I think I found the perfect job for neets. Being a security guard is super easy.
>browse Jow Forums my entire shift
>barely do anything but sit in a chair for 8 hours
>People think you’re some bad ass dude when in all actuality you’re probably lazy and overweight.
You can literally just do the same shit you do all day normally but actually be around people.
Security jobs
until your job function is actually required.. i could say the same thing about joining the military.. until you actually have to go fight
there's the armed guard who responds actively, and the watchman who's sole function is to call the police or fire dept.
>but remember who always gets killed first in the movies
Majority of the people that work security are retirees that are just bored of their retirement. If they can handle it so can you.
i am a veteran, i suppose i am making an assumption about exactly who i share this board with but NEET brings a very specific person to mind
How much do you get paid?
I'm already a security guard...
Well in terms of being in shape I work with these two fat bitches that act like they have nothing better to do than yell at people. fortunately they both have a hard time getting out of chairs which gives me something to laugh at.
>be me
>run a SMM team
>have hired professionals that shill on Facebook, Twitter, Jow Forums and news website as we speak at my disposal
It's a nice dream but the permanent crippling anxiety keeps me confined to NEETdom.