Viral videos of Nigger "students" getting into Harvard were fake

Turns out the school they all came from was run by a black couple that faked everything on the transcripts, created fake stories about the niggers, and forged numerous documents.

Now, tons of the kids who went to harvard and yale are failing out cause they're too low IQ.

" the results after graduation have been disappointing. Some have withdrawn from college, or transferred to less rigorous programs."

"She said she “froze and failed” her first chemistry tests and walked out of a biology exam. Her papers, she said, were “childish,” and she was too embarrassed to attend a writing workshop."

This is why keeping race & IQ / the hereditary nature of IQ a secret is a problem.

Attached: Louisiana School Made Headlines for Sending Black Kids to Elite Colleges. Here’s the Reality. - Th (853x504, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Louisiana School Made Headlines for Sending Black Kids to Elite Colleges. Here’s the Reality. - Th (1898x904, 226K)



>b-b-ut private education will be better!

Nobody said anything about educating niggers

lmao this happens all the time with university diversity acceptances.

Whenever caltech or berkely or ucla or ivy league schools take in black students they have way lower grade averages and disproportionately only major in soft subjects like communications, black studies, comparative lit, and at way lower rates in subjects like physics, maths, computer science, engineering, chemistry, biology and so on.

Put me in the screen cap boys

Attached: Iron.jpg (522x522, 116K)

Whats going to come out of this is that Harvard will be forced to simplify it's curriculum. The real enchilada when be when they finally do away with that evil racist BAR exam.

>I didn't understand why people around me were doing well, and I wasn't

Because your IQ is around 90 or less, your peer in university are probably 120+.

Its that simple.

Not just diversity, but watered down public schools
You literally cannot fail to graduate thanks to no child left behind policies