Inmediate anxiety reducing

Please help, any tips for quick anxiety reduction,i can barely type this, i've got a rash all over my fucking body for the stress, i already took a bit more than the maximum medication my doctor allows me its done nothing, im gonna go see the doctor first thing in the morning but please give me your generic anti anxiety tips, or just type anything, i really dont care, whatever helps.

oh and by the way im not and never were suicidal but i now understand people who thinka bout it, i'd never do it but the last 5 hours have been nothing but pure uninterrupted feelings of rage guilt shame fear and regret

Attached: big eyes14.jpg (225x225, 9K)

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If it comes down to it, man, just watch the damn clock. It'll feel like it's taking forever, but all you've gotta do is make it through until the morning.

simple things you probably don't think will work, like a bath, a jog, or something to eat

This. Getting past anxiety in the short-term is almost always a factor of forcing yourself to focus on something else and interrupting the cycle of anxious thinking that's driving you crazy.

I once completely took apart and reassembled an old telephone when I started having an anxiety attack. Having to focus on using my hands to accomplish something that was fairly mindless (but required some thought and short-term memory) was very distracting.

The shame is every time a thread like this comes up, the OP argues with these basic suggestions. I hope this OP is different but I'm not holding out hope.

ill try shower and a fatty food

i have no telephones to dissasemble

Having a few drinks will make the anxiety disappear immediately. Obviously it is not the healthiest solution, but it has always worked for me in an emergency.

breathing. i'm not kidding.

also, exercise (I find aerobics, stretching, and weight training all very helpful)

this is garbage tier advice for OP. he just took his maximum allowed dose of meds, which shouldn't be mixed with alcohol.

alcohol in general also
-increases mood labiality
-causes disorientation in some people
-reduces a person's "faculties"

not to mention how any mood boost a depressed person has drinking alone is liable to make tomorrow worse

Close your eyes, inhale, and then exhale, in a deep but controllable manner.

Repeat this process, while paying close attention to your body, specifically your brain, neck, shoulders and spine.

This will really help to increase your self-awareness. You may even begin to notice just how extensively the stress is affecting your physical-being.

In your anxiety, you may have been ignoring the fact that your brain was "running in overdrive". Allow yourself to "cool down", momentarily prioritizing inner peace over anything else.

Just don't forget to breathe. Feed that big old brain with oxygen until you feel a wave of serenity wash all the anxiety away.

I bullshit you not, it literally feels like cool water cleaning out all the nasty shit you've accumulated in your brain. God bless.

I take meds too but I still have a few beers if the anxiety gets bad. It works. Fuck right off you self-righteous knob.

thank you all, shit helped.
The problem i have is im 30 years old about to get my degree but its fucking hell, i hate my major i just doing it not to look bad. My gf left me last year, i don't blame her, my psychiatric symptoms just keep getting worse. I just don't see a way in which life can be enjoyable.

thanks but im terribly afraid of addiction, just to be on the safe side i only take what the doctor allows me to

the breathing shit worked, i also called my doctor and he let me pop a sleeping pill on top of everything, i feel calm now. Guess ill live to fight another day. thanks for the help everyone, jeep up the good fight

there's way more potential problems than addiction for someone who has mental disorders and is being medicated. the first and most immediate problem is the drug interactions.

when a drug says "may increase the effects of alcohol" that is so vague. they already don't fully know what happens to your brain on these medications, not imagine throwing one of the 'dirtiest' drugs in the world into the mix.

>'dirtiest' drugs in the world

You work for MADD or something?

I work for logic and reason

Only thing that helps me outside of meds is sex or masturbating.

Does petting your ferret help? or are you a were-ferret?

it helps, so does sniffing them

can we have pics of the little guy? sounds adorable as fuark