This is my favorite thread on this website

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I spent years thinking I'd never be over her and now the moment she starts acting like she may like me again I'm starting to think maybe I am over her and just didn't realise it. It's quite the weird one chaps.

I don't understand why my feelings came back for her. It's been 7 years! I honestly thought I had forgotten about her, but now she's always there. wtf is wrong with me?

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Why would you tell me you still like me? Why would you break up with your boyfriend TWICE because your feelings for me were so strong that you knew he wasn't the one for you? Why would you do all that just to say no when I asked you out? Do you just enjoy fucking with people's heads? What is wrong with you?

I can't fucking stand when people talk about my eating habits. I don't eat breakfast and lunch and everyone has to berate me for it even though I've been doing it for years.

I would like to date you, but I masturbate to a lot of weird porn and you seem like the most innocent person i've ever met.


My subconscious is hellbent on torturing me all the time and I don't know how to change it

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I used to be really shy, no confidence, not able to talk to girls, let alone be sexual with them

over the years I started going out more, being more sociable, learning about pickup, working on myself

now girls that I just met think that I'm a womanizer, and it makes me feel really flattered that I'm coming across as confident and as someone that gets girls

keep working on yourselves dudes, eventually when you get there it feels great :)

They're just concerned for you.

I understand but when I tell them I'm fine and that is normal for me they still pester me about it. Shit gets annoying people.

Damn I hate this too. It seems like a huge violation of your autonomy. It's one of those petty things that people seem to get "worried" about or dislike because it's not normal, not because they actually care about you. Sometimes I even think it's a way for them to justify overindulgent eating habits by ousting you and circlejerking each other.


It's actually much healthier to skip meals and binge-eat right before you got to bed. Not even joking, ask a nutritionist or a PT, they'll tell you.

>seems innocent
probs super kinky

Post invalidated

That would be nice and i'd be lying if I said I hadn't fantasized about it. But I have no way o knowing. So I could potentially get into a relationship with a pure, balanced, healthy mind that I corrupt. I'm not sure I want to do that.

Can you explain?
I've heard of carbs being good for sleep sometime before bed because of the crash effect but doesn't eating straight before mess your sleep up due to digestion?

regards, a massive fucking insomniac

It's more about maximizing your body's rate of digestion

I hate the fact that I dream sometimes.

I hate the fact that when I dream, I dream of girls I have a crush on, but never have a chance with. I hate that in the dreams it isn't even anything super or amazing, it's just cuddling. It's just snuggling up to one another, having the touch of someone else.

I hate that I crave it. I hate that it's pathetic.

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I miss you. I just hope you miss me too. I feel so empty without talking to you and I can only hope that you realize how much I'm hurting.

A girl I wasn't interested in just "broke up" with me, despite us not having a relationship.

I feel really shit now, despite not talking to her for months. We seriously, genuinely, did not have a relationship.

What the fuck.

I'm sorry but though I really like fucking you in the end your poor life decisions cause me to pause when you want us to be in a more serious relationship, I know I'm being hypocritical having been no angel myself but I can't deny how I feel. If you still want to be fuck buddies I'm totally cool with that

I miss you too... you have no idea

i don't know how to interact with people not cause of autism or anything just cause i had a sheltered childhood and fear making embarassing myself

>I miss you
Well, we can talk, then.
>I don't want to talk to you
Guess I'll just go fuck myself.
Are you retarded, by chance? This is getting old and I'm about to give up. I'm getting old. Quit playing head games or fuck off already.

if you didn't have a relationship, how did she break up with you? Just because it wasn't a serious, ""real"" relationship doesn't mean what you two had doesn't count.

Rule of thumb: If you had a girlfriend, and did/said the things you did/said to this girl, would she consider that cheating, would your metaphorical girlfriend get angry? If yes, clearly there was something between you two

If no, then well. You know.

