Old thread got archived, here's a new one
I fucking hate being a short man. I'm barely 5' 5" and want to kill myself sometimes. I realize theres more to life than dating and sex but when women find you universally unattractive over something you cant change it's really hard not to feel bad about it. I haven't met a single woman who doesn't care about a guys height.
another day inside this place
Fuck you Dave
as pathetic as it is i still want you to depend on me
i dont think i can ever forgive you for preying on my love
fuck you for pretending you ever cared about me
How convenient that you must be sleeping in a Friday night, I wonder how would you feel if I disappeared every Friday night as well. It's only suspicious when it's me, right?
I sleep every night, I've nowhere else to be.
I love you, Moe
I don’t love my kid. Hopefully the love comes with age because right now that magical connection? It’s not there.
Your standards are too high then. I don't know who you're trying to meet lol, but anyone anywhere can get some pussy. You're talking about how unattractive you are, plenty of chicks that would suck your dick, swallow it, and marry you. Lower your fucking standards, because you ain't getting Stacy, but you'll get a girl that loves swallowing cum and likes being with you.
I wish I’d talked to you more when I had the chance.
But I didn’t want to be your friend.. I have plenty of friends. I wanted to be your girlfriend, and I still do, but you have someone else...
Maybe I’m just lonely... Who knows.
Please advise.
I went on a date with this girl. It went really well at first, we made out, but at the end something must have happened because she seemingly lost interest. I walked her to her car and discovered she was hit with a parking violation due to my own error in telling her where to park. She insisted I just leave and that she'd send me her venmo through tinder so I can repay her, but by the time I got back to my apartment, she unmatched me. I feel so terrible about this that I found her facebook and wrote a message essentially just asking how much she had to pay so I can reimburse her, but have yet to send it. Is this too creepy/overbearing? If she went as far as unmatching me, should I just let it go?
I don’t want someone like you. I want you.
I wish I meant to you as much as you mean to me. /thread
To the person who argued that God does make mistakes in response to an user's argument that He doesn't. I have found a passage that may support your claim. This one is from Genesis 6:5-8.
> 5 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7 So the LORD said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
> Nelson, Thomas. NKJV, The Chronological Study Bible, eBook (Kindle Locations 1071-1076). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.
I have real bad relationship anxiety due to being cheated on and what not. I wanna tell my gf about it but I’m afraid she’ll get the wrong idea.
>I don’t want someone like you.
Don't ever say that to someone you actually want. It insinuates they're not good enough for you.
I don’t think you understand me correctly. What I mean is that I don’t want someone similar to them, I want them.
You're only saying you miss me because you got dumped and then rejected. It was easy for you to act tough like I didn't matter before. Now you're sorry? Yeah, sure. Maybe because no one else gives a shit anymore.
And you want to complain about people only wanting you around when they're having problems, but what are you doing right now? Trying to guilt me because you're suddenly not in a relationship anymore? You "never got over me"? No, fuck off. I'm not stupid. Peddle your shit somewhere else.
Or someone who doesn’t remind me of them. It’s called moving on and taking care of yourself, you should try it.
I still want you to talk to me whenever you need too. I still want you know I care about you deeply. I still want you to know I miss you. I still want you.
Fuck you, Ofir
Uni ends in 2 weeks. I will see you 2 more times for sure in my life. You told me you felt like more than friends earlier this year but every time I've asked you to do something, you've said no. And I have a feeling you'll do it again on the last day of uni. I don't know why you do it. You know we're perfect together. You said it yourself. Why are you going to let this be the last time we ever see each other?
B-but I'm like me. =(
Does that mean you don't want me?
I'm confused. I'm going to sleep.
I want to ask this one girl who's into marvel movies to see dead pool 2 with me, but I just recently started texting her.
my mind is begging me to ask her to see the movie, but my gut is telling me to wait at least 2-3 weeks before asking to hang out in person.
thats all assuming she texts me again the second time I text her. I just want a gf, no games, no playing around, just a gf to do cute couple shit and to feel secure with
I don’t even know you.
Just ask her, faggot.
I'm sorry.
I'm fucking sorry.
For not listening, not respecting you, not treating you like you should be treated. I heard you telling me what you wanted but I ignored it and convinced myself I had some uncontrollable pull towards you. But it was all self delusion, it was all the choices I made. ME.
