Does diamond size matter when getting engaged? Or should a person be happy with the other regardless of the size of the diamond?
Does diamond size matter when getting engaged...
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it would be wise to ask the other party in this matter what their general thought is.
The ring is secondary, they should be happy with a fucking ring pop. They're marrying YOU. However we live in a culture that equates a woman's value to how wealthy a man she can bag, shown by the jewellery she wears. The bigger the ring the more valuable you THINK she is. This of course is bullshit and the two are mutually exclusive, if you have a girl that doesn't like the ring size over the fact that YOU are giving it to her the relationship is a waste of time.
this sentiment is not wrong.
but still. ask the other person.
if you're not able to do that, you're not ready for marriage.
>STILL falling for the diamond meme
>Get a free diamond
>Angry it's not big enough
Women where a mistake
I would rather buy a family car as a wedding gift than useless stone...
When you look at it logically, diamonds are rocks commonly found in africa and sold for insane prices to good goys while the niggers who digs them up remain poor.
If your future wife is so shallow that it matters to her, buy zircon and fake gold one ring and simply lie to her.
It's a bullshit Jewish scam but yeah, it's one of those things she (and subsequently you) will be held to comparison for. It's a competition between women. It's not even about you.
Not this fucking thread AGAIN.
Yes diamonds are a scam. Nonetheless, the vast majority of women expect them. Refusing to date a woman because she wants a diamond engagement ring is severely retarded.
Used to sell rings. Diamonds are a worthless meme. You’re better off getting a nice white sapphire piece. But everyone is different. And desu if she’s the type to get petty over things like the size then you should beware of being a beta provider. In my experience the guys who spend lots of money on a woman tend to have the shortest marriages.
Still, ask her what she’s into. 60% of guys who just run out and get a ring tend to get really ugly ones.
Or how about getting a gemstone that isn't shit?
Not all women go for that. Honestly, the entire jewelry industry is bullshit. All gemstones are stupid, it's just that people get it in their craw that diamonds are even more stupid because of how outrageously common they are.
>Still, ask her what she’s into. 60% of guys who just run out and get a ring tend to get really ugly ones.
100% this.
Accurate. My now-wife asked to marry me first, and she cried tears of joy when I brought back mood rings and said “yes”.
quality is more important than size
I don't think it matters but I think you should either ask or get a temporary engagement ring which are like $20 and then let her pick a reasonable one. If she requires a overly expensive ring to get married then I'd really question her commitment, girls like different things so interpretation of overly and reasonable are all over the place.
I would have been fine with anything, i do have preferences though. My fiancé hinted around and then asked me so I knew what I was getting, he still caught me by surprise even though I knew he was going to propose eventually. So you can ask and still surprise her.
>Or should a person be happy with the other regardless of the size of the diamond?
They should. It's a pretty good test to see if she's a vapid whore
>I brought back mood rings and said “yes”.
I feel sorry for your kids if you ever have any. You're both obviously poor.
Tbh it’s usually poor people who go for big expenses with no return on investment. We got married at city hall and should be way more than comfortably retired by our early 40’s. Poorfags seem to think money grows on trees and wonder why they’re poor.
kys shitposters
no u
Diamonds are literally one of the dumbest things you can spend money on. If she has any brains or self respect, she'll break up with you if you give her one.
t. incel
t. Schlomo
Happily married three years... no ring, actually.
plenty of women are turned off by flashy gifts, actually. many find it sad. they'd rather spend money on something that has an actual use or (God forbid) have you hold on to your money.
The more money you spend on a woman (who isn’t a prostitute) the lower your odds of having sex with her become. That type of guy isn’t sexually attractive. Aside from that, you do yourself a great favor by finding a frugal woman to marry.
>plenty of women are turned off by flashy gifts
Why do you insist lying on the internet?
you're a simpleton
The irony...
Why not ask her what her favorite gem is and get her that? It doesn't have to be a diamond. Get something that you think represents her.
He’s right though. Women will often TAKE what’s offered to them because why not or to be nice, but nothing is happening in their pussy. Women above all appreciate most the gifts given in response to something that they’ve actually done for you. If she wants that dick, she’ll be happy with a grilled cheese sandwich without any grilled cheese over a fancy expensive dinner. Because it’s from you. Shit, last valentine’s I went for a hike with my wife and played guitar while watching the sunset. She swallowed like a greedy slut that night. My friend? He spent all day kissing his gf’s ass and not long after got the “you’re just not the guy I met anymore” speech.
it's even boring getting trolled by you. go buy me something.
Bigger diamond = bigger sense of entitlement
My wife picked out a small diamond. I told her I could afford more. She insisted. Totally earned my respect that day.
When my boyfriend proposed, we realized that the obnoxious WASPs in our lives would give us shit about not doing rings.
He got me a $30 black titanium ring from Walmart specifically to annoy people like that. It fits on my thumb and is scratch resistant. I wear it daily because it's comfortable.
Eventually we were given a family ring as a wedding band, but I never wear it. I'm paranoid about losing the stones or scratching the metal.
Honestly, most people under 30 know that diamonds are a bullshit meme. Just ask her what she wants, making it known that you'd like to get her something that's actually her style.
My gf doesn't like gold and is neutral towards diamonds. She loves purple and hearts so I'm probably going to get an amethyst in the shape of a heart on a palladium band and call it a day for 1/10th the price of a diamond ring