To my male Anons: assuming money is not an object, would you undergo plastic surgery?
Why or why not?
Chads need not apply.
To my male Anons: assuming money is not an object, would you undergo plastic surgery?
Why or why not?
Chads need not apply.
If I was planning on having kids then no, what for it's my genetics anyway. If looks really matter that much to you then by all means go ahead, even I might consider it.
shit weirds me out
maybe I'd get some scars covered, but nothing else really.
I'm content with how I look and would never pay for someone to make me look like a faggier bogdanoff.
Same goes for women, it's a sickness, really.
No, looks aren't everything and no need to fuck myself up
eh, I'd get the fat removal thing done first. Not too keen on making my face all plasticy weird looking.
go for a jog you nigger
not a nigger, but I appreciate your concern. I lift now because I literally broke my feet attempting to lose weight via walking. Fitbit can eat a dick, I have heavy things to lift.
I am mentaly preparing myself to go for eye laser surgery when i hit ~age 40 so i can ditch glasses. It seems like i gain 0.1 dioptry per year and so far i can see kinda good even without glasses.
I dont give a shit about my face.
Don't wait on the LASIK if you're already in/past your 20s.
try swimming, it's the best cardio
It's also relatively time intensive and requires more expensive equipment than most other forms of exercise. You don't really want fatties clogging your lanes at the pool anyway do you? Because that's what you're encouraging.
Not him but I'm a skinny marathon runner who swims occasionally and is awful. I just take up space cause I have to stop each time I get to the other end of the pool ; (
Does liposuction and tummy tucks count as plastic surgery? If so, fuck yes.
>t. Lasik doctor
It is funny you say that. I am 27 and my eyes got worse in recent ~12 months despite my sight being the same from age 17 to 25.
Don't know if it counts, but I might go cabriolet someday. And maybe get a weight reduction if I couldn't see a way out.
My eyes got worse every single year I was wearing glasses until I got LASIK at 25. It's been 13 years and my eyes have remained the same. Your mileage may vary, but for me the glasses were obviously part of the problem. There's also warranty programs where they'll rerun the laser as needed for little to no additional cost. No I'm not a LASIK doctor, just a happy customer.
Uh idk OP. I don't think I would. Would you? If so, why?
>looks aren't everything
Let's be honest here dude.
If you're ugly then of course looks are going to matter a lot.
No girl (yes, not a single one out there) wants to be with a guy who looks ugly.
e.g: a big nose, big ears, weak jawline, etc
No offense, but you're "looks aren't everything" bullshit needs to stop.
if money wasn't the issue I would have an operation to increase my height
Even if I'm tecnically at the average height for my country and I'm still taller than most girls, its a huge complex for me to be 1.68m
I'm actually doing that in about a month.
Nah, it's creepy and i don't want foreign objects implanted into me. Plus I'd walk around knowing i looked fake as fuck.
No because I’m comfortable in my own (fat) skin. I’d be happy to lose weight but the surgical route doesn’t interest me. Knowing how cosmetic procedures actually work is helpful as well.
Doing what, the Ken Doll thing?
That’s not cosmetic surgery though.
at most maybe hairplugs, but honestly i'd rather just roid than get a surgery
is this supposed to be an example of an ugly person? looks pretty normal/average to me
Personally I wouldn't, I've considered taking pills for hair loss and even that feels unnatural and weird to me. With surgery it'd be way worse, plus seeing my face different in the mirror would freak me out for sure.
No, I'm not interested in any face procedures. Just having some of my body fat transferred to my butt cheeks.
id be way too creeped out to be with that guy so weird
This, that episode of Goosebumps, where they went into that toy place and everyone looked like they were made of plastic has freaked me out for life.
Also, manliness and shit, don't need to be obsessing over my uggoness. Gotta be macho and all.
No, plastic surgery is for vapid faggot with no self confidence. Plus it's creepy
Hmm. I don't know. I've had thoughts about having the scarring on my back reduced, but honestly... I don't know. In a weird way, it's sort of just become a part of who I am.
I've had cosmetic surgery, got my nose fixed when I was ~17 after my head got caved in in a fight. Instead of just putting my face back together as normal, we had them make it better than ever.
8/10, would do again.
Sure why not, I'd fix my nose. I broke it when I was 7, and it wasn't put back together properly. Now I can't breathe through one nostril, and it makes me snore. It's a legitimate medical issue, I just keep putting it off.
Maybe to reduce scarring or aging, but I like my face because it's mine.
I'm not sure if I have this as well. I had my nose take a pretty good hit when I was a kid, and now the bone inside is crooked and I have trouble breathing with both nostrils.
Dude looks like a creepy vampire.
You’ll just look weird and more feminine. I vote no.
No because I don't want to die for vanity
I like to look attractive, like healthy skin and fit muscles. I don't want to look like I'm wearing a morph suit.
No, I find it extremely pathetic. I can't respect any man who did plastic surgery unless he had a bomb explode into his face.
I’d do plastic surgery for correction of problems. I wouldn’t do it to get some artificial nose or silicon tits, because that always looks stupid.
you'd never get a gf if you got plastic surgery
No. Unless I am in a badass accident, burns all over my body etc etc I will not do it. I am happy in life now