I`m russian, living in Moscow and i want to tell you our view on Putin. Putin often uses right and traditionalist words, but in reality he is liberal, He supports migrants, national muslim minorities, all russian nationalists gruops are opressed, all media is under control of jews, there is propaganda of racial mixing at massmedia. Putin declares himself as liberal (news at pic), he is not even close to be nationalist/traditionalist.
Putin is liberal
He's a not an ideological liberal, he's a puppet of the Judaeo-Asiatic mafia that enslaved Russia in 1917.
propaganda in russian serial
in other news water is wet
and whats wrong with that?
I really hate when people claim Putin is some saviour. He's better than Porky and most western leaders but what does that say.. not much.
communists leaders were mostly jews and people from caucasian region (armenians, georgians), not asians from siberia
wrong pic
some ppl here are confused when i tell them this
Asiatic Mongols led by Khazar imposters. The first head of the Red Army's (Lev Bronstein) endless Mongol horde won the Russian Civil War and they've co-ruled ever since.
who i porky? inwhich aspects he is better?
I'm shocked I say, shocked
Other way around, kike President Valtzman (Porkoshenko) and kike PM Groysman are worse than Putin.. but that's not saying much.
imo he is a pretty capable leader
liberalism is almost a necesity considering russian demographics
there is nothing wrong with ruling for all
Thats because alll european jews originated from between the black and caspian sea because thats where Cain fled when he left the garden and fucked neanderthals to create jews.
siberian asians actually didnt play big role in civil war
>He supports migrants, national muslim minorities, all russian nationalists gruops are opressed, all media is under control of jews, there is propaganda of racial mixing at massmedia.
Pic related is OP.
that is not hard to be worse then poroshenko
capable in what?
Hitler knew what to do when he ran into the cultureless swine.
>Get in the pit Mongboi
helping to build a superpower (china)
We know what's up with Putin.
I herewith repeat my prophecy: England will not only not be in a position to control Bolshevism but her development will unavoidably evolve more and more toward the symptoms of this destructive disease. The democracies are unable to rid themselves now of the forces they summoned from the steppes of Asia.
All the small European nations who capitulated, confident of Allied assurances, are facing complete annihilation. It is entirely uninteresting whether this fate will befall them a little earlier or later, what counts is its implacability. The Kremlin Jews are motivated only by tactical considerations; whether in one case they act with immediate brutality or, in another case, with some reticence, the result will always be the same.
>excerpt from his final speech
what are u trying to say? i`m 185 cm, greeneyed blond
Jow Forums posters mistake authoritarianism with being "based".
i am not hitler-sympathiser
This fight against Jewish-Asiatic Bolshevism had been raging long before National Socialism came into power. The only reason why it had not already overrun Europe during the years 1919-20 was that it was then itself too weak and too poorly armed. Its attempt to eliminate Poland was not abandoned because of its compassion for the Poland of that time but only because of the lost battle before Warsaw. Its intention to annihilate Hungary was not discarded because they changed their minds, but because Bolshevist power could not be maintained militarily. Nor was the attempt to smash Germany given up because this achievement was not desired but because it proved impossible to overcome the natural resistance stamina of our people.
Thereupon Jewry began systematically to undermine our nation from within, and it found its best ally in those narrow-minded bourgeoisie who would not recognize that the era of a bourgeois world is ended and will never again return, that the epoch of unbridled economic liberalism has outlived itself and can only lead to its self-destruction and, above all, that the great tasks of our time can be mastered only under an authoritarian coordination of natural strength, based on the law of same rights for all and, thence, of same duties.
>excerpt from his final speech
pity but yes
He's better than most Western leaders. I mean at least he has kids ffs.
I think a lot of far right guys in the West (particularly in North America) bought into the idea that Putin is some far right guy because the liberals in their countries presented him that way, when originally liberals thought he was some technocratic Lee Kuan Yew type in the early 2000s. It's pretty funny. The country is called the Russian Federation: emphasis on federation. It's not a nation-state and there are many minorities in the federation.
I've seen some right-wing hangers-on try to defend Putin by posting a politically incorrect joke about Muslims from 15 years ago. But if you watch his speeches where he talks about Islam, he talks like Obama; actually even more so as he says Islam is an integral part of Russian history and culture, which is also a true statement.
almost sound like someone preparing a ground
crafting and outcome
like a plant
does he? Where are his daughters?
no one has seen them in years
Just join your local nazbol party user, you guys had one good revolution 100 years ago, no reason why you can't have another(although this time maybe avoid filling your high command with Jews)
Right now is there any political figure that can be called a threat to Putin's position ?
