There's no reason to financially glorify an already paid for biological automaton. if your job encompasses the theme of moving an object from point a to point b, then you deserve a smack on the ass. Not my respect you complete fucking moron. Only an IQ deficient knuckle head would demand financial compensation for an already paid for mediocre task.
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I only tip delivery since their job is bullshit. There's no niggers or spics here so I never get dumb shit like them leaving it outside.
I shat on a prostitute once and gave her $20 extra
Never tip blacks
No retard.
Tip whites. Tip behaving slaves (brown people).
Do not tip brown males.
It allows you to use your own money to influence who serves you. It forces the slave-class to fucking smile and treat you politely. In an all-white society, tipping would be useless, but it has a very important use to america right now.
Only poor broke niggers and white trash have a problem with tipping.
These threads are so fucking tired, they're pretty much ignored kek.
Tip the pizza guy or don't order delivery. You make me sick.
Here in Serbia its only given to round up to next 500-1000 number (10 usd = 1000 dingerinos) on superb service and shit.
Or if waitress is super cutie.
Then you give her just the tip even if she aint interested.
I tip if it's deserved. If I get good food and a personable waiter/waitress, I tip about 20%, otherwise 0.
I don't know how it's set up in your respective countries. In the US, the pay is set up so that the server needs tips to make their day profitable enough.
It doesn't matter if it's fair to the consumer or not- it's just the way it is. You are really fucking up someone's day here if you don't tip them. Once you realize how it works, you should realize it just isn't fair to fuck with someone's money like that.
In short: you should feel bad.