"I have a boyfriend". How can I know if a girl is saying this so you leave her alone, or it is actually true?

"I have a boyfriend". How can I know if a girl is saying this so you leave her alone, or it is actually true?

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who gives a shit? she doesn't want to talk to you clearly, does it matter if it's true?

Just leave her alone you autist

You have to leave her alone even if she doesn't actually have one, its not an optional thing dude.


It doesn't even matter because she is not interested either way

It doesnt really matter does it?

Respond with a "good for you" and keep going with your conversation if you're confident in yourself.
Otherwise, everyone else is right and you move on. Either way, the statement means very little

Haha no you red pill retard

If she says she has a boyfriend she does not want to talk to you at all. There is no conversation and forcing one is very autistic

I don't give a shit
"Challenge accepted" should be your answer

how many times has this thread been made? I swear I've seen this several times last year. Does every girl that OP talks to not interested in him.
If anything post your face and your outfit

This is the first time I post it.


but its not the first time you've seen a thread like this, because that pic has been posted her before.

My gf didnt say the whole "I have a boyfriend" thing when we met but she did say that she just started seeing a guy.
I said "Cool, you know poly is a thing"
Fast forward to the guy not being able to handle a poly relationship and me "winning" her from him

I doubt someone asking a question such as OP would be the most critical thinker.

That's completely different from "I have a boyfriend though. Why are you trying to brag on an anonymous Mongolian basket weaving forum?

I'm saying it was close because she brought it up when I was hitting on her and I just dropped some knowledge on her and continued the flirty conversation. Then it work out in my favor

You do know that "I have a boyfriend" is a dismissive statement, whereas "I've just started seeing a guy" means that she's okay with you but not for a relationship (right now).
They are two completely different things, but good that you dropped some knowledge.

So basically you are a cunt that doesn't respect relationships. Good for you.

better question is why are you bragging about being in a poly relationship, sounds like you see less people than her.

you right, you right

if she's said that you're obviously being a creep and need to back off

Yeah I know the difference, just trying to share situations where shes not telling you to fuck off

I entered in a poly relationship with full disclosure and good intentions but ok

I get to brag sometimes jeez. I have slept with more people since we've been together than she has

I have zero respect for """poly""" relationships. That's such lazy bullshit.

Good comment
Some "poly" relationships are just "sleep around with less guilt" relationships and that can be a bit lazier
That is not how the ethical non-monogamy kind of poly relationships work. They involve a lot more work and communication. So decidedly less than lazy

are you hot?
if so, the latter

That's wonderful, your memory and all. Do you recognize the same dicks in any of the 17 simultaneous faggots-rating-other-faggots threads on /soc/ at any given hour?

Regardless of whether or not they tell you they have a boyfriend or if they're just not interested; there's a reason they're saying it. They don't want give you their number.

>"good intentions"
>"she did say that she just started seeing a guy"
>"I said "Cool, you know poly is a thing""
>zero fucks given if her boyfriend is into poly shit or not

Good intentions... to get your dick wet.

I'll never understand women:

>start flirting with girl
>wheew, we have so many things in common
>she's actually fun!
>we talk for hours
>and then suddenly...
>"Oh, I have boyfriend"
>"...and a daughter"
>she was 19

Not at all. More like a normal guy.

>tfw have a bf but don't say it when asked because I don't want people to think I'm not interested

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So.... basically.... a whore...?

Fuck.... off....? :)

have you considered perhaps maybe it could be possible that she was just being a decent human being, and you mistook it for flirting because you're an autismo?
Also as above, it doesn't matter, she's telling you to fuck off if she says she has a boyfriend, so kindly do so.

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>"we talk for hours"

Yeah, it must be autism...

What part of that doesn't make sense dude?
Her just being nice and wanting to be your friend and you completely misreading the situation because you're a lonely cuck is literally exactly what happened here pal.
GL growing and learning from this experience!

