I don't want to be a burden to white countries and I do not want to "go back to Africa" I make sure to be a very well rounded person but still get death stares. The infographs on Jow Forums are right about the IQ difference. There is truly no hope left that things will go well for me.I wanted to study maths but I saw somewhere it said that it's not possible with an IQ of 85(Never took the test but seen the statistics of dumb blacks) at this point death is my only option.
Should I kill myself ?
look into manual labor, wielding is a goo choice.
Isnt wielding dangerous ?
don't do anything stupid and you'll be fine.
Do it nigger
don't feed the trolls people
I'm not trolling
obvious TROLL
IQ tests are average. Doesn't mean literally every black has an IQ of 85. You're quite articulate. I think you're in the triple digits.
Stop impersonating blacks, Methfront.
Go to Jow Forums and search "Blue Vein Society 2.0" if you even are Black. I talked about this yesterday.
What if I fail the paper bag test ? Then I'm just fucked ?
Fuck a left-leaning liberal girl who is White or Asian, Get her pregnant.
This only works for hybrids as they are less stigmatized and seen as less of a threat. Besides, they are already partially ready. Like Instant Pancake Mix. "Pure" Blacks have 10 - 20% European Admixture. The darkest ones have this. 20% is not sufficient enough for anyone like you. You'd need more. You can not acquire it after being conceived.
Childbirth is a genetic lottery. You have no clue what you will get. So, it is best to have several children. The Germans had a saying, "Blood and soil."
Blut und boden = Live off the land, be socially conservative, be moral, have many kids, be self sufficient, be self made men and women, always be found working hard.
You could do it but I am more nationalistic for my kind.
>I don't want to be a burden to white countries and I do not want to "go back to Africa" I make sure to be a very well rounded person but still get death stares. The infographs on Jow Forums are right about the IQ difference. There is truly no hope left that things will go well for me.I wanted to study maths but I saw somewhere it said that it's not possible with an IQ of 85(Never took the test but seen the statistics of dumb blacks) at this point death is my only option.
This is literally what you said. You want a way out, right user? The way out takes time and hardship. This is the way out. Bleach your bloodline until White enough or have your hybridized, eugenics enhanced descendants be the torchbearers to creating the first successful ethnostate and a new triple digit IQ composite race which is immune to (((IMF aid loans and political influence))), genetic diseases, and looks completely different from Blacks after enough racial alchemy. The brown bag test is for colorstruck old mulattoes who scrubbed floors and look down on their progenitors. I do not look down on the "pure negroids" but make no mistake, there is only so much you can do with the DNA itself, alone.
BMWF is hated because of the hood thugs that knock up a White chick and do not respect her or raise the progeny. Black is universally denigrated and disliked. Even by part-negroid hybrids. Even by other Blacks. And, of course, white supremacy and hatred of miscegenation. Lastly, misunderstanding of the term multiculturalism. Rome was polyracial, monocultural, totalitarian, mostly polytheistic and lasted almost 2,000 years. They looked down on Germans like Germans looked down in non-aryans in the Third Reich. It's hilarious how ironic that is. In a military dictatorship like Rome, multiculturalism could not exist. Anyone being ignorant and stupid in Rome to commit crimes against the state would be crucified on the spot. Rome had technology such as chariots and the Antikythera Mechanism. They had slaves, gladiatorial combat polyracial/polyethnic makeup and one culture: Rome. SPQR. All day, every day. America is a polyracial, polyethnic multicultural society of Mutts. This is why America fails. This is why Europe will fail. This is why Britain failed. Multiculturalism doesn't work. So many assume polyracial = multicultural. It doesn't. However, it doesn't even matter. No one cares. People are so retarded, they say they have enemies and yet they learn nothing about their enemies. Coudenhove-Kalergi was a racial theorist in his spare time and implied a hybrid race of the future would be inevitable. White supremacists are so stupid and paranoid they call it a "dumb brown mutt race that will be slaves for Jews."
Anything mixed with White + Asian will have a severely high likelihood of having triple digit IQ or at the very least progeny and descendants with a triple digit IQ, because of their DNA. But Neo-Nazis are too busy assuming. Why? They never bothered to know their enemy & actually study racial hybridization. They never cared. They just protested. This is why they will fail. Kalergi never said he will replace Europeans with a hybrid race.
stay off Jow Forums kid.
