The State of Democrat Idiots

How have they not accidently killed themselves for being so stupid? Did it even graduate HS or at least get a GED?

Attached: Ms Ocasio-Cortez, a $21 Trillion Pentagon Accounting Error Can’t Pay for Medicare for All.png (595x516, 182K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>calling out the pentagon black budget projects

this will end well for her

>I’m cooler than her


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the budget for the pentagon for its entirety of existence has not been $21T.. how the fuck did this girl graduate with an economics degree

checked, this user understands

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seriously, it has an ECON degree. what online paper mill factory did she get it from?

I would vote for her to be President just to watch it all burn to ash

>On July 26, 2016, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued a report “Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported”. The report indicates that for fiscal year 2015 the Army failed to provide adequate support for $6.5 trillion in journal voucher adjustments. According to the GAO's Comptroller General, "Journal vouchers are summary-level accounting adjustments made when balances between systems cannot be reconciled. Often these journal vouchers are unsupported, meaning they lack supporting documentation to justify the adjustment or are not tied to specific accounting transactions…. For an auditor, journal vouchers are a red flag for transactions not being captured, reported, or summarized correctly."

Red pilled nigras will recognize that Big Brothers embezzlement is obvious and is just now being reported.

Soibois will either shit on the spic for being a spic or defend the pentagon.


I don't agree with her but using the old left tactic
>Man you're so fucking dumb

Actually she’s not wrong. The disappearing money is used to fund black projects, which means there’s no real accountability regarding how the money is spent. Her medicare for all nonsense is retarded however. Whatever the government estimates something will cost, multiply that by between 2 and 10 to get the actual cost.

>Medicare for All costs 32T over TEN years
>every ten years
>assuming the population doesn't go up and all sorts of other rosy assumptions
I think Medicare for All will be the 1st government program in history to come in under budget. I'm with goblina now.

And you’re retarded if you think the government will just pay for it. We will. It will probably be less than what we pay now.
None of that is the issue. It will suck. That’s the issue.

chiggidy checked.

No, she IS retarded because the assumption is that no services were delivered for the money, which is simply untrue

This woman is an idiot.

Medicare fee schedule is shit and getting physicians to dictate Medicare qualifying notes is like herding cats. Medicare-for-All would be a disaster and would lead to a surge of medical offices equivalent to that of Aspen dental. Once again, a know-nothing social science zealot preaches shit she doesn't understand. She will accomplish nothing in the house and will collect the pension after a few terms.

Bruce Springsteen has it right.

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Do you REALLY THINK that the Pentagon is going to cough up receipts for all of our Operations that are on a NEED TO KNOW basis?

Ahh I see. The shot yourself through the head to hit everybody behind you strategy.

>whines about hidden Pentagon spending
>doesn't realize that is the only reason she hasn't been fried alive by Chinese energy weapons

Seriously though, if you want to find the real rabbit hole, audit the Fed. Tens of Trillions in hush money disappears through the central banking system

>muh black projects
It all goes to the pockets of generals and defense corporation CEOs.

>Ahh I see. The shot yourself through the head to hit everybody behind you strategy.
more like the great civil war isn't gonna start by itself

Wot a dumb spic cunt

>trump wins
> "See I was right."
>trump loses
> "Ignore I said that, we overcome him! Now listen to me singing about being a upper middle-class kid and a ford plant closing"

>>This and checked

Rip Harry Potter fake communist

The Pentagon audit just came out and it's atrocious.

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she's right you know. the progressive left is the only group who is actively going after the establishment "swamp" right now.

suck my dick with your mothers lips

>incel frightened by facts and logic
>slowly realizing his god emperor and cool in group wasn't actually what it claimed
>lashes out in anger


I remember her saying that we should pay for more gibs using government wastage. It's a nice thought, or it would be if it weren't for the fact that it wouldn't be wastage if you could use it like that.

>32 trillion over 10 years
>roughly 3 trillion per year
>the US population is roughly 300 million
>that's roughly $10000 per person per year
>roughly half of all people pay no taxes because they are on welfare, retired, children, etc.
>cost per taxpayer comes down to about $20000 per year
My math could be off and this doesn't take into account corporate taxes or other sources of government revenue. Still sounds like a lot.

how do you pay for your system?

I believe her numbers were based off a conservative analysis of the plan, that doesn't take into account the cost dropping as a result of collective bargaining and government controls. Even with these factors, the analysis found that it would still be cheaper than what we currently pay.

Medicaid and medicare, healthcare for veterans, etc takes up a lot of the current budget. Combining it all and driving the price down would be great

I haven't looked into it. I also don't know exactly how feasible socialized healthcare would be for the US overall, I just thought her numbers were interesting.

Someone tweet her this

Attached: jew-gold.jpg (1162x850, 282K)

>she’s so stupid heheheh
Why don’t you actually refute what’s she’s saying?

I know she was a mentally unhinged woman living in a fantasyworld, but I genuinely miss her sometimes. Something close to the level with which I miss my grandparents.

Somebody better PAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!

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>most budget policies are quoted for their ONE year cost

how much you want to bet treatment for the average Finnish person is 2-3x cheaper
you underestimate how many fat fucks are in this country

too soon dude.
Boogie2988 just died of a severe mayonnaise and mt.dew accident

>banking on the government to incease its effiency

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I love Pentagon fraud now.

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