If brits call indians asians, what do they call japanese and chinese? You can't specify japanese or chinese unless you ask the person what they are. So what do they call them when they don't know? Also asian? Because that would make them imagine indians.
If brits call indians asians, what do they call japanese and chinese...
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gooks and chinks
I thought that was considered offensive for some reason
They are Asians, as are alll who live within Asia.
Based tit poster.
This is correct. They are from the Orient, so they are Orientals
This or east asian
They're asians, obviously.
For me, all Americans are Yanks, regardless of if they're from the south or not.
But they are ethnically different. Oh well.
They all live in what is Asia, therefore they are classed as asian.
I tend to call anyone from the middle east a shitskin thesedays, but in polite company the term is middle-eastern asian.
Chinks and japs.
Asians is bbc speak for saying paki.
East Asians
Oh aye. On the news or polite company its asians, or middle-eastern asians.
But Pakis are Pakis because they're so prevailent over here in our culture of owning all the bloody newsagents.
Indians are Indians because we used to own their arses and of course curry is a massive staple dish in the U.K.
My family refers to Japs/Chinks/Koreans as asians and all that lot of Iran/Iraq/Afganistan and such as middle-easterners.
All the weird language the UK uses is because of PC.
Australia which is very close to the UK culturally and actually geographically right beside asia. Doesn't use these silly terms.
If you say asian to someone they think NEA or SEA.
They're orientals, you dumb shit. You know, the word we can't use any more because it's racist or some shit.
It's only boomers who call Indian looking people 'Asian'. Asian to anyone under 50 means Ching chong Chinaman or based nip.
They call them orientals
this has been offensive in america for a long time like fag
Wat. It’s just a normal part of older nomenclature only recently subverted to spread out the criminality of paki poos so East Asians can absorb some of the guilt. If the British press were to say “Pakistani rape gangs” they would have Muslim riots in their streets (again).
You've got it ass backwards, Chang. "Asian" meaning your slitty eyed coolie ancestors is the PC term.
Thats what i said you low iq nigger
>you elder brother is 177cm
>your twin sis is 164cm
>your father is shorter than brother
>your mother is shorter then sister
>your height is 188cm
>you wil never have a gf higher than you
Why even live?
We call pajeets Indians. Pakistani's etc pakis, Chinese chinks and Japanese Japs.
oriental, chinaman
When I was in high school one girl had a similar bust and everyone knew her as 'tits'. She was a loner because no one took her seriously
Everything west of turkey is asian
saudis are asian
pakis are asian
chinks are chinks tho
they get their own name
t. watched sky news at 3am theone time they mentioned pakistani rape gangs
Someone not politically correct will just call anyone brown a paki and anyone yellow a chink, regardless of nationality
Someone politically correct will call a chink, either East Asian, Oriental or by their nationality
Arabs are generally just called Arabs here
They have their own category in the census separate from Asian
We don't count them as white like america does
hello. chinks are turning into robots.
They’re only considered white here cause when they first started immigrating they sued the government to be considered Caucasian. The caucausian shit we put down for forms and all of that is fucking bullshit too.
Pork Eating Asians?
Chinky noshas
They're well known for their fantastic (by bong standards) all you can eat buffet restaurants, so were given that nickname with honour and respect for fighting on thr front lines against toast sandwiches and deep-fried mars bars.
at least chinks have freedom right?
The fuck are you talking about?
East Asian. S-ge.
Japanese is more white than British.
In the UK they don't differentiate. Literally Muslims invader rapists they view the same as honorary aryan Japanese men.
But they've always been at war with eastasia. Wouldn't that association be a problem? Don't want to incite any violence, bruv.
Hey Bongs in this thread, how do you thin the Markle Debacle is going to end?
Meghan Markle's staff has been quitting right and left, and apparently the row with Kate Middleton was over the thot yelling at Kate's staff.
I ruled out car crash because you just can't do that kinda thing TWICE even if you haven't done it the first time...I was betting on death by pregnancy -- there are lots of ways to cause a pregnant woman to die on delivery date.
...but now The Butler Did It doesn't even have to be a conspiracy, sooner or later one of the dogs she's been kicking will bite back. Never understood people who are rude to their staff.
>of course curry is a massive staple dish in the U.K.
Oh, of course. Much the same way lo mein is a massive staple dish in Canada and 12 year old asshole is a massive staple dish in both Canada and in your shithole country.
>more white
whiter, you dumb nip
mommy gib milkies
Dated a girl with HH's once. God damn it user, never go that big. The novelty wears off real quick and those fucking things break out in a rash if any moisture gets in. She had to put a rag under them after showering. Not to mention the constant bitching about back problems.
>well known for their fantastic all you can eat buffet restaurants
Our countries aren't so different after all. Got two of those fucking places nearby and god damn it I don't care that they're actively trying to take our country over, I still eat at those places constantly.
She's going to have an unfortunate staircase mishap.
>hello people from other countries I know fucking nothing about, let me explain your culture
Yeah like hamburgers from germany and pizza from italy are massive stables in your gigantic corral of ignorant retards. We've literally been eating curry longer than you've been inhaling hotdogs, pizza or burgers, fuck off fat cunt.
With the shoes she wears and the freakish feet she had to force into those shoes, it will be an Act of God before cameras and in public.
Their plane got stricken by thunder a while ago and needed the nosecone replaced, sadly, they weren't on it.
Your problems run deeper than I knew. Why are you so upset, fren? I touched a nerve right? You'd better fucking have your assmad loicense.
By fucking retards who have no grasp of history or geography, yes.
The girl in my HS had abnormally large chest. Like I felt bad for her because it was what defined her and there was talk from other girls they were really saggy too.