Ever wondered why red pilled countries post stupid shit?

That's because that are chinese bugs, who use vpns and get paid to post here to defend China. I noticed that they often use polish flags.

Attached: chink flag.png (2000x1333, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


That's stupid, China has nothing to defend, it's doing fine.

>the poles are really chinese!
planning on marching east, Hans?

>I noticed that they often use polish flags.
Similiar to turks and africans using german flags i presume?

No, seriously. You guys are mostly red pilled, so it is weird to see a pole defend China, don't you think?

>post shit
yes let me do just that

They do it on chinese hate threads, oe make even threads about how great China is. Jow Forums obciously hates China






The turk part might be true though lel, they just don't get paid for it

Nice shitpost


I don't like China.

Communist scum

thank you come again

its true.

Then you have to start to learn Falun Gong. Tell me what stories you heard about it user

You are paranoid, China is a grand country with large progress.

I mean, I can't say I've noticed.
I'll keep an eye out for it, I guess
And an eye on you, Hans. No Stettin for you.

China is good, you should like them.

Never seen it.

why do pakistanis shill for china? bitch lasagna.


I mean, bongistan is your china shill in this thread.

Jow Forums loves china

Attached: pollufilth.jpg (700x5188, 1.17M)

china bes fren

Attached: 68b9eabf8b50af591acafe1b092a3ab194760a637794d962f749147cb7d314f3.jpg (1200x800, 81K)

India is inferior to China in prowess of power.

You sound like a whit*oid subvrius who got paid to spread anti-chinese propaganda here, your kinds actually are far, FAR more common here.

Maybe a Turky immirant in Germany.

Dude I feel like you're a chinese sjill or just pretending to be retarded

>no freedom of speech
>government spies on you
>organ harvesting
>government can imprison you for no reason and torture you
>if you get a lawyer who defends you, he gets tortured too

Chinks are soulless bugmen. They need to be stepped on and enslaved, or else they'll breed like locusts and swarm the world.

Attached: 1534399788042.png (800x1672, 209K)

China will have a BIG leap forward!

What does human baby soup taste like, chankoro?

Attached: 1517066830537.jpg (800x1800, 278K)

These are international propaganda, China is a country with large freedom. We have not these things.

>Whit*oids are soulless subvirus. They need to be stepped on and enslaved, or else they'll infest like cockroach and swarm the world.

Attached: Whitoids BTFO.jpg (776x2248, 618K)

You're retarded. China is the worst country to live in. You have to be a moral less, godless, npc thinking, corrupt idiot to enjoy living there

No, China is better than Germany, which you describe.

I asked you what human baby soup tastes like you subhuman chankoro. Well, what does it taste like?

Attached: 1532387953169.png (620x926, 94K)

>tfw you realize the chinese threat, invading our universities and abusing our visas and buying up our lands

Attached: 1542929144224.png (182x186, 46K)

Poor lads. And they're not just a small shithole country, just corrupt pricks

Well you know the best, honkytard.

Attached: The-Chichijima-Incident-of-Cannibalism父島事件.jpg (610x610, 80K)

>These are international propaganda, China is a country with large freedom. We have not these things.

Attached: Keks.jpg (798x770, 195K)

Funny how Germans used to love China. Oh, how times have changed.

Attached: main-qimg-1c6ee1ae71735f10c6f10c8d1ba2b4d9.png (602x390, 301K)

So you admit you're chinese?
And no it isn't propaganda, one of your top ten best lawyers suddenly started deefending Falun Gong practioners and then his office got raided, he got imprisoned and tortured

You’re either trolling, part of the 50cent club, or literally fucking retarded. Either way you should kys.

Here's a fresh baby for you to eat, chankoro. Bon appetit, subhuman Chinaman.

Attached: 1517333836294.webm (224x400, 2.85M)

fuck off back to the mainland chankoro scum

We do not have these things existing on Earth, I mean. Unless you are an alien, you are included in the 'we'. And that story never happened, it is lies and propaganda.

Honk Kong is a slave to international financial markets and are exploited and made a bitch for the Rothschilds.

I don't know. You obviously know the best than me, honktard.

Btw, Qing dynasty is long gone already.

Attached: Honky.png (1211x595, 130K)

a bloo bloo 弟弟 :'(
Hopefully we get Japan to rearm to cuck you good so we can watch and have fun

Nah, you're retarded anti-chines shill, Mehemd.

Wtf why? Story?

They have just recently started a credit score program, where your every action gets judged and viewed, bonuses given or freedom restrickted

>These are international propaganda, Hong Kong is a country with large freedom. We have not these things.
Fuck off wu mao insect, you’re a waste of bandwidth.

If mainland china goes to war with Japan, what's Taiwans/Hong Kongs stance?

No, that is only to monitor repeat criminals. Again, lies and propaganda.

See> They or (You) just prove my point again. Everybody with basic IQ already know Jow Forums is always filled with mindless anti-chinese shills and their spambots.

Gao Zhisheng is his name
Watch china uncensored to see for yourself how corrupt China is.

>Calling out deplorable NPC insects means you’re an anti-China shill
The cope is real, you miserable reality-denying wu mao faggot

Attached: 1542426445754.jpg (320x220, 8K)

Do you value freedom? Why does the chinese governnment block websites? Why is the suicide rate in China so high?

"China uncensored" is a redundant term. It is like "bureaucratic Germany" - it 'goes without saying'.

Blocked websites to protect from international hacking and tracking cookies. There are almost none computer viruses in China.

Not true, that program tracks every citizen, not just criminals. Don't you value freedom?