Also, seek help
Because BMWF fails at 200%, I advise you to get jobs without affirmative action, invest in Ethereum, Bitcoin, REXAM, Walmart, McDonald's, Tesla, Apple, etc. Get a portfolio. Have a resume, references, a cover letter, and no felonies.
Make your psycho blue haired dreadlock having White "baby momma" you met at Berkeley or some other liberal shithole sign a pre-nup under the guise of respecting her rights as a woman to have her own money. Be a man and raise your kids until the wheels fall off. If it fails, discredit her in court and take full custody. Remarry to a mulatto woman. Teach your mulatto children to respect her. Explain to her you and your kids are a package deal. Isolate them from the birth mother. She was a breeder and is no longer relevant if the relationship fails. If it succeeds then stay with your first wife. Leave her something in your will.
Everything I said on Jow Forums applies to raising mulatto children. Be a good father, put some in their life they can identify with if the biological mother situation fails, redpill them against getting with Blacks and damaging the process you set out to engage in. Do the bike thing. Substitute bike for whatever they ask. Make them save the money. Make them buy it. Give that away and have them suspect someone not like their kind stole it. It will plant the seed of hate early.
>I learned this from an ex neo-nazi on how he was raised.
Teach them to miscegenate with Whites or Asians every generation. Prepare for their futures. Become shareholders of companies. Buy defunct companies and flip them, buy stock in good companies. Raise them like the Zionists raise their kids: "Help your own, ascend to the top, hire your own when you run companies, lend a hand to your own ONLY."
Eventually your bloodline is bleached. Your descendants look like Brittany Venti. Continue to bleach. Descendants look like Paris Jackson. Continue. Descendants are White and every door is open for them.
If you want only YOUR future family to win, take this route.
Mulatto stepmother, mulatto family friends, mulattoes in positions of power and fame, etc.
Ive actually studied race and intelligence. I found that it was actually not race that was the reason of "low Iq" but CULTURE. Its not race that makes one superior , it's actually culture that determines how successful a nation will be. IMHO, Japanese and German/American Culture is the most superior.
True and false. Genetics define the guidelines for the culture a race may have in the end. Genetic memory. The knee jerks in sleep are from primate ancestors who lived eons ago. The coccyx was from tails that existed eons ago. There is a tribe of Asians that spearfish underwater, with no goggles, eyes wide open. People in the cold climates who lived a certain way to survive. The desire to conquer, innovate, create, to live, to compete. All the evolutionary adaptions and predispositions are genetic in nature. Culture can be potentially genetic.
>There is a tribe of Asians that spearfish underwater, with no goggles, eyes wide open.
You say that like that's difficult and not a trick you could learn in less than a week.
If you want the whole race to be respected, Plan Number 2. Some will be inevitably sacrificed and this path will be much darker and "unethical."
Humanity is hidebound and governed by inertia. Pain is the only thing humans understand. No change ever comes without pain.
An group of Arabs who cut hands off for stealing bread do not abide by European culture. They are incompatible. Africans who rape children, thinking it will cure AIDS, are incompatible. Whites colonizing Africa are incompatible. These cultures do not mix. America and Britain just make the best out of a bad situation. Stupid people are everywhere and will always confuse democratic polyracialism for cultural marxist multiculturalism.
Rome was a meat grinder that assimilated and shredded any culture and people it faced and ground them into USDA Grade A S.P.Q.R.
Rome did this perfectly because it was totalitarian. There was no room for other cultures. The only culture was Rome. There is no reason to compete. Covet. Envy. Everyone has a role and they are expected to fulfill it.
In Sweden, mosques, Arabs, former child soldiers for African warlords come together under a SJW self-loathing progressive democratic White country's roof and chaos happens. Terror, rape, submissiveness, shame, defilement, dissolution & profligacy on the highest levels. I bet they teach little boys to wear skirts and moan like girls now incase another sexual emergency happens. Is anything wrong with liking Sweden or being non-White? No. Hell no. Fuck any racist Whites who say it. But and I mean but, these cultures are incompatible and you can not just Sweden-ize them and bam, peace. You have to enforce assimilation: You are Swedish now. You will do Swedish things or get crucified in public. We will not tolerate crimes against the state. We do not care what you are accustomed to doing. You will get jobs and you will work like everyone else.
When you can't enforce because of pussies in government, you have issues.
They have done it for millennia. It is what they adapted to be capable of doing. I am ⅓rd Asian so I would know. I studied them. Race and culture. And no, it is not something I can do in a week.