It depends oh how its said
If its an immediate “i have a boyfriend” response before you get a few sentences in then she doesnt want to talk to you. (Its rude but move on you dont want that type of person in your life)
If you guys have been talking for a while and you ask her a question like “can i take you out/lets do .../other date like intentions” and she drops the line it could be
1.) she likes you as a person and wanted to be your friend
2.) she sees you as a potential parter in the future but isnt going to cheat on existing partner
3.) she was being nice/thought it was small talk
Nine times out of ten its one or two
Honestly i loose my respect towards a guy if i talk to him and wanna be friends but spergs out when i tell him im taken
“You led me on/why didnt you tell me sooner/so youre a cheater”
I understand youre upset dude but isnt it possible to have friends of the opposit sex?

>guy doesn’t realize woman has known other men before him
>guy doesn’t know where babies come from
>guy literally cannot take a fucking hint
Why is this thread even here still? Lazy ass mods. This belongs on

>I understand youre upset
I guess that you're saying it because of my previous message, but I am not upset, just a bit confused. She stopped talking to me after that. Her bf is a nice chad so I can't really compete with him.

>/soc/ is one person

Even if she didn't have a boyfriend it's better saying she does than giving you false hope. From my experience, I say it, because I simply don't want a relationship. It's saying I have a boyfriend, than saying "I'm not looking for anything," because people think they can change that.

Sorry i wasnt talking to you specifically
It was more the guys who act dickish no one in particular.
What are you confused about?
My advice to you would be continue onto other girls but maybe just check in with this girl
A little “hey how are you/or a more personal hows your dad/pets/other things in her life”
Ask yourself the questions
What made you like this girl?
Is she someone that you value as a person? Or a friend?
If she doesnt see you in “that way” would you still want to talk as a companion?
Do you want to keep her around for her personality, rather than wanting to be with her because of her looks.
Honestly guys like that are 10/10
If you can talk to a girl/are interested/want to pursue, and she says shes taken/not interested
And you come back with a light hearted “alright but i still want to be your friend”
I guarantee she’ll look at you in a good way

Nobody mentions the girls who have boyfriends but are too afraid to mention it for fear of making the guy angry and attacking you

>I have a boyfriend
I don't see him here, maybe I can show you a good time since he's not?

Lol this is hilarious
>be at party, sitting on couches in circle of people
>I'm talking about some random shit to whole circle
>one girl blurts out I HAVE A BOYFRIEND
based on this thread, I should have what, exactly? Immediately stopped mid sentence, stood up, and walked away and jumped out the window?

go fuck yourself Jow Forums, "I have a boyfriend" does not get to be an autism pass to make someone go away, if you do this either stop going to places people go to be social or just kill yourself

Clearly not the situation anyone was referring to. Just stop hitting on girls when they say they have a boyfriend.

Who cares? Just continue the conversation. If it's a shit-test or she's willing to sleep with you then you win. If not, then it's not like you lost anything if she rejects you. If she's had a little to drink and you flirt well she might even just forget about her bf for some time, so you really have nothing to lose by playing it cool and seeing what happens.

It depends if she continues to talk to you and go out with you. There are women I know are married or in a relationship and they conduct themselves around me as if they are single. They bring up giving head, sexual exploits, boredom, etc. So there is a difference. One is a fuck off and one is you can be my eunuch friend and one is a warning not to expect a relationship but they are open to intercourse.

I do know that most women in relationships don't want the complication and drama of a break up to date you so if you take that off the table and make it clear you just want to have a good time the woman is very likely to want the same.

Don't fuck up their relationship and they will fuck you.

>"I have a boyfriend". How can I know if a girl is saying this so you leave her alone, or it is actually true?

It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The girl is leaving you no room to talk your way in. She did that on purpose numbskull. Quit being a weirdo and leave her alone. Move on.

U tryna rape her if you knew she was lying?

>The girl is leaving you no room to talk your way in.
Girls can say they have a boyfriend and still talk. It's just a test.