Lurk a little longer friend. You'll see the light.
>Putin is liberal
WTF I love liberalism now
what an autistic post.. im out
He praised Muslims because the Muslim regions of Russia actually voted for him at higher rates, suggesting that his support among Muslims is higher than the general public.
or you do you friendo
Hitler will still be a plant
I know someone else who like double talk are you a Trump fan ?
WTF I love Muslims now
No, they disappeared 18 years ago. Maybe they are kidnapped, who knows.
That AESTHETIC. It’s like the early 90s. I expect them to turn into capri sun at any moment.
I'm not OP but the answer is no, although Putin's party (United Russia) has taken a 15 point dive since it announced it was raising the retirement age. The two beneficiaries have been the Communist Party (CPRFl which is second) and the Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR; fascists).
i think its becouse he uses right and conservative rhytoric in his speeches. russians are really mostly traditionalists, so he had to use it togain popularity. but his deeds are not tradiotionalists and far away from russian national interests. the other theory is that he was replaced by copy.
>Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR; fascists)
WTF I love fascism now
nazbols party was made to utilise young revolutioneers
Putin's regime will exist for a long time then. But with the ways he's handling things right now, I would not say he's doing a bad job. But then again, Russia is nothing but propaganda.
Yeah right. We all know putin is full 1488.
Next you will tell is trump is some sort of israel jew lover who doesnt want to deport all niggers to qfrica. Like we would buy that
This is why Jow Forums loves him and sucking cocks
his daughter used to be married to a kike
This is based and redpilled
Some news article said the eldest daughter- Maria- is currently living in a apartment in Moscow, near the US. embassy.
Grudinin maybe, but in general - no. putin is not popular, but others are much less popular
are u sure?
Both the Communist Party and the LDPR were controlled by the same guys for decades. In the communists' case it was Gennady Zyuganov, who was this hardline dinosaur from the Soviet-era. He actually might've won the 1996 election but it was rigged for Yeltsin.
The LDPR has Vladimir Zhirinovsky who is also ancient and has been there forever, and the LDPR has been in decline (only getting 5.65% in 2018, worst result since 2003). The communists wised up a little bit and got rid of Zyuganov last year, replacing him with a strawberry farmer named Pavel Grudinin (he owns most of a co-op farm that supplies a bunch of Moscow's strawberries), but the Communist Party total also declined to its worst-ever result of 11.8%. In 1996, the Communist Party secured 32% of the vote.
Putin isn't going anywhere.
Ethnic regions vote for him and his party at 90-100% rates. Whether it's because the population likes him that much or because local governments are even more corrupt and willing to commit voter fraud - I don't know, likely a combination of both. But that really tells much in both cases.
The only minority population that's somewhat oppressed right now is crimean tatars - mostly because their diaspora took a stance against the capture of crimea. That's changing though as their leaders are being bought out, and only lower-level activists are prosecuted.
they support him only while he gives them money.
it was made in 2000 smth
Yeah Putin and the minority regions have a clientistic relationship with each other from what I've read.
they both are not real opposition, theyjust play role to make elections "democratic". and ldpr is not fascists, they are smth like trump
Yikes. If things turn sour you guys need a revolution bad. Or a prominent candidate needs to step up, at least stir things up before mysteriously disappear/ car accident.
Come to think of it, I wonder why didn't our government adopt a US-like system with electors. That way they could've granted 2-3-4 electors for every cuckasus shithole and these votes would've been theirs forever.
they have very funny leader Zhirinovsky
do you dislike all the muslims in russia or just the cacasus ones?
I was born in Russia and adopted into America. Most of the people here claim Putin is a right wing person but by my own research and analysis I never believed it. Especially him growing up and playing a role in the USSR, once a communist always a communist.
tatars are only good
caucasus and nowadays tajikistan/uzbekistan/kyrgyzstan. we have no problems with tatars and bashkirs which are muslims too.
he is not right-wing and he is not commi, he is populist
Yep, like the others said, of all of them tatars/bashkirs are okay. They still have their ethnostate and their own rules, money and power there.
what about circassians?
i am one btw
there are not a lot of circassians in central regions. most problems are with dagestan/chechnya/azeri
Based. Better than gay pride parades.
Fuck off Navalny cuck.
Hero of the Imperium
Fuck off Navalny cuck.
Hero of the Imperium
Not sure why you would admit that
Fuck off churban.
