Reminder that Bernie is /ourguy/ in 2020.
>medicare for all (universal healthcare)
>free higher education
>student debt forgiveness
>end the wars in the middle east
>end all military aid to israel
>comprehensive immigration reform
>implementation of national socialist policies
Bernie Sanders 2020
Other urls found in this thread:
>says he'll fight for you
>election stolen by hilary
>takes bribe and never mentions it
>still think he will fight or even give a shit about you
lol bernie bros are worse than hilary supporters
His platform is better than Trump's, though.
Trump hasn't delivered on any of his promises, and he's the goodest goy that ever goyed.
>medicare for all (universal healthcare)
not feasible
>free higher education
not feasible
>student debt forgiveness
just retarded, learn responsibility
>end the wars in the middle east
this is will win people
>end all military aid to israel
this will win more than people think
>comprehensive immigration reform
merit based European only and I'm in
>implementation of national socialist policies
he's not a NatSoc, he's a commie cloaked under Democratic Socialism
>Trump hasn't delivered on any of his promises
stop listening to the MSM
I would only vote for Bernie if he came out and called circumcision genital mutilation and pushed to ban it. That is the only way hed ever get my vote.
>give away everything for free and invite third world hordes
>but at least he isn’t giving a few shekels to Israel!
Also, he probably is. I don’t buy for a second that a commie kike is anti-israel
honestly brenout should run Again, so we the dnc can wipe the floor with him Again.
Funny he ran as a democrat last election. he only became a democrat when he want's to be president. before that he was an independent, maybe he'll have better luck as the nominees for the DSA party
>use Jow Forums lingo like 'goy' to try to fit in like you're one of the guys
>shill for a LITERAL KIKE
Fuck this cuck
I actually supported him, then he said to vote for Hillary
He can go fuck himself in the ass
>more commies donating their college loans to Boinie
Dem Sox are commies. Student loans need interest reset and capped with a percentage forgiven based academic performance and or employment.
It's hilarious and the gift that keeps on giving
Tell me, the Boomers that told you none of this is feasbile, did they also tell you how they dont give a shit about america or its patriots or their children?
Did they tell you that while you go against the policies of making banks and big businesses pay for the modern mans work and to bring better benefits for the working men that they sit back and laugh as they look at the country they destroyed?
Yeah, you keep voting with what Boomers vote for, they did us all so good.
Fucking boot likcing boomer nut hugging tool of them.
I agree to the interest being capped but forgiving loans for people is just stupid. They knew or should have known what they were signing up for. Lesson learned. Borrow money, pay it back, with interest.
I literally said he was a commie. They just use the Dem Soc term to trick fuck people.
>backing a geriatric commie jew
Yeah OK, the smell of panic is thick. Why not throw your weight behind Jeb, at least he won't die on the campaign trail. Also not single one of those false promises could ever be implemented. 1/10 bait attempt
Fuck off commie.
>What are basic economics?
Free shit, isn't free and it isn't feasible to spend trillions on people who don't contribute to the pool. Spend billions on people who will only get meme degrees that offer nothing of substance.
He knows the game, think he would be here to help us in 2020 if he didnt say that? It did right though, turned lots of voters on Hillary the puppet. So now we have real change coming.
So you support the students having to pay they colleges that killed our country? SO they have huge surplus and can keep doing it?
So they arent held accountable?
Yeah hmm, if you arent a boomer then you larp as one. Sound like some kind of boomer pansy who says "OMG WHY WONT YOU KIDS PAY US FOR DESTROYING YOUR COUNTYRY" oh and make sure ya dont ask for UBI or Healthcare for white children, because by god do boomers and bankers hate that, being hit with a tax that gives to white working class.
He looks jewish. Can anyone confirm?
>thinking Americans will vote for their own interest and no the interest of Israel
*breathes in*
God this guy is a fucking idiot. How is student debt a taxpayer issue? Nothing is free. We are already natsoc.
He should be dead already for treason. How many times do you losers need to take a dick in your ass before you understand gay bowel syndrome?
Old as shit, the Dems have literally no one except maybe jillibrand
You are right, it isnt, thats why every other first world country taxes their big businesses like amazon, banks etc. to pay for social programs for its working class.