A group of Arabs*
Hopefully, this my last reply. Go to the thread and read my bit on the Eurasian-Negroid hybrid and their potentials with racial alchemy a.k.a. selective miscegenation with races who have adapted the best qualities over millions of years and using eugenics along with other tactics to become a reality. I don't think I could explain it here but I talk about it there. I am a 1st gen with a triple digit IQ and hybrid vigor that includes genetic immunities to Sickle Cell, most White diseases and some Asian diseases. Many who misinterpret Kalergi fear he wanted White genocide to create us. That is a lie. However, Zionists do want control and supremacy so never trust them. Any Ea-N should definitely never trust them. Blacks trust them too much, fuck up and mistake them for White people.
Holy hell, OP, maybe you're actually retarded. Just because your race may or may not have lower IQ ON AVERAGE doesn't make you stupid or worthless, because you are an individual and not a clump of statistics. Are you murdering or raping people? Are you too dumb to function in Western society? If not, why do you care? Other people of your race have 0 effect on you individually.
Whites have Neanderthal DNA and Asians have Denisovan DNA. Melanesians have DNA of the third, lesser known progenitor humanoid. Most of the African diasppra have none of these progenitors' DNA. For some reason, Whites and Asians succeed over others. Why do you think that is?
I, for one, have no clue. It's in their DNA. I know that. If you can extrapolate that, you can use it to elevate yourself. All the survival skills we never got because we never left Africa and never had to leave for 60,000 years. The Aborigines of Australia aren't even Black people. Racist Whites say they are to further denigrate Blacks. In actuality, they are Southeastern desert asians thar went to a desert wasteland, similar to the parts of Africa their ancestors diverged from. As everyone else had to change to survive, aborigines did not need to do anything but sit in sand for tens of thousands of years. They have achieved nothing. Just like most Africans have achieved nothing. They don't need to when their environment provides them will no incentive. Does that make them inferior? No. But it is going to fuck them over hard. When a strong hunter gatherer struggled in the cold to hunt, he brought the food, he got the girl, he got the pussy, he destroyed it, he had progeny, his genes passed on. That is how evolution and natural selection works. Constantly upgrading. Constantly changing. Melanin protects you from the 150° weather in Africa without getting skin cancers. Food is everywhere as their are literal menus to choose from. Mud huts, tribes, villages, naked women with titties wide open, carrying baskets on their heads. Islam. Nothing beyond that. Any pathetic fuck out there can pass his genes on and create progeny for the same fucking tasks their great ancestors had. Where is the challenge in that? How does one adapt in that?
that went*
The only reason Whites hate Blacks is the racial difference, resistance to historic oppression and the hood culture of ignorance and violence that started in the 1980's.
The Bell Curve is pseudoscience written by two neo-con jew-American parasites. It's a bell curve for whom? How is it relevant to you achieving dreams? Does it permanently define your people? No. It's not relevant. Fuck those untermenschen and those graphs on Jow Forums. Stormfront runs /b/ and Jow Forums with the "u mad whiteboi" shilling and JIDF boogeyman. I honestly can not tell who is (((who))) anymore on Jow Forums.
My hands are really wet because I am in a bathtub. That was not relevant but I will have possible typos. It is possible to make a new, composite race, from other races. Once they are sizable enough, they can diverge and become their own race. Not sure how culture would be but their leadership can not be too Brazilian or too totalitarian. Totalitarianism leads to corruption and "democratic republics" lead to shitholes like the Congo and and Brazil.
You need an authoritarian, centrist parliamentary nation state for such a being.
Which is exactly what I talk about on Jow Forums about infiltration of Liberia then taking over, via advantages of the Liberian Constitution.
Liberia is set up to where any Black on Earth can become Liberian and run for president. They fucked up by doing that. Hybrids built Monrovia and then enslaved neighboring Africans, let them go, let them join and now Liberia is shit, covered in shit and people sleep in the graves. Look at the Vice News special on Liberia. Most of it is no infrastructure and dirt roads. They shit on the beach. There are no Mulattoes anywhere.
Last post, I promise.
Ea-Ns can use my Jow Forums solution to create a nationalist ethnostate and slowly allow itself to become a Democracy. Expanding and reforming before doing so.
Mulatto freedman built Liberia but they were half-Whites and half-Blacks. That can't work for long. Mulattos are in-between Black and White. Eurasian-Negroid hybrids are unique. They are not in-between two planes. They are in-between three. And aren't really accepted by either of the three. If anyone can make their own race and colonize places, it's them.
