I always get a different answer on these tests!
what does that mean?
is the MBTI a hoax? why do they think all humans get to just 16 personality types?

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Dunno what this even is, probably doesn't matter.

Myer Briggs something something.
It's the new flavor of, "Who will you marry?" facebook test.

looking it up on google and looking it was made by carl jung, it probably isn't a hoax

where do you make these tests? is it reliable?

>facebook test.
It sounds like you're unaware that facebook unabashedly performs social experiments on their users for fun and profit. You should probably delete your account as soon as you possibly can.

You mean like Google, the vast majority of ISPs, as well as cell providers?

I think I'm good.

You don't need the internet to test people in social experiments. All you need is a bit of money, a camera, and a high traffic area.

Society is just a giant social experiment.

You have to answer honestly and lots of people think of themselves better than they really are one way or another.
People can either think they are more selfless than they are or more emotionless than they actually are.
There is literally nothing stopping you from putting the exact opposite of the truth on these tests.

Don't post then you fuckin autist

But that IS the criticism. If you answer truthfully it's a good indicator. It doesn't help people who are dishonest with themselves, but for those who are looking to improve and are willing to admit their faults, it's a useful tool

It means you are too retarded to give consistent answers, idiot.

>are star signs a hoax? why do they think all humans get to just 12 personality types?

>there's no difference between a test based on your answers and something based on the day you're born

Disregarding that a persons answers will change day to day, depending on their mood, and depending on how they perceive the question on any given day.

I mean, at least the stars are consistent.

Most people are not that fleeting.
I never got different results, I'm pretty consistent even years apart.

Then, I don't think it's the ultimate tool to understanding other people. But unless you really have no understanding of yourself, it should be alright.

You would need to put complete opposite answers to change your scores drastically.
Most people are between two personality types and there are places that will show your percentage for each instead of just your end results.
The personality test just analyzes your answers it doesnt predict anything that you dont already know.
Also your personality can change based on your life experiences.
Someone who was kidnapped and tortured for years is going to be different than someone who won the lottery and started a successful business while investing the rest smartly.
Its just natural that your personality slowly shifts.

user error. the test is bullshit anyway though

idk man i’ve done the test for 5 years and i always get infp

What a dumb argument. Baffling how someone could post something like this without second guessing themselves.
No, your answers wouldn't change day to day unless you lack zero understanding of yourself or have a mood disorder like bipolarity. And the stars aren't consistent either, they are constantly in motion. Oh and even more importantly, there is 0 connection between the position of stars and a person's personality, meanwhile clearly a person's answers stands in direct connection to their thought patterns. That I even have to say it.

You can question the accuracy of MBTI, but anyone who compares it to star signs is an actual retard.

I don't know but there doesn't seem to be enough different types to accurately reflect different people so I would say that's its not a hoax because that question is really stupid but that its not accurate or relative to much.

(cont) I just took a online one (accuracy?) and either they tell you what you want to hear or its fairly accurate right down to profession. The degree I'm in college for, business administration, which is kinda weird.
Says I'm ESFJ-A, ESGJ-? people like Taylor Swift and Bill Clinton and others which doesn't make sense that these are in the same group to me, but t-swift so who cares.

It could be people read what they want and ignore non-relevant, idk but still definitely no a hoax because that's just a silly question.

Like what

It's accurate, I'm a financial-conservative engineer and I'm an INTJ, reading more about that "type" helped me learn to empathize better

I'm reading my specific results, there's room for interpretation in the descriptions but it seems pretty accurate.