Jow Forums, what are the most white university towns and cities in the UK? Particularly in the north...

Jow Forums, what are the most white university towns and cities in the UK? Particularly in the north. I need somewhere I can buy a decent house to raise a family, while also being able to attend university.

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Paki's targetted University towens for the great council house sell off of the 90's, Oxfors and cambridge are the obvious exaples, completely pakified, they wanted properties with universities because of the obvious rental potential, after they scooped up the council houses they started buying private properties, and eventually new builds.

University towns = money, young girls and rent payers, the pakis have them all sewn up

st andrews

>I need somewhere I can buy a decent house to raise a family
>He still thinks that this is a possibility

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and this


It is if you have 300-400k to spend and do it outside a major city. I've found some in lancashire, unfortunately it is very diverse.
I know how much you autists know about this sort of thing, which is why I am asking on here and will then do further research.

>It is if you have 300-400k

St. Andrews and Dundee. Don’t go to Edinburgh or Glasgow. I am sure you have know this before posting the thread.

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Not so sure about Scotland.