So yeah, course it wont work when ya let the boomers keep their cushion at the top of businesses that destroyed our nation.
Keep being that shill dude, keep being that boot licker.
Know who doesnt Support UBI? bankers, know who runs banks?
See the picture?
Shill or troll fishing for (you)s. Please Ignore.
Yeah, I totally agree, why would we taz amazon, or banks, or media companies or hollywood companies that get tax breaks off the american working mans back. WHY WHY!!! why tax the people who destroyed our country so that we can try to repair it!!
Good job boomer nut sucker!
Yeah, the guy saying to tax banks and hollywood, and media companies, and the companies that destroyed our country is a shill!
Yeah, totally not you.
Hey so tell me your plan, give all our money to the banks and big companies that corrupt our nation? Good plan boot licker!
>the old fart who was butt raped by Shillary
free shit no refunds didnt you faggots learn the last time he stabbed you in the back? No of course you didnt if you did you would realize you cant get anything for free in this world.
>Trump hasn't delivered on any of his promises
Did you just crawl out from under a rock?
Quit watching CNN.
He is literally a rich jew elite, if you didn't already know.
oh my sweet little summer child
What will Bernie do that is so special though? That you actually think we here on Jow Forums cares about
Thats why he wants to tax the rich jew elite to pay for white working men benefits! It all makes sense!
rofl dude, go shill somewhere else ya british fuck.
Make UBI a reality, know who benefits from UBI? White men, white men are the only ones that get no hand out from the big businesses or the government.
Healthcare, white men need healthcare we are by far the most hurt on labor jobs.
White men schooling, know what happens when white men become intelligent? Ask Elon Musk.
All these help white men, ever wonder why banks, hillary, biden, wall street, forbes etc. hate UBI? Its the only time in history benefits will go to white working men.
America is the only first world country
So everyone is a shill who doesnt want to pay the bankers and isreal?
rofl, ok pal, seems like ya got shit backwards.
Have you heard his accent?
>pay 20% more taxes
>receive 3% more back
Wow, what a deal!
Don't feed the trolls
I want it to be better too. I want everyone to want America, I want everyone to love america.
I want every veteran every patriot every child thats american truly american to be taken care of. I want us all tor ise and show the world who the fucking best is, why we are the best, why we have been the best, why the future is us.
UBI, and shit taxed on the backs of our rich elite bank fucks that destroyed our nation can help that.
I hate a lot of you, but to me you are american, and worth 10 billion of a muslim fuck.
So I want whats best for my people.
he's the poorest senator
>>bankers pay 20% that they should already be paying, media companies, hollywood, amazon should all be paying 20%
>>No they shouldnt I love big banks and they are great, they help the rich, and shit ont he working white man! yay!!
>voting will stop White genocide
You can’t tax a business you economically illiterate retard.
>hey, hey, hey! This man will stop isreal!
>a fucking kike
..... did you... oh lord its stupid.
why would i want to pay for others healthcare
if roastys want to go to a party school for 40k a year they deserve debt. state or community college is about 5k a year, anyone can swing that.
>with a percentage forgiven based academic performance and or employment.
holy god, is this what you people actually think? You actually think some keveching old jew is going to just "forgive" your debts because you 'tried'?
I mean you do realize that the only and explicit purpose of education IS to do well, and the purpose IS to get a job. How on earth can you possibly believe that getting good grades and getting gainful employment should merit 10's of thousands if not a hundred thousand dollars in debt spent on partying should just be "forgotten"... Because you were a good boy?
It’s literally impossible, you can only tax the customer. The most obvious example of this is sales tax, which is added at the end and paid for by the customer. All other taxes are added in the cost of business. If you raise taxes on a business, they raise prices on the consumers. If you cut taxes on non-monopolized business, they would compete with each other by lowering prices and find a new equilibrium. Again, most obviously, if you abolished sales tax the price of literally everything would drop by that percent.
Businesses do not pay taxes, the customers do. This should be obvious since the business doesn’t print money, it receives it from customers.
bernie's a douche i dont vote for the jew i aint sharin my country with shitskins
>hurr durr the stuff Bernie won't deliver is better than the stuff Drumph won't deliver
fucking kill yourself already
Bernie's a cuck. Got cucked by those BLM women who just grabbed his mic like he was nothing. Also got cucked by the democratic party.
