I just found out that I will likely fail two, possibly three classes in my first year of college. If this happens (it is not guaranteed yet), then what can I do to make the situation better? I have nobody to turn to for sincere emotional support, and I was already feeling pretty rough before this, so I may just kill myself if this problem can't be resolved. I really, really need help.
I just found out that I will likely fail two, possibly three classes in my first year of college...
Get your shit together and make up for it next semester.
What if they kick me out of college?
I wouldn't know, I've never done that badly.
Well, thanks
What is the reason of you failing?
Make sure you actually fail the classes, then retake them next semester. It's basically a reset button. If you get D's, depending on your college's policy you may not be eligible to retake them. If you are going to a community college, you may also quit going to this school, and restart elsewhere clean. You may also do this online.
Stop partying and get your shit together. Sink or swim, 90% of the people you're hanging out with are probably losers.
The reason I am failing is (mostly) due to loneliness. I haven't made a single new friend in college, no girlfriend, nothing. It hurts to wake up, so I end up just sleeping in instead of going to class sometimes. I didn't know my grades would be affected this much.
That's on you. Unless you're an absolutely repulsive human being, there's no reason people wouldn't want to be your friend. YOU have to make an effort to go out and meet people though.
I know that. I've been trying lately, because I want to be happy and social and have a love life; but happiness is going to be much farther away if I fail out of school. I just want to know if I can fix this.
How long have you been feeling this way? Go see your school's mental health therapist, you may be clinically depressed
its just school no need to end it
This is getting sticky, there is immense pressure on you and desu you may be buckling under it. Loneliness in and of itself is not a legitimate reason to fail college. Loneliness can also be internal or external. Either way it sounds like you're delving into mental illness, and you're going to regret letting yourself get taken down that road. It's hard to tell you what to do because I don't know whether you're struggling with mental illness or not. But what you're describing doesn't sound like loneliness.
It's not "just" school. If I don't get a degree, then I'll be flipping burgers for the rest of my miserable life. People will look down on me. My friends (some of them must laugh at me already, I just know it) will laugh at me and despise me for my inferiority because they are doing well in college. No decent woman will ever be interested in a college dropout. College IS everything. A degree gives me a slight chance at happiness.
This is mostly in your head. Plenty of people have dropped out of college and gone on to have a career. There are other options besides flipping burgers for literally the rest of your life, but if you keep having this self defeating attitude and living in perpetual fear of other people's judgment that's exactly what will happen to you. Snap out of it motherfucker, they haven't even kicked you out yet, and probably won't unless you have multiple shitty semesters in a row. You're catastrophizing over completely hypothetical scenarios.
And also, bro, it says something that you talk about fucking KILLING YOURSELF over failing some college classes. Do you know what that says? It says you have never faced significant struggle in your life up to this point. This shit is not the end of the world, and you can make conditions better for yourself if you work your ass off. It may take time. You may have to deal with people's shitty attitudes towards you. Fuck em. If you need mental help, go to a therapist. If you drop out, if you have to be a NEET or work at WalMart, live in mom's basement for a while, fuck it. Welcome to the real world. Not everyone scores big on their first try.
I don't get it. You'll definitely fail college if you kill yourself.
Wait a minute, what the fuck.
You don't attend class and choose failure (and failure is a fucking choice, you little shit) because of
and you expect advice?
When you willingly chose to disassociate yourself from the classroom and oncampus social settings and then turn around to gawk at why you're alone and can't find a mate?
Why are you even attending college if you're this fucking stupid?
Go to class next semester. Re-enroll in the same exact courses, contact the same exact professors and apologize for being a piece of shit student. You need to contact these people and apologize for wasting their fucking time.
Use next semester as a wakeup call to understand that you are broken and how you exist currently will not work out.
Fuck you.
Depression is a bitch, OP. Okay, I know we're being hard on you in this thread but you do need to hear some of this shit. Some people just get an easy life. They can make connections with others just fine and they've had a strong emotional support network since they were kids, and they're gifted and they never face any serious obstacles or hardship in their life except maybe their parent fucking dies, which happens to everyone. But guess what, that's not you. So life is going to be hard like it is for 98% of the population on this Earth. Get used to it.
As was said, you'll probably be put on academic probation or something before something happens, which is probably a semester or two. You have plenty of opportunity to succeed. Some usual academic advice:
- Make a schedule for studying. Stick to it. That's readings, reviewing, doing problem sets, and things. If you know you're going to have a tough time sticking to it, allocate some backup time to make it up. This will probably be good for you mental health too.
- Use any school resources: office hours, tutoring centers, teaching assistants. If you're utterly lost in a subject, this is critical to catching back up. Ask questions and make sure you understand everything.
- Do the work. Go to class. Homework, readings, notes, make sure to put at least a serious effort in. It's honestly the most bang-for-your-buck way of doing well in class.
Feeling lonely is relatively normal. It's not easy to make friends if you're not outgoing . However, focusing on yourself and building a stable lifestyle will do wonders for keeping you happy.
Practical advice time.
At my college you could “withdraw” from a class even past the drop deadline. It would shop up as “withdrawn” on your record but not impact your GPA. Ask your advisor if this is possible for you.
Also I think it depends on why you’re failing. If it’s something you can’t reasonably fix in the short term, I would consider taking time off from school.
I had a hard time in college because I was a depressed weed (and later alcohol) addict. So my problem was I never got out of bed to do anything not required and got mostly Cs.
Tbh you sound depressed from your post so, a practical medium term solution might be to get on antidepressants, and if those don’t work out, just use adderall to get you through college. If you are a drug addict like I was the best thing you can do for yourself is to get help. Tell the counselor at school and consider going to AA, fuck even MA if that’s your issue
I have no idea if any of this was helpful but it’s what I would have done with what I know now, given a similar situation. But seriously, if you can withdraw from classes, it may save you
Yeah also you can still graduate dude. If you can improve your performance somehow over the next 2 semesters. But yeah, get mental health help. A lot of people in this thread are being kind of harsh, you just sound like someone struggling with depression to me
>It says you have never faced significant struggle in your life up to this point.
Or maybe it says that OP has been through so much that it is taking a toll on them, resulting in them putting college on a pedestal