>Rule of thumb: If you had a girlfriend, and did/said the things you did/said to this girl, would she consider that cheating, would your metaphorical girlfriend get angry?
Well, yeah, but we literally hadn't talked for two months. I told her I was coming to her city and suggested we catch up for dinner, and she started prevaricating and eventually told me we couldn't see each other anymore, in a weirdly passive-aggressive way.

I'd understand her not wanting any more intimacy, but we were at zero intimacy by now anyway, and she was always the one to initiate. Cutting off contact is just weird, and feels kind of shitty.

I want to contact her after almost a month but I'm too afraid of being ghosted
If dubs I'm going to fucking do it

It is shitty and there's likely outside influences who guided her to that decision.

I know you feel stupid. I'm in a spot sort-of similar. How can you feel this way if you've never even had sex, or kissed (assuming you haven't)

Truth is, none of that shit really defines a relationship. Sex is important in a HEALTHY relationship but that doesn't make it a qualifier for one.

You can fuck someone and not be in a relationship with them. You can never fuck someone and be in a relationship with them. There's people out there who abstain from any sort of sexual activity until they are married ffs

It all comes down to emotional connection. Often a cuddle on the couch creates a deeper connection than sex ever could.

It might not have been a "real" relationship, but it was something. A thing. Closest word I got for it is "Umm... friend", google it.

apologies for reddit spacing

damn this nofap thing makes me horny af.
constantly want to go outside to find a gf but no idea where to go specifically

Apologies are really fucking annoying. I've never been in this situation before, so I guess I never learned this growing up. My gf does something stupid or is a bitch because muh PMS, and then after I've gotten shafted and have had time to stew over how unnecessary it all was she says she's sorry. I want to snap back, say some mean things. Sometimes I think about how satisfying that would be, and I realize that's probably why she does it. So then I can't get as angry, and I forgive her.

As I'm complaining about this though, I still really love her and I'm still confident she loves me. We're working on figuring out ways to be less shit to each other. Fuck if I even know what I'm typing about anymore, I just wanted a means to vent in a direction that wasn't at her.

she's a manipulative crazy psycho and she's abusing you. you know it and you want to get away, you keep trying to get away and I'm sorry I couldn't see it before. I went through a lot myself.

so why do you let yourself be treated this way!?!?!?! tell her to fuck off. isn't it enough of your life wasted suffering?

if you save me now I'll save you
If you come now I will protect you like you protected me from her.

I promise


You'd make a good abusive bf but kind of a shitty friend. You fulfill a need and I guess... I do too? Everything has an expiry. I don't want this to end, is it already over? I don't want to live anymore.

I have an old car. It's not the prettiest thing; it bares the marks of use and abuse. The seats are old and torn. The radio works when it wants to. It complains when I start it up in the morning and the transmission shifts a bit slowly. The window tint is peeling and it creaks a bit when I go over bumps. But damn I love it. It's my place, my freedom. When I get in it and open the sunroof, I feel as if I'm flying. I don't have to ask to use it. It's always there waiting for me. You wonder where I've gone, what I'm doing. None of your business. You told me to get a life and this is what life is for me. Getting in my car, putting on some music and letting the road take me where it wills. Maybe I'll go visit some friends, or the girl my heart is fluttering for. Maybe I'll go to the library, or to the store. Maybe I'll just drive to the other side of town. Please do not call me; you see me when I come back around. I'm free. I'm free. I'm free finally. Please don't try to clip my wings. Don't try to cage me. My passenger seat is empty many times. But it's okay because I've gotten used to riding alone. No one to tell me where to go, or what to do. I'm not on anyone's schedule. I'm the master of my time.

I like her and I think she likes me, but she thinks I like the other girl who I think also likes me but she's just been out of a LTR so I want to give her some time to figure things out and keep my options open for now, which = the other girl, but the two of them are friends and I don't know if one would do it to the other knowing that she likes me. FUCK its like I'm caught up in this circle where everyone likes me but can't date me because of one reason or the other

I had another panic attack today thinking about marrying my gf.

I want to be with her, but idk if this shit is normal. I'm worried its a bad sign

how long have you two been together?
has marriage talk ever come up?
how old are you?
do you plan on having a career? does she?
have you got a stable job? has she?

