Dealer says he can get me more weed if i give him the money first
Is this a scam? Ive known the guy for years
Dealer says he can get me more weed if i give him the money first
Is this a scam? Ive known the guy for years
I guess the money you give him is the price you pay to find out if you can trust him.
Would u scam someone for 200 bucks ?
When u know u could get tons more money in the future?
The dealer doesn't know if you're going to be a repeat customer. Also a dealer who needs money fronted isn't worth a shit. And also again, just because you've known him doesn't mean shit. He could spin some story about getting ripped off and losing your money and you may be inclined to believe him since you know him...
t. used to be a degenerate and dealer for over a decade
Never pay in advance for drugs. Never buy drugs on credit. It's cash and carry. Always.
as a packers fan...
its a 50/50 chance that he is either a shithead or a good man.
>The dealer doesn't know if you're going to be a repeat customer.
Ffs dude use your eyes
If he's small-time, but trying to step up, this is probably legit. He needs money up front to scale up. He's not likely to screw over a regular customer on a one-time deal, because he needs the customer base.
Money up front on not well known dealer? Gone.
Maybe front some 10% in good faith. The rest Cash On Delivery. If dealer is well known or friend type, fronted cash may be ok. See the other answers. Use your wits. Do a barrel roll. Roll d100.
What am I looking at?
Under rated post.
Yes, yes I would. You people are junkies and you'll keep being their bitch because you're a junkie.
Its just weed user.. havent smoked in a year.. graduation soon so i thought id hit up a guy ive known for years.. i know he deals ...
Hey guys op here
Im meeting him in an hour we’ll see if its a scam...
I'll see you later when he doesn't return your texts. There is no reason he can't introduce you to whoever he's getting it from, at the very least if you can't ride along then he's gonna rip you off. Don't come here bitching about it when it happens.
Are you dumb? Why would he introduce OP to dealer? OP's dealer still needs to make a profit
Are YOU dumb? I've done this shit a million times faggot.
I don't give a fuck how many dicks you have sucked, how does OP'S dealer introducing him to "his" connection benifit him? It doesnt
You are a grade A faggot. Reread the text retard. If you weren't so busy thinking about sucking dicks you'd know what's up. I'm not gonna repeat myself just cause you're gay.
I would shoot anyone that brings a “friend” on a pickup...
No you wouldn't you role-playing pussy. You faggots clearly have never done what the fuck you're talking about. I'll even bet you're the samefag as this dipshit
He may not be scamming but he could be gambling. Clearly he doesn't have the capital. He may fully intend to give you your shit; but shit often happens.
Not a risk worth taking, but yeah it could be real. He's possibly getting it so cheap that you're buying him some for himself or he needs your money to get enough to smoke/sell. Either is not an ideal situation and unless he's really trying to get his shit together you will likely get burnt at somepoint.
Oh man, nice arguments 100%
Gtfo samefag homo
What evidence is there to me samefagging? You're a dumbass with no arguement so now you just sperg out about samefagging
Youre the samefag because you think you're having 'an argument.' Can't even spell arguing correctly either. But yeah if you knew what the fuck you were talking about it's be self evident. I'm not gonna prove shit to you, pussy. Bitch more about how you think my tone affects reality. You sound like a feminist.
But yeah, I'm done here. Enjoy being a faggot, man.
Lol only one bitching is you I told you how OP'S dealer introducing him to the connect makes no sense because dealer loses a customer and profit. You have yet to give any point on why I'm wrong. You're a dumbass giving bad advice, stay gone.
Plus that’s how people get busted, you don’t brag, you don’t show off, and you don’t allow dealers to just bring randos by to watch how you do business.
Definitely a scam, never do this.
I would do this with a friend I knew very well, then again I'd not give him more than 100 bucks. Fronting a friend you trust can get you alot more weed
Because his wholesale dealer doesn’t even trust him... red flag.
While on the same topic, should you call the cops if your dealer fucks you over?
We're assuming OP'S dealer buys in decently big quanities. The main connect probably deals with a few people so unless you're literal family you're not getting fronted