We used to talk everyday, for hours. Remember how we talked for 13 hours straight once? How we laughed and watched Netflix together on the phone?
Maybe we can't ever go back to that. But I think it's evidence that there is something between us. But last time we met, you said I was just a boy you didn't know how to deal with anymore.
And we haven't talked in 2 months. You haven't replied. And I thought I'd give you space.
But I want to connect again. I'd rather be your something than your nothing. I don't care what title I get, whether it's friend or boyfriend or whatever, I just want something with you. So please, forgive me, and let's start over.
Mildly autistic man turning 26, still a virgin, and it's eating me up inside. Virgin part is actually just the absolute tip of all my worries, my sadness is about the fact that I have never had a girl fall in love with me and form that emotional bond which I believe most people to do by instinct. Even in my high school years I had hard time understanding anything beyond the actual school work. I got good grades, but I didn't make a single friend in all that time. I thought things would be different in college. The whole school was full of strangers, new building, new areas, new teachers, nobody knew each other. We all had the same starting point, but few months later they all had formed their groups and made friends, and I was of course alone once again. I'm trying to grasp what they did to form those groups and how they got involved with each other, but I just can't understand. I've been chatting with some loner hikikomori autistic girls online, they are very nice but also equally awkward to chat with. Maybe one of them will want to be my girlfriend.
Why are you being so mean to me, user? ='(
>shitty taste in movies
Pretty sure she'll say no.
You're a vapid cunt. Just led me on for days just to tell me your getting with your ex right before i was supposed to TAKE YOU out. Never getting excited over a bitch again.
I've lived on the edge for so fucking long and I haven't fallen over yet. Nothing I've worked toward and struggled after has amounted to complete failure before. I have a second chance here starting today, and I'm going to take it. I'm about to be more uncomfortable than I've ever been, but that feeling will subside with time. I'm going to become something better, and it starts today, out there.
I want a new job, a new career.
But alas, I will always have to answer to someone. I might have a good job and a good boss for a while, but nothing is forever.
One promoted, clever psychopath, could ruin it all. Could be the next boss.
I know how to fight back, and am fully prepared to fight dirty if the situation ever calls for it.
It really shouldn't be a fear, that I might have to deal with someone like that.
Right now be biggest concern should be to find a job that doesn't leave me so exhausted and drained.
>standards are too high
According to what? I have never gone after "stacey"
>you'll get a girl that'll marry you
No wait I get it. I'll get a fat girl right? Cause women who dont take care of themselves are equivalent to men who are born ugly. Pass on that, since the second those women lose weight and get more confident they'll want a better looking guy.
Things might not be rainbows and lollipops but it is really apparent you really love me. I can't wrap my head around it sometimes, you wear my worse like it's golden. I've had a really horrible and painful existence and I see how hard you try to pull me from my own private hell. I'm sorry for being an ultra mega asshole. My face twinges watching you sleep. It's odd how you can be a selfish fuck then go into selfless mode. I'm really lucky to have you.
You have a funny way of showing it.
You taught me how to love and be love. I'm grateful to you beyond words.
Ah, I see.
They don't need speakers, they just use existing infrastructure, and modulate the resonant frequency.
I wonder what it's changing?
>experienced gf asks me (former virgin) if I'm not going to have second doubts about the relationship, because I "might feel like I'm missing out"
I'm really just happy to have a gf, so that question is weird.
I'm just tired of being alive.
Nah, you're just tired of living the life you know. It happens to all of us.
Rip dad in a lot of ways you were a bastard but you were always my bastard and I know you loved me. Why didn't you listen to me and stop the shit that was wrecking your health ? Why didn't you just go to the fucking hospital when I told you to do so you might still be here ? I love you Dad and though I may have not been perfect in your eyes I know you were proud of me, thank you for everything you taught me , no matter what I will always carry your name proudly and wouldn't have traded you for any other father.
I'm finishing my meme degree (BA History, UK) in less than two weeks, and I have no clue what I want to do with my life as I hurtle towards the age of 21. I feel like as an inexperienced man child it would probably do me good to face the harsh reality of my lack of direction and work a low end job with limited prospects as it could potentially embolden my spirit and improve my weak personality as someone who's spent most of his life indoors reading books and playing video games. I keep on getting told that this is a foolish way to think by my mother however, but then she's a janitor who never finished school, and while my father is a bit more accepting of my logic he was also a drop out who did a billion jobs in the 60s and 70s before settling down by the 80s. Neither are good for advising someone who's working in the near 2020s.