It's pretty clear that Putin admires Islam, like criminals tend to do. Which is why he isn't concerned about the declining Russian population and the growing Muslim ethnoreligious groups in Russia. Islam appeals to the worst types of people. Like the Barbary pirates for example. Lots of pirates from Christian countries found refuge is Muslim controlled places and Islands and often they converted to Islam.
>Which is why he isn't concerned about the declining Russian population
He is one of the few to talk about preserving a European character for his nation. He's like one of three.
>Hero of the Imperium
i voted him twice
He's not doing a whole lot about it though. He bribes Chechens because he fears their chimpouts and builds mosques for them in Moscow, or should I say, Mosqueow. Sure, he doesn't want more Muslims but they got their own to deal with. One thing the Soviets did right was genociding their Muslim ethnic groups. Why didn't Russia Empire just force these people to convert to Christianity anyway? That would improve things by a lot.
And Stalin took a toast for the great russian people, all while slaughtering russians and ukrainians, throwing them into a meatgrinder war and giving government positions to kikes and other mountain niggers.
Talking means jack shit.
Nah it wasn't a genocide. Chechens and I think crimean tatars were displaced for collaboration with nazis and returned back 10-15 years after that.
>It's pretty clear that Putin admires Islam
Putin admired the hell out of Chechnya.
>He is one of the few to talk about preserving a European character for his nation
only words. in fact he helps caucasus and migrants
Question for Russians. I recently started reading into a book at the bookstore about the Crimean War. It talked about how this was the first total war in the modern period and the first war to have pictures of it and first photographs in the newspaper of it. It talked about how Russia was destroying mosques, preventing Muslims to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca and were really attacking the Muslim populations. They said that in the modern sense, these events could easily be defined as "ethnic cleansing". The book also talked about how France and Britain helped out poor good boy Turkey against the evil Russian Empire. Could any Russians tell me a little bit about what they teach you about the Crimean War in school and how people percieve it?
Putin was always a moderate civicuck nationalist. He is not a threat to other countries.
This whole debacle shows that it's useless to genocide a people if you want them defeated. Unless you manage to literally exterminate every single one - and that's almost impossible on a stage later than tribal/early towns - they will breed again and your descendants will cuck out and let them back or even pay reparations.
To defeat a nation, you must dismantle its culture and demoralize them.
he said many times russia needs migrants, so he wants them.
how to convert? british empire didn`t convert pakistan, etc either
Ottomans had been oppressing, enslaving, raping , etc Slavs and Orthodox Christians for literally centuries. The Khazar Khanate (elite were Jews) and Crimean Khanate were especially notorious slave Empires that oppressed Slave. There's a good reason for the Slavs hating Turks and Muslim invaders.
It's a short episode, at least my school/uni program didn't go into details about usage of telegraph, entrenchments, railroads etc, I read up on it later myself. It basically amounted to "the eternal european strikes again, we couldn't win against three countries, also the emperor died"
Putin is a moderate civic nationalist that doesn't believe in race. He is similar to Trump and most US Republicans that deny race.
They are deluded and they will destroy their own countries by importing non-whites.
>Soviets hated and displaced Muslims because they collaborated with Nazi Germany and because Soviets hated Islam
How the fuck are liberals going to mental gymnastics their way around that lol
I think if Austria hadn't betrayed Russia then Russia could have annexed Constantinople and broken apart the Ottomans. Then Austria and Russia could have carved up the remains. WW1 could have been totally avoided. Unfortunately Austria was too scared to oppose France and Britain.
Russian liberals hate Muslims more than any other political faction
And Hitler loved Muslims, Arabs, and Turks and was happy to use them to kill millions of white Christian Slavs in Eastern Europe
History is not like it us portrayed. Hitler practiced the biggest white genocide of all time
yes, in many aspects it was first modern war. it had tio be war against turkey, but uk and frnace supported them surprisingly. in some aspects it was betrayal from british side (we save them from napoleon right before that, bla bla bla). russian army was outdated by technologies. the main event - defending of sevastopol, tolstoy was there and wrote about it.
Liberalism is an infantile ideology. None of the elites are liberal. They are cut throat ruthless bastards and possibly psychopaths. They encourage liberalism to the masses to keep them weak and stupid. What they say in public is completely irrelevant. It's Liberalism for thee, not for me.
Closeted maybe. Older liberals like the ones from Echo radio/old NTV were crying a lot about poor chechens and later poor central asians, they still do. Younger ones like the ones from Medusa/modern media just drink american democratic kool-aid wholesale and literally repeat their talking points. Of course privately both refer to them as churkas/hachis and go out of their way to reduce contact - just like western liberals avoid actually contacting niggers.