>5 years
>yes all the time. She is really pushing it. I recently told her I would marry her at some point. But I have a lot of doubts and worry about being married to someone
>we both have stable jobs
>we do both want kids. But she only wants them in a marriage

>I have an old car

I like that user. Just make sure you have AAA in case you get a flat or something

I'm not an expert on these matters but 30 seems like a good age to get married. Before that is way too soon, after may be a little shitty for the kids since you'd be like 60 in their 20's so 30 is ok. You both have stable jobs so you won't suffer financially, you both want kids so there won't be any conflict should you have that conversation after marriage. You both talked about marriage so its not news to you and may be something you both want.

I think its ok to be worried since its a very big step for both of you, but don't take it as a bad sign, usually nerves make things seem like a bad idea but in reality it doesn't have to be. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? is she there? is being married in that scenario an option?
Are you worried you might not love her somewhere down the line?
Marriage is meant to be another step in life, a step that you and your loved one share, could be exciting but at least you know you'll have someone that will watch your back. Watch some Jordan Peterson videos on marriage, he's made a few of them, should help you get some answers before you make the call

How the fuck can you spell onomotopoeia but not mayonnaise

how the fuck can you spell onomatopoeia

>how the fuck can you spell onomatopoeia
rhymes with gonorrhea


fool, go back to elementary school

>fool, go back to elementary school
and get your fucking drool off my tool

>and get your fucking drool off my tool

i aint gay, dude, that aint cool

>i aint gay, dude, that aint cool
I'm bout to kick you in the face, just like a mule

will you rhyming faggots please remove your idiot selves from the gene pool

ahh looks like someone's pretending to make the rules

I fucked a married woman who didn’t tell me til after we had already had sex.
I’m a pretty lax kinda guy but that just crossed my morals.
What do I do?

Nigga, you don't like my rhymes?
Dat is fine.
Cause I don't care a dime
If you having a good time
Or not.

okay you have to stop now that's cringy

>ahh looks like someone's pretending to make the rules

You know that buster ain't got no jewels

Fuck them user
I skip meals constantly.
Me and my dad both would go days without a single bite.
My mom practically has to remind us we need to eat

Eh, I still had those dreams while I was in a happy relationship.
You gotta remember for the most part dreams are 99% meaningless and desirable projection:
If you were starving you’d be dreaming about food

To be fair, the second time wasn't because of you. It was because it was time for our relationship to end. And you know that I didn't have my shit together and that's why I said no.

I’ve had to deal with that. Just send them this

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you've described how i feel rn perfectly. even the timelines match

It just goes back into your body.
After a while you forget jacking it is even a thing.
I accidentally joined Nofap when I was trying to stop looking at porn
There’s no real change at most you might find a new austistic hobby like origami

I feel like an Incel but with relationships. I'm not a virgin and can get laid, but only by women who are complete whores who dont want a relationship.
I'm afraid of dating, I hate normies who live like I do but can have a girlfriend

lol same here

i just take the longest public transportation routes to the furthest convenience stores and go buy chips or some shit

I don't hate you. The only reason I would ever hate you is because you made me believe I'm better than what I really am, and you didn't stick to your word. Even then, I don't hate you. I just want to stop thinking about you.

I wish I never met you, but if I didn't, I wouldn't be here right now. So what I truly want is to forget that you exist.

I see why you would be afraid of dating. Don't give up. Think about the single most sweet and innocent girl you know and woo her.

I used to have a lot of friends but between working nights and abandoning most of my social media I can't get over the thought that my old friends hate me now. My mood is improved and I get less depressed these days since I removed Cuckbook but I haven't gotten laid in 2 years and my social anxiety is creeping back up again. Also even though Trump is doing well these days I'm scared to talk about him to some people because they might go ballistic. I spend 99% of my time alone these days.

