebels all the way up to the war of the roses.

And yet you're still a tiny nation. No one really remembers any of your revolts, just that you're famous for them. France is like a bipolar chick, famous for starting shit for no reason but it's all blended into a history of you're a bitch Michelle.


Oh the concept, created by a guy who wanted to fuck his own mom so he thought everyone else wanted to also creating a flaw in his own logic? I'd expect nothing less from the people allowing their country to be bought up by chinks. Makes sense though you both have no critical thinking skills and just memorize basic concepts to complete repetitive tasks until you die.

France is full of degeneracy worst than the English speaking countries. They went with the hardcore immigration obsession before Anglo countries did.
You are clearly a fucking idiot op.

If this shit sparks the fuse, it's going to be insane, only trouble is that it's not really organised, so God knows what happens then, at least we'll have a reason to shitpost.

>not denying his jewishness
Happy Hanukkah kike

Whatever you say kiddo.

*ahem* norsemen

Whew 1066. Remember that time? I mean on a scale of now and the beginning of the universe it was practically just a couple hours ago.

Seriously though that just means you're even closer to being the same fucking thing.

if frogs are so based why are they rioting over the price of diesel when 35% of their population has been replaced by african migrants

Hadnt considered that but have to agree.
OP not a dicksucker one time

because it's in our culture.

Stop using "x-spring" wehen talkign abotu our insurections, we're not sandniggers.

French of course.

French here, everybody in our country hate these "philosophers", they have a very bad reputation, despite being constantly invited by the medias.

Do not relent Frenchie

What has been started here, will be ended here, I promise aussie fag.

If it's not for the victory then be it for the absolute disaster, but at least we will show what path to take, or to not take.

This desu
The Autumn of Nations started in Poland and spread across Eastern Europe, eventually toppling the USSR
The Arab spring started in Tunisia and spread across the region, plunging the Middle East into chaos
Now what will the Winter of Nations bring?

Could be, but also France is the closest to civil war/destruction from demographic strains, there is a lot of reasons france is a powder keg more than any other european country. They are the spark that will light the fire, just like they were before with the French Revolution.

you wish you fucking mutt. even if it was, you'll forever be a hellenized armenian-arvanite-gypsy-slav shitskin speaking bastardized koine greek from syria, crypto-arab shitskin

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I fail to see the utility thereof.

France's Eurospring already came and went, with Macron's election. Maybe not too late to change course though.

it over petrol taxes you retarded faggot

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You talk like a fag

Frenchmen, not norsemen. Guillaume's army, generals, servants,... were all french.

>the french reject english and the eternal language
>they joined the EU anyway
>they somehow voted in macron, a globalist shill
>they started accepting a fuckton of refugees 2010-2014
>calais migrant camp was in france
>videos of paris streets lined with homeless nigs/muslims

yeah your thread doesn't make much sense. it makes sense they are revolting because their taxes are highest and their president the gayest (e.g. photos of him hugging shirtless nigs while workers are squeezed of every shekel).

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nigger they have always been the "trend setters"

this is why you ought to support them, because the more they are supported, the better it will be when the other nations spring, including even yours

don't you wanna be free you nigger? the world is connected, back the French so that the yellow jackets can spread to liberate the rest of Europe and the Anglosphere

>gayreek shitskin diaspora
remember you degenerate subhumans introduced the world to sodomy

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*eternal anglo

When the fuck did chile get the internet?

Everyone that disagrees with me is a jew! Listen leaf boy it's not the Jews importing shitskins into your country it's your own people. Your country is a lost cause. I wish you well and hope you can escape because you won't even recognize your homeland in 10 years.

hey dad nice ID

I said it in another thread, but I'll say it again.
French people are fucking lazy and if they can't have their 30h workweek with free education, free healthcare, free everything they will go on strike or riot until they get their gibs back.
Fuck French faggots, just go back to work already.

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