Is this unironically /ourguy/?

Is this unironically /ourguy/?

His content is hardcore red pilled.

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Who is he


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It'sagundam is better

I've watched him for a while now, glad he is getting more recognition.

Saw him at the bar the other day, nice guy.

no he fucking isnt hes an absolute faggot who is redpilled about one thing and one thing only, the rest hes a fool about
hes a grown man who plays card games and was beaten up by a tranny and is suing the tranny in an absolutely ridiculous lawsuit claiming emotional damage and shit
absolute faggot and NOT OUR GUY

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Peak Bug

maybe if he shaved his bear and head

he is not really our guy, he pretty much a sargonite anti sjw, but for the topic he covers which is liberal/leftwing infestation of gaming he pretty good.
he is close friends with carl apparently.

>maybe if he shaved his bear and head

Not into how he isn't God fearing but otherwise I dig his content.

that sounds exactly like /ourguy/ summerfag

kinda he said Shekels in one of his videos wich was fun


>Fat bearded manchild
No one who publicly displays those items in the back is anyone's guy, unless you're a colossal faggot.

The way hes handling his lawsuit against the tranny that attacked him made me absolutely loathe this guy.

Just take it like a man and move on, holy shit. People who use the (((legal system))) in such a manner are the biggest beta male faggots out there.

shave that fucking neckbeard! holy shit.

So a jackass who got banned for harassing women at MTG tournaments is now your standard bearer? baka

>and is suing the tranny

fuck off with your e-ceb shit

>garnishing tranny wages so it can't buy HRT
>not based

Boring,slow talking faggot. fuck him.
Pro tip: If you have to watch his videos, turn the speed up. 1.25 to 2.0

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these two are /our/ goys

Asmonbald and Heelsvsbabyface

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Actrusally i have a fiancee of 5 years, a mortgage, two trades and a degree.

Yes i play games.
Yes i watch youtube for gaming
Yes i have turned down sex to play Fire Emblem

Im a real man who plays by my own rules and your a faggot

Yeah I like him, I watch him and its a gundam mostly

he's a kekistan retard that gets his political opinions from reddit and sargon.
he's also a beta faggot that can't take heat and got beaten up by a tranny.

But then again, Jow Forums has been pretty shit since the election, so getting fucked in the ass by trannies might be /theirguy/ now.

He word-for-word quoted Vox Day in his BF5 video, so I'd say his low-key redpilled but isn't willing to fuck up his YouTube channel.

He's the mundanematt of TCG.

>beaten up by a tranny and is suing the tranny
Holy shit based

>but gundam, shoving your cock inside a tranny doesnt make you a faggot

You people make me sick

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He's a fag, if you send him a 1488 super chat he will lose it. not /ourguy/

His mannerisms and speaking style annoy the shit outta me. Just couldn't listen to him anymore. Glad to see him redpilling people though.

thats pretty accurate now that i think about it.

Looks like your average bugman millenial that’s obsessed with toys, video games and Marvel comic book shit

He's ok, I've been enjoying his content so far.
His image does not match with his minset though

I wish he would shave that retard beard

unironically based

kek has blessed me

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He looks like a cuck

You stupid fucking faggots. Using the system against these mentally deranged homosexuals is exactly what needs to be done. You're either shills or just completely worthless if you can't see the importance of setting legal precedents against these subhumans.

I love asmon but heels is pretty boring and talks to much.

ok, but what's his name?

Hes just an average guy who's not fallen into the progressive bullshit. I wouldn't say hes redpilled but he makes more sence than most and iv enjoyed some of hes videos befor.


What? No, how the fuck do you think he's redpilled?

Why does this manchild basedfart have childrens toys behind him?

He's just a cuck whos tired of SJWs

i dont even wish to argue about this, its not the fact hes suing, thats lulzy and fine, its the *way* hes doing it, the shit hes claiming, how he handled the aftermath, how he's such a bitch about it.
he's sargon tier, mundanematt tier (as said above)
this guy might be FINE for content regarding gaming, but he has faggot opinions about many other things. watch his interviews / content from him on the killstream. its absolute cringe.

just because this guy has a redpilled opinion or two doesnt make him /OURGUY/.


Watch from 13:40

>Using the system against these mentally deranged homosexuals is exactly what needs to be done
The system is rigged against us.
If it was easy as you're making it sound, then we would have won the culture war decades ago.

No judge would ever give out a harsh sentence to a tranny or a lefty because it would damage his career. That's the harsh reality.

>treat trannys with muh principles

he claiming to be a liberal

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The real our guy is Rudy from Alpha Investments


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He's on the side of right but he's so boring. When his vids pop up up I set the speed x1.25 so I don't fall asleep

He got knocked out by a man in a dress

I'm about 100% sure that he is a tantrum throwing drama queen. He gets into trouble with literally everyone he meets; classic signs that he himself is just a cunt.

Aside from that, he sometimes has decent videos.