>.t literally never been to China or literal wu mao
Here’s your 50 cents, Chang, buy yourself a cat fried in gutter oil.

No, you read lies and propaganda. It is only for criminals to prevent repeat crimes.

Well you sound exactly like anti-Chinese shill in disguise or self-hating race traitor NPC from Hong Kong. Probably support HK separatism as well.

Attached: bkntw-20170114085421584-0114_04011_001_01p.jpg (608x434, 61K)

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门 1989年4月15日天安门广场

Why would it be better?

>air is polluted
>government spies on you
>have to work 14 hours a day, 6 times a week
>no freedom of speech
>citizens have low empathy

Anti-China shills are all over this site, it is obvious. People don't like to recognize it because they are biased against China and it clouds judgement.

Don’t forget to post the link to your suicide livestream when you finally go through with it. Nobody believes your lies, least of all those of us who have actually lived in China. Worthless mutt degenerate.

No it isn't, because your governmemt blocks certain news and websites and withholds information

have bad news for you, Klaus.

Polish right wing recently looks up to China, because it's a rising superpower that might be a better alternative than choosing between Russia and kike infested NATO. Chinks want to use Poland as their goods export base to the west, and some Poles are ready to fulfill that role if it means Chinese protection

Attached: jkm-w-chinach.png (696x385, 356K)

Air is only polluted in Beijing and Shanghai industrial areas, just like any other country. No government spying. China has 2 day weekends and a regular working week. No empathy? This is coming from GERMANY? I tell you. stop reading anti-Chinese lies and propaganda, see the great country for yourself and come to conclusion.

Here’s your U$ 0.5, Sam, buy yourself a fried HIV+ burger in estrogen oil. You sure sound like an American with HK flag.

Ty for standing up. It might be best to explain to him the corruption kindly, but I understand it is hard with all the things you went through

No, only websites are blocked in China to stop international tracker and hacking. This is to protect Chinese internet users' personal data from foreign threat.

See this

Attached: 港毒挨揍.jpg (203x248, 10K)

Okay let Trump deal with China first, I'm sure he will make new deals with you. Stay strong, brother

this is Anti-Chinese NPC propaganda bingo and this is how NPCs on /pol view China - through lenses of propaganda one liners and "muh feels".

Attached: Anti-Chinese NPC propaganda template 2.0.jpg (1000x1462, 446K)

Not true, they track everyone and even give you bonuses if you behave well. You get cheaper train prieces etc.

Then why don't these problems occur in the west? We don't block websites and we're fine, no “hacker attacks“ here

No, I repeat, that is lies and propaganda. Stop reading from bad news. And hacker attacks are all over the west, do not lie.

What things are untrue? Labor,camps exist, we even have sattelite proof. Tortured lawyers exist, you can see it by their 180 opinion shift and their sudden dissapearing. China has a credit score system where they spy on you and reward or punish you based on your actions

They have a legal obligation to work for the communist party. The entire nation is the epitome of NPCs that blindly follow their heavily controlled media, these two are what is called wu maos, or members of the 50 cent party. There is NO freedom in mainland, everything is monitored - private wechat conversations, etc. Body scanners before being able to get on the MTR, social credit system for ALL not whatever retarded bullshit that shill was trying to pass - recently had high profile case of famous actress being denied exit out of the country due to tax evasion and resulting low social score. Fake rice, fake vaccines, both leading to thousands of deaths of children and adults, no morals, less than no empathy, godless NPC society that worships money and fears their govt party. It’s a fucking Orwellian nightmare and what I have said isn’t even close to the worst things happening . JIDF is certainly a thing, but wu mao China shills are even more common.

Why does China install suicide nets to prevent suicides, if it ks so great there? Why do so many chinese go to america, if it is so great there?

Which hacker attacks ever occured in western society from websites that are blocked in China?

Your news sources are agitprop, what you have written is total falsehood. Nothing is of the sort in China. If I read German news, there is no refugee crime. See my point?

Literally everything that you’ve accused them of is true and not even half of the shit going on. Come to HK or Taiwan and ask fucking ANYONE here about what is happening in mainland. It is no longer safe for foreigners there.

Air is polluted in all the major cities, Shanghai actually has it pretty good compared to other cities that are not tier 1, that doesn't represent the majority of the chinese living standards though.
Just like working conditions, 2 day weekends and regular working week only concern priviledged workers in the tertiary part of the economy.

You just say that it's false, not what the,correct thing is. You HAVE a credit score system, don't deny it

Why do people care for one another in China, and prevent sadness and death? Because they care for each other. Why do you hate each other in Germany and let each other suffer? A country of black hearts. The Chinese businessmen go overseas to expand their businesses, just like representatives from Volkswagon or something in Germany going overseas.

To answer your question, Facebook.

Okay thx bro. Can you say what you and people you know experienced?

Nice can some rich chinese talk with me? I have a bunch of proxies and IPs if they want to buy and shitpost here.

Ex-criminals have credit-score, it is used to gauge how well they are integrating back into society. It is the rehabilitation program for them.

50 cent VPN army.

Too scared and immature to show his flag.

Here the credit score system. It tracks ALL people:

VPN fag dog muncher chink has the audacity to talk about flags

I keep repeating myself... it is lies and propaganda. It is only for rehabilitating criminals so they do not re-offend. If they earn enough points, their rehabilitation is finished.

It even interviews people with good and bad scores, WHO WERE NEVER IN PRISON OR CAMPS BEFORE


Why are you so racist? Also isnt Germany improving relationship with China?