It has started. The first big news finally broke that in the city of Oulu seven refugee muslim men kept raping a 10-year-old girl. Police are keeping info very limited, but the fact that they were able to keep on doing their aggravated child sexual abuse hobbies, and the girl was in school during the weeks, suggests heavily to the typical ASIAN grooming rape gang methods of UK.
Arrested suspects are:
Mohamed Ali Osman Humad Osman Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Abdo Ibrahi Mohamed Hassan Mohamod Rahmani Gheibali Yosefi Shiraqa Mirzad Javad Barhum Abdullhadi.
Expect 2019 to bring more similar stories as the much bigger brownish communities are in the bigger cities; Helsinki, Tampere and Turku.
why are so many European countries taking in all these immigrants? Like really what the hell
Jack Gray
they fell for the asian meme just like every fucking faggot on /nu-pol/ you reap what you sow, all foreigners are vermin there are no exceptions and if you don't have that mentality your own children will die. BASED ASIANS
Alexander Long
So tolerant and progressive. Finland YES
Robert Foster
A new group of Finnish girls gets ready to meet multiculture in their school.
>Mohamed Ali Osman >Humad Osman Ahmed Mohamed >Ahmed Abdo Ibrahi >Mohamed Hassan Mohamod >Rahmani Gheibali >Yosefi Shiraqa >Mirzad Javad >Barhum Abdullhadi.
Noah Hill
Congratulations on your enrichment
Julian Rodriguez
Why won't the government just kill all the muslims?
Jeremiah Brown
This may sound stupid, but why do these 'refugees' consistently commit the worst of crimes and attempt to turn the new home they are supposedly so lucky to have into the horrible places they left? Who was oppressing them when they are so horrible already? I cant think of much worse than community enforced pedophile serial gang rape, what did they flee from that is worse?!
Also why are there almost never female refugees? I know muslims unironically treat women as property, but do they just leave the women to die or what?
Samuel Rivera
Finland is just as fucked as Sweden since a long time ago.
Court says 10 year old girl gave CONSENT to being raped by an adult Arab Muslim Migrant.
10 you say? Seems a bit old for those fuckers. Just normal gang rape? WTF Are they getting slow? Losing their nerve? Going legit?
Aiden Brooks
female refugees arrive in the 2nd wave. Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, etc. are still better than having to go across 10 borders, deal with smugglers, essentially live of the land, etc. for months on end.
Much easier to get to Europe and send them money for proper (and typically legal) transport/migration, instead of having your wife/kid camp out in some Balkan shithole in 10°F
Logan Edwards
>Humad Osman Ahmed Mohamed
The States, no?
Brandon Lopez
>female refugees arrive in the 2nd wave imagine being stupid enough to believe this
William Torres
100 progress points to Finland! Congratulations on your virtue Extra 50 points for Swede level cuckoldry
Ryder Gray
the sad thing is the Finnish women crave Islamic sausage and nothing can break them of their lust for it
Adam Wilson
what's so unbelievable about it? majority of legal immigrants to EU come on the *family reunification* grounds. even the single men will go back home to look for a wife - after they get tired of local girls that is
Juan Thomas
When I visited finland helsinki was terrifying at nights ive never seen so many niggers. They are everywhere.
its ironically safer over in nearby, Russian mafia land.
Kevin White
I found the guy named Muhammad everybody
Kayden Williams
10 year old girls don't crave cocks tho
Jaxson Morgan
25 years of being locked up with people who'd kill you for that. 25 years of well-deserved fear of when some dude's toothbrush is gonna be buried in your neck
Caleb Ortiz
I was under the impression they were fleeing wars and shitty things like that. If the men leave, how are the women protected in a war zone? Just seems like it would take too long to walk across a continent, get a job, make money, and send it back before rape to death happens.
In USA it's been common for immigrants to go that route and send the money home or bring the family later, but they arent considered refugees. They are just people that left a poorer country for a better life for their family. Many of these people tend to bring some of their culture (food and such) but assimilate pretty well.
Brody Jenkins
UN quota requirement, that's why.
Ian Morris
of the 30k refugees currently stuck here, like 90% are from Pakistan and Iran, not exactly warzones. even being from Syria doesn't necessarily mean you're on the frontline, Latakia, Tartus, Damascus, majority of government held Homs and Hama have seen little to no war destruction, yet people from these areas are still counted among the war refugees.
also, in the case of Syria, assuming you're an ordinary civilian it usually matters little if Assad, SDF or ISIS is in charge, especially for women. Men on the other hand would get pressed into service for a cause they couldn't give a shit and where they would be considered less than expendable.
Leo Bailey
>Humad Osman Ahmed Mohamed Hu mad bro?
Alexander Morales
What are the refugees of then?
If there isnt war then they should be following standard immigration methods. There are billions living in poverty, they arent all given asylum because it's impossible. I guess I don't see why muslims get preferential treatment. Particularly strange if there was no previous precedent or ethnic group already established.
Colton Morales
It's hard to sort out one set of brown people from another set of brown people. Even more so when you actually don't want to.
Nicholas Wilson
>many niggers. the fucked ones reproduce like rabbits. In my country when you go to maternity wards it is surprising how many black women you see giving birth. The majority do not even have a job so they will live on government bonds
Luis White
Thanks, kinda thought there was no real reason either.
Henry Bell
How does this even happen? Up here all refugees are kept within camps under supervision, and when they try to molest children they're arrested and deported. How do you even manage to let them repeatedly rape a child?
Jackson Green
You had this for years, how is this any different?
Anthony Phillips
NVM you mean trafficking, right?
Ryder Miller
there was some story in finland years ago of so,e immigrant pedo rapists that was repeatedly let out and he reoffended everytime