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Asmongold? Isn't he the twitch streamer who lives in absolute filth?

PROOF hes ourguy. Im sure he started a thread about Battlefield V half hour ago. It was a good thread.

Fuck SJWs in gaming, i just want to play games after a day of shit, and Senran Kagura has been delayed. I swear to god FUCK OFF Sony, do not fuck with my waifu simulator

no, you faggot, he's blue pilled for one thing, and his takes are BORING and milquetoast. He barely gives his opinion even when he can dunk on retarded niggers. I only listen to his videos if I know nothing about the topic since its basically just him reading news.

Vee is our guy.

One mans filth is anotherans comfy

Watch this video and let me know if you still respect this nasty manchild

Ecelebs suck ass.

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Anyone who responds negatively to this is either uninformed or retarded
He got decked by a fucking tranny and used the opportunity to sue like a faggot and still maintains an aura of faggotry with everything he does

He ain’t awful. Not exactly an intellectual heavyweight, but his videos on vidya are pretty entertaining.

>You're allowed to play but you're not allowed to try to win
or retard

>and you gather together to double down, and that's what SJW's always do, they always double down.

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> is eceleb #33242 our guy / gal?

>Errrr ahhh really?
>So is this what is acceptable now?
>Ahhhh really
>so.. let me get this straight
>How does this happen

He desperately needs a video editor

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Danny Iconoclast has been a fucking prophet lately. Molymeme and every other e-celeb has been milking him. He's a fucking razor

Thanks, user.
People like quarterpounder and the fags defending him are the reason why people in other countries laugh at america and think we're a society of litigious and petty weaklings.

The tranny didn't even cause him serious injuries, and he acts like he suffered severe trauma and life ruination. What a complete and utter faggot. If you suffer a minor beating and your first action is to cynically use the (((legal system))) to go after him, then you're everything wrong with america.

I don't know why you're going to bat for this guy so hard. read the kiwifarms link i posted above, it has all the info. if that doesn't convince you he's a total fag in the way he has treated this whole lawsuit thing then idk what will.
regardless, that barely even plays into my dislike of the fellow. he does not participate in identity politics, is not woke on the JQ, hes a complete civnat.

I dunno, I reckon it'd be pretty fucking funny to watch this walking vagina try to shave a bear.

>his content is hardcore and redpilled
>channel is nothing but whining that the MtG community doesn't like him, trying to cringely start a Gamergate for Magic, and recording himself spending thousands of dollars on manchild shit

Magic the Goythering has been culturally dead for a long time now. It's time to let go, OP. Just enjoy the interesting card mechanics they still pump out every now and then and play EDH/Legacy/Cube.

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He was a liberal then he got robbed by a gang of somalians.

Trying to extract money from the tranny over 'emotional damages'. What a low and jewish thing to do.



Love the Sunderland accent

Couldn't have said it better

he cant even fucking ead

kys fag

He comes across as a guy trying to one-up the people he challenges instead of trying to break down arguments in a logical fashion.
What happened to him with Wizards over the cosplay bitch was fucked up, but his reaction is comparable to that of a fucking 6 year old.

this guy, of all people, you wish to throw our weight behind? how about instead you consume his content for what he is good at which is gaming shit and leave the politics for others.
/ourguy/ used to mean something. ourguy was a guy we could trust to have strong positions on a variety of issues, someone who wont cuck and back down. yes, there are varieties of ourguys, like jared taylor is absolutely our guy despite his position on the JQ, but otherwise he is absolutely solid (and the JQ issue is likely tactical).
this fat slob is not who we should take political opinions from nor should we wish to be like him as a person.
im just fucking amazed at what im reading here. he does what he does just fine but he's no shining beacon of the right

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Why do people reply to /ourguy/ threads still?
Are new fags this prevalent or is it all bots replying?

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Just found this guy a couple of weeks ago after I heard about the Fallout 76 controversy.

However, thanks to him I also discovered American Krogan whose content is even more redpilled and contains some great factual data.

All he does is put more popular youtubers in his titles and tags for views. Plus he's an uninteresting faggot.

What does 'redpilled' even mean nowadays? That some normie doesn't fall into the mainstream onions drip feed and shill for an regressive agenda, and at least raises a voice against worst low hanging ones? Then yeah if that's as shallow as you get then he's red pilled.

But he's not /ourguy/. Nobody concerned with viewcounts or subscribers ever is or will be.

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>calling ethots whores
>harassing women at magic tournaments

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Which fire emblem? I demand a response.

gundam might be a salty incel but he's still usually right

Liberalist # 3571

His name is Jeremy Hambly and his main YouTube channel is The Quartering.
He is a based bearded autist.

he's sargon semen slurper

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>Is this obese man that got bitch slapped by a tranny our guy
I hope to fuck he isn't.

McConnell keeps dropping redpills and dog whistles all the time on his stream.

>when they were watching videos he unironically said A FUCKING LEAF