Why is Pamela Anderson calling out elites?


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She probablly had to fuck a ton of (((them))) to get cast on Baywatch.

Why is Op a faggot?

She's not. "Structural violence" is an intersectional buzzword like "institutional racism". Basically she is saying "open borders now" and "refugees welcome".

Here's a thought:

Whores are kinda based. Ever notice that women who are open about their whorish behavior simply don't care for the traditional tactical atittudes deployed by women to "appear" like a decent person? Whores just don't care because there is nothing to hide. They don't have to pretend anymore so they can just focus on other matters that don't involve pretending to be a good girl to manipulate a man.
Why do you think Jesus chilled with prostitutes?

Pam is well meaning, but an airhead like so many women. She hit the wall ages ago anyway so who cares.

You know she's been fucking Julian Assange right?

i actually doubt that she also criticize meetoo

Because he's a saint, obviously

>Pamela Anderson

Are we in the 90s? Who cares what she thinks.

What the fuck do you think "global elites" is referring to?

Prostitutes are the most honest women you'll ever meet


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Some people stand in the darkness

she is just a crazy old whore who has done too much drugs and is now psychotic, dont listen to her

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>80's - cocaine
>90's - grunge
>2000's - reality TV
>2010's - anti elites, anti capitalist
trends my nigga, trends.


she's a glownigger. probably some kind of trigger phrase for an op.

We should have stayed in the 80's desu.

Pamela Anderson is weird. She is obviously just a whore, but she seems to interact and get paid by people who are kind of redpilled.
She isn't spewing leftist bullshit, she is referring to leftist freaks and jewish bankers, but who is she parroting?
Who is she trying to please?

>hates violence
>received money for playing violent characters

Your morals are invalid. Violence has everything to do with order. If not for violence all law enforcement and judgement would be pointless


Thanks orignal reee

This is the correct answer. She's heard enough Assange pillow-talk to memorize a few simple talking points.
That said, I miss Pam Anderson in her prime. This new Pamela Goulerson phase is off-putting.

Prostitutes are at least honest with themselves about the nature of women and the role they fill in society. That level of self-reflection says something in and of itself.

For celebs it's called "reinventing themselves." For everyone else it's simply clawing for shekels wherever they are.

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As someone who dated pornstars and shit I can tell you that they are mostly just terrible people.
They try to be good but they are super damaged and have no grasp on reality, they don't have or understand human feelings.
They're sociopaths with borderline personality disorder but also want to win adoration for being a good person.
I don't know if anyone who doesn't know these girls will understand, its sad and fucked up.

She thinks the elites are white men not Jews

Me. She is trying to please me because she loves my enormous cock

Excellent Convolution

Brigitte Bardot also supports the yellow jackets.

lmao at the guy who says "structural violence" is intersectional buzzword. It's wonderfully works against the inter-sectionalists themselves who corrupted institutions and now think they run the world.

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hahaha a fucking porn start calling out elites thats fucking hilarious

30 fucking replies and no pics of Pams milkers when she was young and hot?
I'm disappointed in you faggots

you're an idiot.

She was one of the first big Anti-Vacc celebs. Lots of people who work in Hollywood know about the Jews user.

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to discredit everyone else who does, just like with everything else her or other celebrities become involved in.

Wow, somebody redpilled Pam Anderson? Thats pretty cool.

or maybe you're just a faggot who should kill himself

Agreed. All women are whores. Better to be a prostitute than a dishonest tradthot.

Ooof you got a facial everytime you made out.

Until they rob you.

Jow Forums is *all* about scapegoating. They don't give a shit to give an honest analysis. It's either "Da Jews" or "Da Whores" or both.

While any honest analysis would show that "the elites" do exist, they are "structurally" entrenched, and not exclusively Jewish (though Jews do comprise a disproportionate part of them).

She probably saw Tim Allen get treated badly at some point and it started to reshape what she thought.

GTFO out of here with your reasonable opinion

This ones gunna hurt pam

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Nu/pol/ doesn’t care about sources. Hurts donut.

Kayne West just got to Paris today. What are the chances he takes a pic with a yellow vest? he loves dipping into political issues and he loves fashion, so it seems like a no-brainer.


Why is her navel above her hips?

So much prettier before the boob job.

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I was also just wondering why her shoulders were so much larger than her hips

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Child bearing build.

Something like one third of prostitutes has schizoid personal disorder.


Because for all her Thottery, Pam is a little smarter than she looks. Anybody who came of age as a sex symbol on national TV knows that Jews run the show.

My niece used to whore herself out. I can agree with this statement. Not saying my niece is a terrible person but she definately has problems..

Because Pamela is a Zionist Jew. Kikes are confusing the world using classic D&C.

>it's the global elites who are bad!
>israel is based!

They neglect to inform you that the "global elites" are the same kikes who created and control Israel.

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