The 2018 Asian Women’s Handball Championship was yesterday won by Australia 29 - 24 to Iran.
Guess which of the teams only had biological women on it.
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The 2018 Asian Women’s Handball Championship was yesterday won by Australia 29 - 24 to Iran.
Guess which of the teams only had biological women on it.
Faceborg link:
where is God?
Take that you fucking rag head bitches.
Your lucky our team didn’t gangrape yours
Hahaha this is fucking hilarious
I bet her penis is masculine.
We're only trying to get even.
This is fucking hillarious. Chad looks pumped on testosterone instead of estrogen.
Once all sports get filled by men half the worlds population will be redpilled as fuck. Lets do this lads!
Based tranny BTFOs some random towel heads, get Bruced retard
New Jow Forums OP
"Operation Gold Medal"
Pump roids and test
Grow hair long
Tie back in ponytail
Chuck on a bra
Join womens sports team of choice
Become Legend
Courts have already ruled cock and tits dont matter as long as the person 'feels' he/she is a certain gender. We have law and science on our side!!