These are the ideal borders of Europe. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

These are the ideal borders of Europe. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Attached: map.png (2000x2308, 1005K)

why is cyprus included? they're levant arabs

Attached: average cypriot 2.png (736x936, 134K)

can't we just nuke it all

Best Kek!

this is one of the best I've seen. saved.
this is a france I could get behind, btw.

Start with Sweden pls

Implying Analbania would still exist in that case.

It’s good, except Poland should have its eastern territories (Kresy).

Next motherfucker who cuts germany up im gonna cut them up.

Fuck Germany

u mad

horrifying map, all you did was add a bunch of non-countries heres a perfect one

Attached: betteras.jpg (2124x2124, 501K)


lol fuck off

Attached: suck it.png (2000x2308, 494K)

why do you have such a chip on your shoulder?


Why the fuck would Austria be part of Germany? Big cultural differences. Even Bavaria should be separate.

It's called divide and conquer (aka. dnc, d&c) and it's the lead tactic in the arsenal of the jews that are paid to post here. If you see an user being mindlessly antagonistic, you should bet money that it's a jew.

perfect europe

Attached: European Seperatism IV.png (2946x2396, 917K)

>no free Scotland
>no free Cornwall

Woohoo tough guy

Attached: 800px-flag_map_of_united_states_-20130304-490.png (800x501, 59K)

Surely, Turkey doesn't require all that land? Methinks they should be sent back to Mongolia.

>biohazard symbol for Israel
Why not just let the Palestinians have it

based ahmed calling out jewish subversion
fight the good fight

Why is Finland supposed to have that northern part of Russia? Finnish minorities live in the region next to it, and their amount is about 50k (about 7.4% of region's population). At the same time the amount of Russian and pro Russian people in Baltic countries and some Ukranian regions varies from 30% to 50+% percent. Try to do better.

Actually, that wasn't intentional kek.

Cornwall is a meme nation. It has dissapeared -if it ever existed- and its inhabitants have been assimilated.

Oh and Navarre hasnt?
>but muh Basque
Fucking Spanish shouldve wrecked all Basque shit and forced them to become Spanish

>giving us wallonia and east frisia
Absolutely based.

>Oh and Navarre hasnt?
No, a good chunk of them speak Basque, and those who don't still mantain a strong ethnic identity.

>size of Hungary
That's where you're wrong


Shouldve forced assimilation when you could Spain
Why do so many countries have parts of them that dont see themselves as apart of the host country?

fuck you

The Balkan States are messed up, you need to exterminate the Muslims there, and then you can proceed with your design.
>herr derr muslims here are secular derr

>You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Based /sp/ poster

Ukraine ? Not a real country. Get rid of it and I will support your map


Raul,really man wtf

>United Ireland, but no free Scotland
>giving Russian clay to Ukraine, keeping Northern Caucasus in Russia
>not giving Konigsberg and Danzig back to Germany
>handing over Corcisa to Italy instead of setting it free
>giving Central France to Occitan mongrels
>giving clay to levantoarmenoid greek sandniggers

Attached: AF5D6DB5-1FF2-4911-B5D9-9395FBF2F69A.png (1200x1105, 445K)

Very nice

>ukraine exists

probably a quarantine zone which is why I assume ukraine is also still there

Fake news, now this is peak performance

Attached: peak europe.png (1600x973, 500K)

Galicia is rightful Spanish soil, and Brittany/Normandy are De Jure English but other than that pretty cool

this one is legit

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Attached: GoodMap.png (2988x2187, 476K)

Poland has more of a reason to exist than to just give Germany all that land. Poland played a major role in stopping the Ottomans.