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I have a thing for women who are involved in drug dealing or similar criminal activity, especially if they've spent some time in jail/prison. I think it's because my life is so boring that the insane danger and reckless behavior those kinds of women engage in excites me. I haven't acted on it but I'm afraid that if I find a woman like that who is receptive to me, I won't be able to help myself.

I wish I could this fits, but it doesn't. It was explicitly because me the first and second time. She broke up with him the first time to ask me on a date. Dating didn't go great because I'm a slow mover. We argued and she got back with her ex to get over me. Then we see each other again in uni and within a week she's telling me the feelings are still there and won't go away. So she breaks up with him again explicitly because of me. Then she refuses dates.

I swear she's bipolar.

>I have a thing for women who are involved in drug dealing or similar criminal activity, especially if they've spent some time in jail/prison. I think it's because my life is so boring that the insane danger and reckless behavior those kinds of women engage in excites me. I haven't acted on it but I'm afraid that if I find a woman like that who is receptive to me, I won't be able to help myself.

Then you should sign up for one of the female inmate pen pal sites. Be aware that you're dealing with lying sociopaths who will take you for every dime you've got and maybe burn your house down, but some of them are pretty good in the sack.

I'm 26 still leaving at home and have never worked a day and pretty NEET.In that time I'v lived beside on the fence of reality looking over to the other side from time to time I remember why I don't want to be a part of it which the few times shit just keeps being thrown over to me.My parent's divorce,death of friends,their suffering and the general truths I'v come to understand without really experiencing or feeling it myself but feeling the world through others,it's a world I really don't want to be apart of and wont fit into.Tried to change but I just end up in the same place losing track of time and seeing my efforts solidify one day then turn to sand the next or forgotten back to square one to start all over again. My cries will never to heard nor listened nor understood by the ones around me who purpose was the teach and I'll forever remain stagnate in a pool of my efforts vaporing to crystals then filled again with something else to be dissolved with time over again over again going nowhere.

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holy shit! are you me? it's like a "dating" gridlock where it feels like nothing is progressing.

how irrational. what didn't i stick to my word on?

I trash-talked my coworker behind his back (basically called him an idiot) and he overheard me and hates me now. Now I feel bad for being a two-faced asshole and I'm worried the universe is going to punish me.

>Now I feel bad
It already did punish you.

This is some Freudian shit. I'm realizing more and more that my girlfriend acts a lot like my mother. Maybe I need to sit down and have a talk with my father about how to go about this. If he can still handle the bouts of crazy after 30 or 40 years, maybe I can too.

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You told me that I worth something, that you felt safe as long as I could control you, and that if we tried we could make it work. I still have all the messages...

Yes, I made a lot of mistakes, I'm sorry, even if you think it means nothinf. I don't want to be back with you. I don't deserve a girl like you. I just want to stop thinking about you, stoo thinking how much I hurted you, and that it doesn't matter how many times I say I'm sorry, it won't change a single thing.

When i was 16yrs old i used to hurt myself, i didn't really have any close friends to talk to back then and i had a lot going through my head.
I resorted to self-harm (cut my arm) as a way to let out my anger, frustration and sadness, and it felt kind of good back then, i never wanted to kill myself or anything.
Some time later i got to make new friends in school and things turned out for the better so i stopped doing that.

Fastforward to 26yrs old, i get into a relationship with a qt grill and find out she also used to hurt herself (on her thigh).
We talk about this (which is something i kept hidden from everyone for years), then one night when things are starting to go sideways she tells me she hurt herself again, this time on her arm like i used to do.

Sometime later she finally decides to break up with me and it wrecks me. She said the relation was just ok but she wanted more.

Soon after that i start feeling the same way i felt when i was 16. I've always been kind of a loner, and it never really bothered me up until now, but since when my gf dumped me i feel like i'm the loneliest man in the world. I thought i found someone i could finally relate to and be open about myself and now that person is gone.


I realize i have a few friends (none of which are really close though, we just talk/see each other from time to time), a few hobbies that keep me busy, but everytime i'm at home alone i can't help but fall back in the same place i was at 16.

