let's admit Macron is done, what's coming next?
>Military take power?
>Faction war?
>Race war?
>total SHTF?
what's coming next to France in your opinion?
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freedom has no value without order.
SHhh DGSI is listening don't tell anything!
0% tax anarchocapitalism
i'm not an anarchist, i think society has the need of some order to work properly.
Some sort of placation, people even more separated from the media and government, civil tensions entrenched, people learning action is needed not votes. Even if this doesn't boil over the next one will. Eventually it will lead to civil war.
kill the bankers
anarchism simply means no rulers, not no authority. commies subverted it but now you're breaking the trend
I think it can get real ugly real fast because there's no real consensus. Whoever fills the vacuum will usher in the new order by force.
Really wondering...
How accurate is this frog anons?
A fascist dictatorship
it's true.
it's literally everything.
it's the rule of the strongest, and the wealthiest.
guess who will really win?
Like 100% accurate.
But that's just a small part of the iceberg
No rules = no authority, you absolute subhuman
> what's coming next?
t. insider
what rules? rules the elites write with their pen? or rules civilised society agrees upon?
who has the most collective money? the average working person collectively, for now at least. i suggest you read the founding fathers quotes and writings as you go through these times of change, also read hoppe
I meant no rulers, my phone autocorrected to no rules
Ao why are we bot memimg the cause of the protests to foreign right wing.media. I'm sure the likes of kikebart would.oblige
I'm afraid the you dumbfucks will vote for more leftist garbage.
nothing, not yet at least.
they have been rioting for around 2 weeks now, but mostly on saturdays, then the next day, everybody go back to being a good little wagegoy
call me back when its like last saturday everyday of the week
Vichy France.
natural order and hierarchy =/= rulers ruling
Whether the ruler is officially or unofficially determined is only a matter of formality
Now, go back to Twitter, faggot
this is true
the complete destruction of algeria
>0% tax
yay, no Emergency Services.
Capitalists will meet their left-wing brothers on the edge of a mass grave.
au revoir globalistes
I'm 90% sure the french people are just going to ask for more gibs from their own government..... which is the very reason they are in economic trouble to begin with
I am the Great Reckoning, faggots. Submit your babies for mortal review.
>order, and order alone, breeds liberty.
>chaos is slavery.
>let's admit Macron is done, what's coming next?
not bad
the marachech pact
>what's coming next to France in your opinion?
Nationalism. Pride in country, death to traitors.
>>Military take power?
LOL. Top military are all pro immigration, pro EU, pro NATO. You have to be a freemason to rise up the military career ladder.
You are a cuck, go fuck yourself.
>it will happen when the weather cools
stfu commie fag.
you're not welcome here.
Bring back the monarch...their all sitting there in Switzerland circle jerking for the past 80 years
Just because you faggots are bad at liberty oriented concepts doesn't mean they're bad themselves, frog.
>TDR takes trad for border exp. and lib for the 1 culture per city
>what's coming next to France in your opinion?
Nothing. After a bit of window dressing (policy-wise) it will all die down and things will go back to shitty normal (until the next series of riots).
Neoliberalism is the result of traditional liberalism's degeneration.
NPC detected. Go watch tv, you fucking mong.
Didn't your king drumpft fire another 100000 mutts today in his push to MAGA?
Muslims and niggers have no place in Europe
Remove bankers, remove globalists, remove corporate oligarchs and then finally remove kebab!
this. Then the corporate leaders and globalists.
go be an edgy le anarchist 16yo kid somewhere else, faggot.
Rule of law will be enforced.
>Charles Péguy
The state of your eduction.
>freedom has no value without borders.
Fixed it for you.
Hopefully, France establishes a strong anti-EU movement. I'd love to see France pull away from the EU.
How the fuck did Macron win with his "en marche" fucking nonsense?
I don't understand how you frogs elected such a cunt.
Accurate. And worse, the government is trying to lower the percentage of the conjoint's pension that people receive after their wife or husband dies.
Also user was speaking about Africans getting a minimal pension even if they never worked in France for one day in their lives. That's true. But it gets worse: many French people have lower pensions than that minimal pension, after working their whole lives. That's the case for my mother and her mother for example, as old migrants earn twice as much per month that them. Disgusting.
Ah ah putaing les Narbonnais va
>I don't understand how you frogs elected such a cunt.
Elections are rigged.
-Only 50% of people are voting
-Mass media destroys the "bad" candidates
-Final between Macron against HitlerAnOtherShoah
That’s not what rigged means, retard. That’s called having a lying media, something that every country in the works (which has a media) has.
If anything good happens Germany will be invading again.
>That’s not what rigged means, retard.
Break the social norm. Chimp out more.
Good god, the Irish truly are cucks
10 hours wait in a hospital?
we have 90 year old women sitting on trolleys for days here
There is no such thing as free lunch. Europe is going to have to learn this the hard way.