My wife occasionally goes out with female coworkers and thought nothing of it until I noticed in every pic of the group I've seen she isn't wearing her wedding ring. I mean every one. I haven't seen guys hovering in any of the pics but have to consider they are just out of frame.


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gotta read other signs

I asked a girl phone number she said she was taken out of spite because a week ago she sat next to me ,dressed up etc. and tried to start convo since she was into me alrd, but I totally ignored her since I was autistic.

It doesn't matter. It means "no". Your time is better spent elsewhere.

Not saying she isn't doing anything. But dude. People like being hit on and getting validation even if they reject it.

Sometimes girls come onto me, sometimes hard. I don't feed them, I say no, I say I'm married, I'm good to my wife.. still walk away with an ego boost thinking I still got it.

It is entirely extremely possible your wife just likes the odd attempt at her to feel like she's still young and desirable.

You should seriously investigate. I'm just saying don't draw any definite conclusions.

I get the ego boost from a compliment but not wearing her wedding ring while out on the town is to show her availability. If she is out as a single woman then no one will say a thing while she's all over other men. With the ring some men wouldn't approach and she wouldn't feel as free to express her attraction to them.

You make fair points which is why I say definitely look into it but there's a lot of possible reasons.

Like what if she actually takes it off when going out because she feels she might get mega drunk and lose it?

MPUA here, you can have the bitch as long as she's talking to you/responding to you. With a bf, you're only competing against one guy.

clearly it is
clearly when youre at a place where girls get hit on, they will automatically think you are hitting on them, which is reasonable
but you dont get to exclude people from socializing like that, you dont get to cut someone off like you are the gatekeeper to your group and if it happened to me it's undoubtedly happened countless times with that exact phrase

So what about when they say they have a bf then quickly backpeddle into saying well not a bf a roommate . I realize the bitch is toxic but that means she's obviously wanting me to think I have a chance right ?

does it matter? either way you arent getting any

Pretty much this, not worth hanging on

Only flirty response you could do is if she seems playful enough or not in a rush you could say “how goods the relationship?”

Recently I had a chick I asked tell me she has a bf and then offer to give me her number because she said she’d love to be friends lol like that wouldn’t just lead to me plowing her but I had to turn her down because I’m just gonna be lusting after that until she’s single and I’m impatient

Oh yeah I just posted ^ and I’ve gotten girls numbers and banged them even after getting the “bf” excuse. Was there ever really a bf? I don’t know and I didn’t ask questions.

Don’t be a bitch. You can read a girls interest by her mood, not her automated responses because people aren’t used to getting hit on anymkre

You know she now thinks she can suck and fuck other cocks thanks to you, right?

You’re trying to turn being a cuck into some awesome story lmfao

yup, hardest pill to swallow

Yeah but isn’t “seeing a guy” indicative of the fact that she’s most likely going to be in a relationship barring for the dude she’s seeing turning out to be super weird or something ? Why would you be in the preemptive phases of a relationship and be fucking around ? (((Surely))) girls don’t do this, right? Surely, girls are not whores

What is a creep to you? Just anything that isn’t automatically hot or interesting or whatever? I’ve had girls that were laughing when I stopped them, using normal body language, and clearly didn’t mind being approached say that. I don’t think they’re creeped out they just might not find you attractive, they might be insecure, or they might actually have a bf

"Oh that's okay, the last one was married. So, dinner tomorrow night?"

>I connected on a social level with another human because we had a lot in common. You know. The way humans socialise whether sex is involved or not.
>Sex wasn't involved.
>I don't understand her logic..

Man you kids these days..

That’s awesome. Let’s make a list of responses

“Last one was married”

“And I have a girlfriend”

“He can come too”/“he can hold the camera”

“And I have a dog”

“I can see why”

“Okay thanks anyway have a good one”

Read her mood and take your pick

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I've never seen that happening in a context where a guy was talking to a group of people. Sometimes girls will mention that they have boyfriends in conversation (I went x with my bf) to make yo understand they're not interested, but no one blurts it just to make you go away.