All these years i never felt the urge to hurt myself, i thought that was a closed chapter of my life and i wanted to move on. However now i'm starting to feel the temptation of going back at it again.

I'm trying to change my life around, i reached out to a few old friends to reconnect, i try and spend as much time as possible away from home to study and keep my mind busy but sometimes when i'm alone i start thinking about it again. I don't want to do it but i keep thinking that maybe if i do i'll feel a little bit better for the time being.

What do you make of this? Am i losing it?


your probably like her dad too so don't think too much about it.

how is it me not sticking to my word if you're the one who stopped trying to make it work?

i don't think your i'm sorry means nothing, i think it means fuck you. you're not sorry you've hurt me because of the effect it has on me. you're sorry you've hurt me because it bothers you to think about it.

I still don't know what to do at this point.

I'm alright with this dude, I've been his friend for almost a whole year, but that was... a year ago. Afterwards I tried to ignore the fuck out of him and we only talked maybe twice in the whole year. I don't want to be friends with him anymore. He's not a bad person, he didn't do amazingly wrong, I just want to move away from the dude. It's been almost 6 months since the last time he talked to me and I didn't even respond.

It's this thing where I would feel real fucking guilty if some day he decided to talk to me again and I was blocking him. I have blocked tons of people and got blocked also by tons of people, but IRL is different, specially when we're pretty much neighbors. It just happens so we don't bump into each other. It went from this 3-4 hour interaction with him on a daily basis to next to nothing. He worshipped me, thought I was a brilliant person, but at the same time he would get fucking crazy. And that craziness is what I tried to get away from, and I feared that I would have to spend another year like this.

I would feel much better if he was the one to just block and ignore me, and some people think "well dude he talked to you twice in a year, perhaps he doesn't give a shit", but before that he seemed to be too fucking attached so it's definitely not a normal reaction.

But then again I didn't fucking respond to some of his messages, so that's on me. Goddammit.

Yes, but that doesn't mean I wanted to hurt you, and never wanted to hurt someone the way I hurted you. I want to make things right, even though I know that probably will never happen. In time we might be able to get over it, but I probably won't ever forget what I did to you.

At the end, I'm sorry I made you remember things you didn't want to. I hope we never see each other again, not even by mistake.

I need help
I'm shouting and no one's listening

Also, and for the record, yes, I stopped trying, and I do regret it, when I tried to start again it was too late already. When I say I don't deserve you I mean it, you're too good for me. It is irrelevant, though, I'm not asking for a second chance, and I do know you don't really need me anymore.

I'm just here trying to forget about you. Pretty sure you are just going to say you hope I never forget you, and I probably won't, since I'll probably stay alone the rest of my life since I lost my chance with you. If you want to amuse yourself with that, be my guest. It's hilarious.

But at the very least, after leaving you I got to experience what is being in a truly wonderful relationship. So not everything after it was bad. Hope you got to be happy as well, but I don't care anymore.

Don't just shout and expect someone to help you.

How the do I continue? For years I have felt like I am not supposed to be alive. I'm almost 30, this year, and have nothing to my name. Still "working" on my degree. Recently lost my job, and am planning to go back to college to get my Bachelor's. For years I have had the opportunities to improve but I lack the ambition. How the fuck does one become ambitious?
I somehow also got a gf, she's young though which only makes me feel like she'll regret being with me in the future. With her I try to at least be stronger, as she needs me to be. Yet, I can't be strong for myself. Eventually the facade will falter. Why would someone live for me if I can't live for myself? Sometimes I wish I never left the military. At least then I would have something.
But, that's wrong, I have. I have a family that loves me and support me. A gf that loves me and sees a future with me. I'm somewhat educated, and still can push more to get my degree and likely a good career.
But it feels like I wasted my time? I've seen sands of distant lands. Learned things that many won't. I have food on my table, transportation, life, all my limbs, and my mind is still here. Somewhat addled, but still in service.