Why can't it work? Without some Whites and few mulattos, they will become more Black when breeding with the natives after the 140 years of enslaving them in Liberia.
>The Bell Curve is pseudoscience
>Statistics aren't relevant to the thing they're generalizing
>JIDF isn't real and is just a stormfront LARP
>My hands are really wet because I am in a bathtub.
What the fuck
dude you sound like an total idiot, no wonder you believe all that Jow Forums shit.
Bell Curve is pseudoscience kike bullshit
Statistics are highly important
JIDF is highly exaggerated
I use my phone in the bath.
fucking kek at that news article
>also because of a hood culture of violence and ignorance
Statistics are relevant. I said this.
You obviously have an IQ of 99+
OP here.In pic related I would probably be Spice but my plans weren't to procreate.
You should procreate.
Do it nigger
Your IQ could be 100, so you can do things like weld, be an accountant, etc, but the chances of it being 110+ are pretty terrible.
There will be no white countries in 50 years at this rate.
Also, IQ tests are heavily influenced by education level.
If you cannot read properly or have no math skills beyond grade school, you will seem dumber.
Education level of a child is heavily dependent on the socioeconomic status of the parents.
To be just, you would have to compare wealthy black people to wealthy white people and poor black people to poor white people in order to say anything about IQ differences.
The results get skewed by the fact that more blacks are poor.
Sorry for bumping my own thread so many times. The thought of having kids actually scare me because I worry that i won't be able to provide for them or that I just won't be a good father. It also worries me because what if the girl that I had to children with takes the kids and divorce rapes me
> I had to children with
You just need some friends man. There are plenty of white guys who don't think that way and will treat you like an equal even you are down about this shit.
Mate you are not a burden, why do you think this? Jow Forums shits stuff out everyday, it is about how much you personally are capable of, not what some infograph says you are capable of.
You want to study maths? Start at the bottom and work your way up, make sure you understand each subject, learning maths is about the amount of work you put in, like most skills, you can definitely put the time in to learn maths.
Listen I'd understand if you were disabled and felt like this because believe me I have this feeling all the time as one but there is nothing wrong with you, you just have a different skin colour so what? You are not a savage, you are not a low IQ brainlet, you are you and it is you that determines what you become.
If you’re taking Jow Forums seriously, maybe you need to make better life choices. You can do whatever you want. Stop listening to those nay sayers.
If she tries, you discredit her as a parent and take over. Many hybrids have no father and a 300lb coalburner mother who remarries to a White guy, putting her man over her kids.
That's why you flip it on her and take full custody.
Don't apologize, dude. This is your thread. I'm sorry for bumping with my theories but then again, not really. Every Black needs to get on a plan of self-enhancement, cultural and genetic. I have the plans as I am a hybrid and studied hybridization for years.
Most girls will hide you from their parents because the girls are racist and can't admit they just want the sex. Anyone who has a race fetish, I'd avoid. Just get one of those liberal, "no preference" girls.
You want to study maths but saw "somewhere" you can't? Have you bothered trying to take a course? If you can't deal with people telling you in school that you suck then get a book and try to quiz yourself. Start with basic algebra and see how you do.
He believed Jow Forums bullshit and cantcucked himself.
Stay out of jail and follow my advice. Have many kids and convince one or two to leave the U.S. That will be the best thing for them to do. Become a math student. I have a high IQ and I fucking suck at math. I went to Catholic High, a prestigious private school in my state. Got bullied by rich White kids and the principal was sucking their cocks for the money so basically it turned into a "my hands are tied, they're rich, you aren't. If you don't like it, leave" type of thing. And so I left. I never got to learn Geometry, Trig or Pre-Calc. I had to get a fucking GED and miss prom, my diploma and everything. I am bitter now. Full of rage and resentment. Our kind is hated. You can try to be right. You can try to be good. None of it matters. Don't every try anything. Do or do not. Succeed and win or try and fail. Success is the only acceptable outcome. You know the game well and how it works. Bleach your bloodline and give your family the means to evade the problem or be a part of the greatest ethno-nationalist movement this world could see, just within 200 years of selective breeding, eugenics, tactics and red-pilling. Your choice is yours. But I never want to see this again. Someone I share DNA with asking Jow Forums if they should kill themselves because of the racial insecurities of others. Only a profligate would imply such a thing and only a fool would believe it. In my twenty years of life, I have studied profligates and know now that they are insignificant. The first progenitors were Africans who did nothing for themselves because they were content with a simple life. The progenitors after them were slaves, their progeny were successful blacks who were never accepted or respected, their progeny fought for their rights, their progeny became militant, their progeny got split into fringe groups, turned to the crack flooding their communities and became petty gangs, their progeny kill each other like they are trying to reach a high score. You can not fix it.