Breddy gud but needs to add baltic countries and belarus to the Reich and serbia to bulgaria 10/10

I always thought Slovenia would be Reich but Croatia would control Bosnia & Herzegovina not unlike WW2

Bring the Austro-Hungarian Empire back and I agree 100%

kill yourself uneducated ignorant

daily reminder that germanics are the cucks of the continent and the best friends of the jews, fact

opinion stated like fact, noice

that's a fucking lie from basque cucks, most of the NAVARROS don't speak a shit of basque, also the genetic is as related to the basques as to any other spaniard

t. navarro

Attached: 956556.jpg (991x655, 93K)

Europe already had perfect borders once.
The only change i'd make is return the Balkans to the Greeks, and we get a perfect europe.

Attached: 151308202586784356.jpg (628x512, 109K)

Or that.
One of the two.

Attached: perfect europe.jpg (736x571, 221K)

Attached: 1541084038270.png (1837x1655, 277K)

Ok, this is peak perfomans.

Pretty good, I'd change some minor things (French Flanders to Netherlands, French Basque, Andorra, and French Catalonia to Spain, Aosta to France, Montenegro to Serbia, parts of B-H to Serbia, Northern Epirus and Bitola/Monastir to Greece)
Only big thing is I'm not that keen on Kurdistan taking much of historic Armenia, Poland being entirely subdued, and Belarus and Ukraine not being part of Russia.

>most of the NAVARROS don't speak a shit of basque
>Implying the burger hasn't just said that a bunch of them, not a majority
>Implying speaking basque is the only condition to feel basque
>Implying Navarra isn't the less spanish-feeling region in Spain
>Implying your own map disproves what you just said about genetics
>Implying you're from Navarra

t. true Navarro

Attached: Nabarra (2).png (945x629, 78K)

Lmaoo what a fucking absolute mess of a map.

Thats like some anarcho-socialist dream world.


Attached: GoodMap2.jpg (2187x1600, 1.01M)

>Gypsies get their own territory in the middle of historical Romanian land

Literally makes no sense

Because this time it will work great.

>Be German
>Be occupied by America
>America rules by Jews
That pic is a self-insult, at least America is important to be directly ruled by Jews. Germany is a puppet of a puppet lol.

Hey, not bad. You actually left us alone. Very appropriate.

>Ottomans exist
>perfect borders

the ideal borders are roman borders cuck.

>these are the ideal borders of Europe
>poland exists

So you're from Navarre? What the hell is that? Does this group share any important feature that it doesn't share with all the other Fuckup-Spaniards?

Non Indoeuropean native language among other things.
Not OP.
Also he has missed Iparralde (french Basque Country).

nah they are arabed greeks, most of them are ugly af but you can find white people there actually

>albania exist
fuck no

Yeah, cause lots of white people buy realty there.

>sucks jewish cock

>stolen Lithuanian clay is still stolen Lithuanian clay
You spics are retarded. Truly.


lol its full of russians for some reason down there, most of them intermix with cyprians, you faggs are gonna create a whole new nigger race

Work ethics, racial identity...

>Galicia portugese
>fucking navarra
>the larpfest that is occitania
The rest is shit too.

Lithuania stole Russian clay, there is no other Lithuanian clay than the one on the map.

why does ukraine exist on most of those "ideal europe" maps? Are you people retarded?

Based polandbro.

>Fracture every single country in Europe
>Except Portugal
>+Restore the Monarchy
I liked it.

Attached: a18.jpg (533x477, 22K)

if you're making yugoslavia that big then you should give romanian Banat, Koruška(Kärnten), Gradišće(burgeland), Videm(Udine) and lower macedonia

You're an idiot, with a mutt-tier level of education.

I don't want to be part of russia. Ask anyone here, they'll agree

Attached: Europa.png (1031x1024, 393K)

i'll bite, just because you guys are a bunch of HOI4 faggots fantasize of a retarded Grossdeutschland that is completely irrelevant in Europe History

Attached: Europe v2.png (2988x2187, 459K)

Burger tier education = burger tier map

For the first time an actual good map +3 points

t.seething gypsy

Wow hold it baguette boy this map looks shit.