If she says that, probably just leave her alone

Whether it’s true or not, the result is the same. She doesn’t want to be with you.

Girl told me this once, and I responded, "Well if you're serious about him, then we probably shouldn't hang out." Then I invited her to lunch and she agreed... it turned out they were pretty serious, were living together and had been dating six years, but that didn't stop her from sleeping with me. :P Whole thing turned into a giant mess, but I'm not sure whether I regret it or not....


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doesn't fukken matter, don't break your head over it

There's a huge difference between "I don't want to talk to you" and "I don't want to talk to you YET". Always assume the latter.

x="I have a boyfriend"
if x=truth => you don't get the pucci
if x=false => you don't get the pucci
Conclusion: you don't get the pucci either way, therefore it's irrelevant whether x is true or false.

since this is the cuck thread i have a question.
if she does have a boyfriend but is also clearly attracted to you and you're both getting feelings for each other and hang out together alot without her bf around; do you wait for her to breakup/make the first move on you? or do you actually go for the cuckening? i've only done this once before but it was far too easy and that chick was way more of a thirsty thot than this chick who is actually a decent person (or thot in disguise since shes hinting attraction at me hard). im not even sure myself if i want a legitimate relationship with her or if i just wanna fuck her

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Does it matter? It means "Would you kindly fuck off" either way, so there's nothing to do but fuck off and leave her alone.

>women lie to give men something to chase.
Why is this?
Stupid behavior

>women wanting to just be friends

Why do women do this?
There's no such thing as 'just friends'

I have male friends since childhood, it's not such a rare thing.

Doesn't count.
Can you make/keep make friends while your single? Nope. Just orbiters waiting for a chance. If you're above a 7

Yeah, I've been friends with guys while we both were single. I'm telling you I've been friends with guys since I was born, do you think I was never single over the last 24 years?
I'd rate myself around a 6.5 or a 7. Face is cute enough, I'm thin with curves.

I had guys hitting on me, I had guys who were "orbiters", but I also had male friends.


It doesn't matter. The girl doesn't want your company if she's telling you this. Leave her alone you absolute autist.

A whore and a slut are two different things

She is in fact a slut, because she would let a better looking man fuck her for free.

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If a good looking girl doesn't have a boyfriend there is something wrong with her... They get presented with dick offers on a daily basis, the chance of one of them being single waiting for your personal dick is bellow one digit percentage.

If you weren't such an incel faggot you wouldn't be worrying so much about whether she's currently taking cock or not when you approach. Stop spooging off to porn and grow some balls you cuck.

Some girl I work with uses this as an excuse to brush off the hordes of guys trying to get at her. I know she doesn't have one, heard her admit it. Thankfully I'm not into stick girls though, think she's anorexic

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why is it hard to accept that one girl doesn't want to talk to you?

It doesn't matter if it's true or not. If she's saying it she wants you to leave her alone.

The only time a girl will say this and doesn't want you to leave her alone is when you're already naked and about to stick it in, and she'll say it to absolve her dumb cheating ass of guilt.

You'll never know if a girl is telling the truth. youll never know if she wants to fuck you or not until she does. Hell she doesnt even know.

The world of sex is simply like that, theory doesnt matter, only practice. Everyone has a lot of talk about what they think or not about a person but in the end all that matters is if it happened or not.

Girls can and will change their minds at literally any fucking time except the morning after.

Name ten instances where this happened with sources.

>if x=truth => you don't get the pucci
>if x=false => you don't get the pucci
neither of these are true.

99.999% she wants you to fuck off.
You can try and call her bluff and ask "Why isn't he here then?" That would be funny, wouldn't it?

This is true. Women are fucking...fickle.

You know why the "alpha males" are alpha males? Because they don't give a shit what other people say about them. You know all their dirty secrets because you heard it second hand, but they continue to fuck girls and be awesome dudes.

Stop being scared of pussy. You fuck a girl, she's going to talk. Your dick size, how you did it, how pathetic you were in bed...it's going to be known. Fuck it, you're smashing pussy and you learn.