Why won’t you French faggots put down your wine glasses and go to fucking sleep?
Did you just time travel here from the early 40s? I've got bad news about Germany's capability
Spill their blood!
(This is all satirical btw we are reenacting the final act of Macbeth)
I never heard of MacBeth but we could McGregorMcGregor the shit out of Macron
You’d be more of a Peter O’Flannery, no?
Oh wait you have the fighter Macgregor makes sense.
The Irish are turbo cucked. They slip under the radar when compared to Sweden, Germany, the UK; but that's purely because they were starting at a disadvantage due to their until recently staunch Catholicism. But make no mistake, no nation on Earth is racing faster toward whatever Hell is at the end of this multikulti progressive road than Ireland. Every 6 months is a radical new move toward cuckdom: Gay pajeet PM, faggot marriage, abortion. And none of these slipped into law by (((byzantine))) bureaucratic means, but winning landslide plebiscites.
They're even worse off than other nations, who might find salvation through the rediscovery of nationalism. In Ireland, nationalism never went away, but in fact has already been totally subverted. The more "nationalist" the person/party, the harder they embrace socialism and inviting refugees. Their gibs package is just as welcoming as any of the aforementioned and their women perhaps moreso. That Ireland has not yet been swamped with potential surgeons and engineers is due solely to how fucking repulsive even gibs seeking niggers can see the place and people are.
They exist as a parasite nation, feeding on the asshole of global corporate capitalism. Contributing nothing. Creating nothing. Simply offering to be the western Cypress. A tax haven for billionaires to park their money. Maybe swing around to fuck some of your daughters, pick up their money and leave. You subsist off the crumbs they drop and beg them to return soon.
One Thousand Years worth of men who fought and died to secure an Ireland for The Irish are rolling in the worst kind of hell: one where you are punished not with failure, but success.
I meant this guy
Well the french are burning paris like real Huns and Irelands in a worse state yet nobody can open their mouths
i see the logic in this copy pasta now
Any livestreams?
Are the wagecucks still rioting?
>are burning paris like real Huns
come on don't be a pussy.
How much is the minimum pension for Migrants?
we havent had a show like that in 15 years
100% accurate.
A new poll shows that now, more than 80% of french think there is too much migrant.
52% to end the birthright (droit du sol) in french.
>(((military))) take power
media is shilling hard for this cuck of De Villiers
1 - Anarchy,
2 - nato steps in to calm things down,
3 - get partitioned,
5 - public disorder because muh independance
6 - declare independance
7 - Kingdom of France
>Rince & repeat
you mean
>shit blows over in max 3 days
>return to normal
This show sucks
all these shows suck
No deaths, no real goals accomplished, just an event for some plebs to blow off some steam.
It's hard to say.
Everything is basically free for them.
They just give them money to sometimes buy Macdonalds.
Probbaly around 1000€ per person.
Worst shit is when they have kids.
It's jackpot.
My wife is foreigner, but without asylum.
She doesn't have nothing, which is logical, we don't fucking ask.
She went to some French lesson for migrants.
She met a woman from Kosovo. She has 6 kids.
The state is paying her an apartment (gaz, electricity), free healthcare and she receive 3500€ per months. Her husband doesn't work, he's doing cultural exchange in some association the Wednesday.
You want more ?
I work in a wagecuk job in some supermarket.
near this, in some village, 150 migrants from Sudan, erytrea and other african countries went to "start a new life".
The "region" (local state) gives them a cridit card with 800€ per months in it. They have a driver who drive them to buy Iphone that I can't buy with my salary (even if, I would not buy it, but you get it)
It's this level.
well this was 40 years ago, got catholics the vote and 13 dead to cure your blood lust
You know what's sad? That so many people are reacting to this as though any of this shit is new.
France's economy has been on a death spiral for well over a decade, and FINALLY, it has gotten to the point where they (their government) can't hide it anymore.
And, like clockwork, what does the socialist government do when it can't sustain itself anymore? Does it cut back on its excesses? Fuck that. Does it stop chocking its own economy? As if.
Taxes, taxes, taxes, magical, miraculous taxes, can solve every ailment there is. Consequences? Those are for the future to deal with.
prerty much the london rioits
fpbp brother. gotta ease our eurobros into sweet sweet freedom
>got catholics the vote
how did that work out for them?
I like where this is going
>You know what's sad? That so many people are reacting to this as though any of this shit is new.
>CGT protest/Gilets jaunes
I think you should read history books and have a descent political education before to open your mouth Joao.
I hope it works out for you in the end, Frogbro. I just fear it's going to be a painful labor before the new France is born. Removing parasites of all flavor is top priority.
God Emperor De Lesquen
good in the north
we had the vote in the south already,its fucked