Happy Hannakuh
No he's not. He's literally a fucking Jew.
And the only reason you made this thread was for the easy (you)s. People here are fucking retarded.
>(((Bernie))), a literal communist jew, will fight for you, white man!
>"When you're White, you don't know what it's like to be poor, etc etc"
Saged and hidden
Fucking fine. Do it. I'm quitting my job, and going on welfare. I'm not going to be the fucking sucker in this scenario.
>Socialst Jew gonna end gibs to Israel
Nigga please
New video On GDL and celebrities taking money like good slaves and saying anything they are told to say.
>a two front exposure of THEM
one it redpills normies that hear the celebrities speak these things
AND two.
It shows that the celebs are puppets
>and it's funny as fuck
Celebrities like
>Brett Favre
>riff raff
>Lance Bass
>Andy dick
>soulja boy
>Perez hilton
Pretty good Goys,.,.,.,.
Don't you know that if you don't want your dick to be mutilated you are antisemite m8
>Bernie is /ourguy/
This the laziest fucking bait ever. Can't you at least make an effort?
kys if you didn't realize this thread was bait. +10 internets if you did. +15 if you didn't bump the thread.
Thats what the ADL told me
What makes you think Bernie will be able to deliver?
permaban all mass reply fags
We have to elect socialist Dems like Ocasio-Cortez. They're the only contingent in Congres committed to this kind of reform. There are literally zero Republican congressman who aren't slaves to liberal capitalism.
We pay as much in taxes as Europe, yet our government provided us no services. Explain this.
>Remember that Bernie is /ourguy/
Have you ever visited pol prior to this post you fucking retard?
You don't have to like the man, but his platform is unironically closer to national socialism than Trump's.
tax the rich more
Non-sequitor? Are you a bot, having a stroke, or just a downie?
>yet our government provided us no services
International socialism is not closer to national socialism than nationalism + social services is.
What part of Holocaust do you not understand?
why should any government care about a mongrelized slave caste? think before you post you fucking idiot
Tax the rich at 90%, like Eisenhower did.
You're not a classcuck, are you?
>supporting a literal socialist Jew
Bernie Sanders is not an internationalist.
He is *not* pro-open borders like the Corporate Dems are.
Israel hates him. He supports Palestine.
>Support a literal Socialist Jew who wants to destroy the country
>Or Corporate Dems who want to cuck the nation
No thanks. We'll stick with Trump 2020.
>Bernie says open borders is a right-wing proposal
Wow, I sure do trust this guy now. Post a video where he demands deportation of illegal citizens.
>who wants to destroy the country
when has Bernie ever intimated anything like this?
Yeah i'm sure he'll be able to do all of this just because he's elected. It's not like there's a whole other part of our government that would try to break his kneecaps at every turn or anything.
Kind of like whats already happening.
He literally says in this video we have a moral responsibility to give poor countries healthcare, food, and education you absolute kike
Wow. Such nationalist.
Trump s hampered by surrounding himself with NeoCons. There's like two or three genuine MAGA Republicans in the executive branch.
You think Bernie is going to make the same mistake? No, his cabinet is going to be 100% socialist.
>Free stuff for all by taxing everybody 90%
>Everybody standing in bread llines "it's a good thing!"
>Praised Venezuela's socialist system
When will you commie cucks learn socialism don't work.
Well, yes. The CIA has fucked up a number of Latin American countries over the last century. We owe it to them to make amends.
Shitty 13 y/o troll is shitty
I hope you get molested a lot
>by taxing everybody 90%
No, taxing *the rich*
>Everybody standing in bread llines "it's a good thing!"
Bread lines in the USSR only occurred in the 80s after they started to liberalize the market.
>Praised Venezuela's socialist system
Chavez was doing fine. The only problem is they haven't gone socialist enough and are suffering from economic warfare from the USA.
Imagine being a libertarian past the age of 13. Sad!
What the fuck do you think the word “nationalist” means you filthy hand-rubber?
>free higher education
Americans should support this. That way you can get rid of racial quotas. Despite our immigration problems you find next to zero shitskins in higher education here since they can't get in when they have to compete equally with Whites
Oh shit, he's gonna fracture the dems again? The absolute madman.