I really want to cut myself but I'm afraid of getting an infection or cutting a vital artery. Where can I find a guide on how to do this safely?
I really want to cut myself but I'm afraid of getting an infection or cutting a vital artery...
Why do you want to cut yourself
Just use antiseptic, you can buy clean one time use scalpels, and look at an anatomy diagram you should be able to point stuff out on your body unless you are obese. Remember to clean and bandage.
The girl I love hates me. I can't deal with the emotions I'm experiencing right now.
Too complicated. I don't have time to drive anywhere right now. If I just take a kitchen knife and start lightly cutting my wrist, is there a chance I will die or get infected?
You have internet you check anatomy, heat the knife to disinfect it, if you have alcohol including liquor, or peroxided you have antiseptic.
Would isopropyl alcohol work?
Self harm isn't going to change anything user. You'll still feel the same way you do now and you'll just have another problem to deal with. If possible I suggest trying to patch things up with this girl or even have a nice fap.
If I can't change your mind about hurting yourself, you should know that cutting yourself anywhere is going to draw blood. That means you risk infection no matter where it is. That also means don't use a super fine blade because a clean deep cut takes longer to heal and will only make you feel worse. I suggest around the sides of your feet, because they don't have large blood vessels and they are easy to access for cleaning up.
Yea, and go across not down if you are cutting your arm, if you go down it you will hit arteries and probably not be able to stop the bleeding.
I know this might do nothing. but I don't think you should cut yourself. I am sure there is someone in your life that would be very hurt to see that you have hurt yourself. I know that cutting feels good, Im three years clean and Its been so much more better
It's obviously point less to self harm but some people just have to learn it the hard way, at least op considered his safety.
What's the deepest I can cut without it causing permanent damage?
>cutting a vital artery
If you're cutting yourself superficially, and not on the neck, you're not going to hit an artery. Those are much deeper for good reason.
Also all arteries are vital. And don't cut the veins either. You can die from that, just not as easily.
It has to be superficial. At the wrist or forearm, there are sensitive structures everywhere that if you nick them, they'll either bleed like stink or put you at risk of having a delayed tendon rupture (i.e., sometime in the next decade). You could also cause carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis if you cause enough trauma in the area.
Honestly, on the outer surface of the deltoid is probably the safest area (this is much of the reason why most injections are given in this area, since a needle isn't going to hit anything vital), though it's also going to be highly visible when it scars over.
How about you cut that shit out and fuck off
Tell your brain to fuck off
Jesus Ive never understood this "cutting" business. Both the pain infliction and the fact that that people are so unstrategic/unintelligent about it
Why don't you engineer other ways to cause yourself pain that don't cause permanent damage/scars. Step on a Lego or something. Eat some coma-inducing spicy food
Can someone explain this shit to me?
I've had body-focused repetitive behavior my entire life and went through a one-time phase of cutting for about 3 months.
pain acts as a temporary narcotic and provides temporary relief. it's usually a misguided attempt to gain control over a situation that the person feels powerless over. self-harm is almost always comorbid with anxiety and/or depression disorders, and possibly personality disorders.
so, to answer your question, no, it doesn't make sense to someone whose psyche isn't really primed to behave that way, and it is never a good solution to any problem.
It's not what it's cracked up to be. There's a good chance you're not even disturbed enough to feel better from it.
Is it some kind of compulsive behaviour? Like an addiction or something?
I've been severely depressed and even suicidal; felt absolutely emotional pain for extremely extended periods of time, and it never ocurred to me to cut myself or do anything of the sort. Alcohol? Druglike experiences? Sure. But cutting? No
I remember reading something a while ago that said that spicy food releases endorphines - probably very similar to the pain response. So that may be more of a serious suggestion than one would think..
If you're worried about getting an infection or cutting a vital artery, you don't really want to cut yourself, and it will do nothing for you at all if you do.
for me it is/what like a compulsion. it started when I was very young (pulling skin) and changes forms but never really stopped. I can keep it at bay with exercise, but I still get flare-ups from time to time.
The cutting for me was part of that, but it was a one-time period. I have some pretty deep, nasty scars from it though. I think most people that cut do it because it's like an emo thing to do. A cry for help.
And yeah, I think spicy food, cigarettes, any sort of self-destructive behavior in general ties into that same thing. For me it's like the pain becomes an addiction, and a short-term pressure release valve, but then I feel guilty and anxious and shitty about that, which causes me to cycle over and over.
Things are a lot better now, but they used to be pretty bad.
There is no explanation. People are just THAT stupid. OP's a faggot for going for a Darwin Award.
Don't cut. Go outside, go for a walk, get into nature if possible, clear your head.
Watch the movie, “Ghosts of Mars.” It accurately depicts your kind.