What is currently the best online dating site all around? I dont mean just for hook ups, but for relationships. I used to use OKCupid to decent results, but their recent changes have made it a steaming pile of shit.
Best Dating Site
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I feel like online dating is a sham. Guys will send the most average of girls a volley of messages. Girls won’t bother reading most of them because they get spammed to hell and back.
All of them are useless for an average (or below) male.
None of them. You're not going to find love there. Figure out what your passion is, even if it's something as stupid as vidya, and look for people who feel the same.
ok i didnt ask for personal feelings on dating sites. If you didnt have any luck because you dont have a personality or are ugly then sucks for you. Ive been in a four year relationship and a year long relationship and both were with great girls, but it ended for various reasons that had nothing to do with common online dating pitfalls.
So if anyone has an actually constructive reply, ill take it.
>personal feelings
What I stated was fact in regards to girls getting a volley of messages. Online dating is much like applying for jobs online. It’s very easy to do but it’s just as easy to not be selected because there’s either a ton of applicants already or you don’t have any qualifications for the job.
I assume you are only looking for free services in the same vein as OKC.
I'll piggyback on this thread to ask... I've never been on these sites, I'm a shy person and I don't have a job so I don't feel very attractive. I just want to find a place to make friends. Something to chat and get closer with like minded people. I don't care about hookups or dating
POF without preferences on body type.
You'd be surprised how many attractive (not fat) women have a few extra pounds/prefer not to say settings on, most will not see these as they filter out fatties.
Got to speed dating events, those are much better. you ge to meet women face to face.
Tinder and all that junk is just for Chads and Brads to find one-night-stands.
I found my last few GFS on match.com
both qt jap girls
POF is the absolute best IMO if you really want to have a shot at girls who will meet you but the girls on it are also some of the absolute trashiest women you will ever meet.
I've been through:
A single mom who lives in some shack of a motel. Fairly attractive. Actually tried to have a relationship with her but her being so poor with a kid coerced me into breaking it. Had my first with her.
An 18 year old who fucking loves weed and stole shit from some of the stores I took her to. Was the best looking of them all IMO. Wanted a relationship but was a virgin at the time so I got all psycho about sex and getting serious. Attempting to reconnect, getting messages back.
A fatty who has gone to jail and let me bareback her on our first meeting in exchange for some cigarettes. Didn't find her attractive enough to want a relationship just was thinking of FWB pussy as she was close to where I live. Wound up ghosting me after that one time.
Another fatty who invited me to her place and proceeded to tell me she has mental issues and needs weed to handle them while some guy she said was her brother was watching us. Didn't want relationship obviously.
And currently i'm working on some other fatty who has no value to me outside of her vagina.
ALL of these chicks of course don't have a job or a car. There were ones that did but they wound up ghosting me because I actually wanted to meet them and not leave things to texting.
Okcupid is still the best.
Ignore the answers saying its all a sham. Theyre just your typical Jow Forums defeatists.
Online dating is trash. The best method is to get as many friends as you possibly can, eventually you will come across a friend of a friend that is single and not bad looking.
Oh yeah I forgot to say that I didn't keep getting all those damn weedheads and poorfags and shit because it's in my profile or its something I talked about. I don't have any weed let alone smoke it and of course I have a job and a car. It's just that those types legit were more open to communication than the women who actually did.
OKCupid is probably my number 2 but i've never landed a date out of it. All the girls i've conversed with on there ghost and only seem to be interested in a text buddy.
If you want pussy but don't like your photos bwing in the hands of enemies, hackers and the NSA, what do you do? Online or date irl?
unless you're a brainlet you realize how big of a waste of time online dating is pretty fast.
even when you're successful on Tinder you get zero fulfillment unless you were really dying to bust a nut/fuck a slut. And after you fuck one hot slut you've fucked all of them. Get it out of your system and get back to work, don't fall into the spiral of fucking five sluts a month and never having full balls.
>don't fall into the spiral of fucking five sluts a month and never having full balls.
>implying that's not a wonderful spiral you will look back at in joy one day as you eventually settle down with a wife who won't spread her legs anymore
stop trying to turn people gay user
OKC has been circling the drain since the inception of Tinder 7 years ago. They became officially useless once they adopted the tinderculture requirement of "liking" someone before being able to even read messages from them. And that's all beside the fact that OKCs numbers have dwindled by 90% in most regions. Tinder ruined online dating.
>anime poster
>I totally found a harem of jap qts guys I swear
sure bud
The most frustrating thing about incels is that they think fucking girls = happiness.
It doesn't. Sometimes it's the opposite.
I unno bro, getting my dick in some kitty makes me pretty happy and easily can motivate me into doing more. Maybe you've got some situational trauma to get over. It's nothing like your hand
true I'm not generalizing though I'm just saying that it hasn't been fulfilling for me and after a while I started getting STD and pregnancy scares that turned me off from casual sex as a whole.
I think maybe I had a sex addiction after my last relationship ended that spiraled out of control. Feel pretty good lately, though.
>Ignore the answers saying its all a sham. Theyre just your typical Jow Forums defeatists.
By all means, OP can do online dating till their heart is content. However, don’t pretend that online dating doesn’t come with it’s own bullshit.