What the fuck is wrong with me?
It's like I need fire inside this husk to live.
Ambition, how do I harness it? How do I make things better? Fuck I hate myself for being this way. I can always help others, people come to me for advice and it seems to help. Sometimes they have similar issues, and I know can apply what I tell them to myself, but I don't. Why?

I have all the tools for a better tomorrow, but I can't seem to get moving today.
I'm fucking sick of myself being this way, I have to change it. I want to change it, but I won't.

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I thought medicines and a therapist would fix my depression but it was all for nothing... How am I supposed to start over when I'm still depressed as fuck and can't get out of home

I'm really afraid of not liking my major (physics). I've had two semesters of Uni physics and the teacher was fucking terrible and I hated the class so much. I heard the only other physics was terrible too in the same ways, and that pushed me to transfer.

I like astrophysics, but I'm not sure I like basic physics or physical chemistry at all

Agreed most of said innocents do a great job of hiding their deviant behavior.

I panic and try to rush things assuming I've fucked up and then it turns out I hadn't fucked up until I started trying to rush things and then I hate myself for it for months.

took me a while to figure it out but you are so full of shit its actually amazing. you deserve all of the bad things that happen to you because you bring it all on yourself. you could easily change your situation but you choose not to because where you are is easy and youre scared. you use people and youll say whatever you need to to get what you want. its too bad because i mostly really enjoy you, but youre just too fucked up and you like to play the victim.

Fuck my fucking life I don't give a shit about all the drama, just let me do my fucking job. You shitheads have nothing better to do than to complain to me all day about something you don't like about your job or some person you have to work with and it's giving me a headache. I get it, you are at odds with one another, but don't bring me into it and let me do my miserable ass laborious job in peace. I enjoy working with all of you, but you seriously have problems you need to work out amongst yourselves.

I feel a little better now.

you've destroyed my life and stolen my future. you deceived me (which i apparently made you do) and you gave up (which is apparently me not sticking to my word). so your claim is that fucking me over is the only reason you would ever hate me, which doesn't even make sense, and that it doesn't mean you wanted to hurt me...even though you're currently /still/ going out of your way to do just that.

What did you rush this time?
I know what you mean btw it’s a self curse.

fucking checked, this too. goddamn

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1. Go to bed.
2. Force bad thoughts out of your head.
3. Sleep.
4. Wake up and kick ass.

The same fucking thing as last time. A good friend of mine asked me out last year around Halloween. I got all needy and shit cuz it was the first time I ever dated someone. She pulled away and I rushed harder because the end of the semester was approaching. Things got bad and we argued and it all went to shit. We get back after Christmas and she confessed in Match that she still has feelings for me. I do nothing because uni work piling up. Now there's only 2 more times I'm guaranteed to ever see her and I start trying to force a fucking meet up. When we both have final exams in 2 weeks. I come off ULTRA needy about it and she didn't even bother leaving me on read, choosing to ignore the text entirely.

Literally the exact same mistake with the same girl. I'm fucking retarded.

>It's not my fault I get turned on by the thought of people I hate killing themselves. You think I want to be this fucked up? You think I had a choice to be this retarded?

Yes. I think you had a choice somewhere along the line. You went with the dark shit. Now you have to find your way back if you can. You probably need Jesus unless you got a better idea and I am not fucking kidding.

i constantly have thoughts of suicide but never the guts to do it. ive failed all my college classes and threw away a free ride because i couldnt phsically get out of bed for a week because of depression, now my parents who have emotionally abused me for the past 19 years know and basically disowned me.

Keep at it. The only way out is through.
Treat it like a war & believe in yourself.

I wanna go on tinder so fucking bad. But I have a boyfriend who I really like.

I know if he found out he'd be crushed but it's so hard to resist the temptation. I dont want to meet anyone but flirting is so fun and its interesting to see the different people.

If I just make a catfish account then no one gets hurt and I still get to have fun?

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You're clearly not fulfilled in your relationship. Break up with this guy so he can move on to somebody who cares, and go explore yourself by shoving as many cocks in every orifice as you can.