Go Vegan

Meat is Murder Jow Forums

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>killed relatively humanely vs being ripped apart by predators in nature
And if you're arguing that cows are sentient, you are actually retarded.


Shh let carnie cucks poison themselves

Veganposting has been shitting up /ck/ for months.

I'm not a vegetarian. But i've drastically reduced my meat consumption for both my health and because i really hate animal cruelty. I ocasionnally eat meat...sometimes once a month,...Just enough to have some sort of vitamin B12 intake.

Maybe i'd feel less guilty about it if i could be sure that the animal is killed instantly but it's often not the case. i've seen horrible videos where these animals are super stressed and suffer for several minutes...

Most animals ever born died by being eaten alive. Its natural to eat other animals. Eating is one of the joys of life. Go find a corner to nibble your tofu and shut the fuck up.