>I don't want to be a burden to white countries
Then date/marry within your race, and that's all. If this isn't bait, your post is coherent, and I doubt you have an IQ below 100--which is the white average. You have no reason to kill yourself, user--I believe in you.
Don't breed with white women, leftist or not, please. Because then we get more mutts without any identity at all.
You can't try to either. If you must, apologize for what is happening. Let others know you are not complicit, nor do you support the ills that plague your race. You also can never let it define you. You are in control of your destiny. You ultimately define who you are. When you are born, you have a birth date and a death date. When you are in the womb, nothing mattered. When you die, nothing matters. The dash between the time you breathed your first and the time you slept your last is all that matters. What you do with that time defines who you are as a person and your value as a man. Nothing else matters. No one's opinion of your people should matter. You are not your people. You are not Shaka Zulu, savior of the Black Man and Public Relations Officer to talk to cousin raping incels on Jow Forums who want a White ethnostate then talk about fucking pan-faced Asian girls and knocking them up. It's fucking poison and I'd seldom have time to focus on it. But, you can lead by example. Be a paragon of civility and good moral standing. Be the change.
This, OP, is what I am talking about. People think hybrids can have no identity. They never once imagine the possibility nor do they think an ethno-nationalist movement for "mutts" can exist. To know your enemy is to know what they can do. Hybrids have no identity because they try to fit in. They aren't acceptable or accepted. This is why I personally do not like mulattos. They are weak and degenerate. They expect Whites to accept them with glazed puppy eyes and open arms. This will never happen so they try to be thugs like their darker, purer counterparts and this can not work because that station in life is beneath them and a betrayal of their destiny.
Asians are smarter than both Blacks and Whites which is why the tri-racial formula yields the highest success. A blueprint to work with. People with no identity that you can inspire to unify and make an identity for themselves, with the right teaching.
OP, I have no identity but until my last breath I will try to create one. If I can not start with hybrids who are degenerate weaklings who seek to be accepted by those not like them, I will start with my own progeny and teach them to create an identity for themselves.
Native Americans used to be Asians. They came from Siberia. They had no identity until they made one for themselves. Over time, they diverged from Northeastern Asians of Siberia and their progenitors of Canada, the Eskimos. They progressed from Siberia to South America. No one says, "look at Indians, they are Asians." They have their own race and identity for their people. Because they took the initiative to make the first step into the Americas. Mutts can take the initiative to define themselves and search for a new life, in the process changing themselves and developing an identity.
I initially said on Jow Forums they should conquer Liberia and enslave Arabs, Africans and Jews but Liberia is hot. Sun + People = Melanin, no incentive to survive. The place should be cold. Antarctica cold.
Dios mio....
In a cold place where one false move is hypothermic death, only the resourceful and strongest will survive there. White countries are cold. They got their traits to survive in their environment. No one occupies Antarctica as a permanent settlement so a cold place like that is where hybrids should go. They'll be smarter and lighter. And if they are Eurasian-Negroids and hate Kikes and practice eugenics? A few thousand years later and you'll have a based new race of people that have had to fight to survive and know the enemy.
Eugenics and Selective Breeding/Miscegenation + Transhumanism (Or what I like to call Racial Alchemy) can even accelerate exceptionality. One can turn thousands of years of evolution into just hundreds of years with the right tactics and leadership. Even my Nazi friend told me that was right. It can be done. It will be done.
No. You shouldn't give up on what you want to do, either. That's the depression fucking with you. You seen a therapist or anything for this shit?
No because I think I can fix this by myself
>>I wanted to study maths but I saw somewhere it said that it's not possible with an IQ of 85.
>>Being this naive about the nature of a skill like math.
>>To raise IQ you must work at it.
>>Blaming your skin color.
>>You are lazy.
Your IQ limits your ability to learn anything too advanced. IQ is limited by genetics and the likelyhood of OP having smart parents are pretty low
Lazy Nigger