How many of you are actually fathers?

Jow Forums talks a big game but how many of you have actually done it?

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I have three white sons.

Are they based and repilled? Are you having more?

No datamining kikenigger begone

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>tfw incel

Attached: Ptbw9yH.jpg (800x522, 47K)

You’re betraying the white race

I’m a mother of 2. Plan to have more.

fucked up my best chance and now live a life of regret

Attached: every-time-god-closes-a-door-he-opens-a-window-9425156.png (499x1035, 173K)

God bless you femanon.

>am asian american
>married asian asian
>have asian american son
>going to be super american nationalist
>gonna hate annual trip back to hk to visit the locusts
Yeup Ive mated