The same mother is pushing for me to have kids even though I've never been in a relationship before, since my older sisters - while engaged - have no plans for kids in the future, and I'm the only male child in the family. To be honest in these recent months I've been feeling a desire for love and marriage and possibly children that I've never had before, but not only do I feel that I'm nowhere near emotionally or fiscally prepared for such a thing I also fear that few women would want to be with me. I'm not ugly or anything (Lanky, but I have a strong facial structure), and I don't drop too much spaghetti around women since I was raised with two sisters and a single mother, but I also long for the corny traditional family lifestyle a la American Dream. A decade of furious masturbation has replaced lust with a desire for love, faith, and mutual understanding with a partner above all else. I can't help but feel women don't want this. I don't think my dreams are compatible with reality.
I know I broke up with my gf because I wasn't in love anymore and had serious doubts about marriage. But I worry I won't find anyone that fits me as well as she does, and it makes me sick with worry.
It kills me that she might let me become a memory because I complicate her life too much by being someone she has feelings for.
I hate not having had sex.
I hate not having a GF
I hate that other are having fun and lives, yet i'm a recluse.
Join the army. You'll grow up fast, learn something useful, maybe find a career, and at a minimum having served in the armed forces will make people perceive you as being a man.
Sometimes I hate myself that I'm just a sad sack of undisciplined bullshit that doesn't get anything done with life. How do you discipline yourselves user?
So it's just a phase r-right?
>yet i'm a recluse.
Then you have no one to blame besides yourself.
I feel you, retard.
why the fuck did I start browsing r9k
im a virgin and for some reason i obsess over it now
i could easily lose it to a random person but i kinda don't want to, but i sometimes consider it just to get it over and done with
I will probably regret it though in this case
how do i get this off my mind i know it's not a big deal but still super annoying
Get your mind on something else. Take a new hobby or something. It's like how you'd treat an addiction. Goodluck
I have the exact situation with my ex and they can go fuck themselves
i recently learned my bf of 10 months is bi and used to crossdress, weve been arguing for weeks over if hes actually attracted to me sexually and he says he does but hes fucked men more and only had 2 short term gfs before me
now hes not sure if he wants to keep dating or just be friends probably because i fucked up
im scared to be alone but i cant handle the fear of him running off with another man either
He's gay and in denial. You'd be better off alone.
Hey im just using what interests her the most and that's marvel movies
see, i thought this too. but before any of this came up he was very loving and our sex life was very active (he had minor ed because of his age but we managed) so its kind of hard to tell if hes actually gay or just shitty with women and couldn't keep them for long
>he had minor ed because of his age but we managed
...how old is he?
early 30s
Why couldn't you let me go? Why can't you let ANYONE go?
You are fucked in the head... why message me? I'm not really about this. I want to hurt you.
All my friends went out together and left me alone knowing that I knew they were. Even a guy who wasn't invited in the first place went with them. Don't wanna sound like a pussy but feels bad man. Mfw
Stop going on r9k. I went to r9k for like 5 years and it's toxic and out of touch. It will warp your world view majorly. It's pretty normal for men to not lose their virginity as late as 27 or so. It sucks but it's the truth. Start browsing fit instead, or hell, even vg. Don't use this website to browse boards that make you feel like shit.
You're the one who fucked up. Should've accepted your boyfriend for who he is instead of digging into his self-esteem and his secureness of his sexuality.
Bullshit. Bi people exist. Fuck you.
Lel triggered
You can't let me go, can you? I'm no longer bound by these chains. It's you who needs to break free now.
Grow the fuck up already, Sarra!!!
he wasnt secure in his sexuality because he hid it from me for the whole relationship until i found some old pics of him dressing up as a girl and fucking dudes while i was borrowing his pc and still calls himself straight even after talking about it
i already apologized for not being good enough and im not sure what else to do
See this is exactly the sort of shit you'll have to deal with from your gay boyfriend. Look at how insecure he is about his homosexuality. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with that?
if you read this, user, know that most parents don't get a 'magic' connection (especially fathers, but it's not unheard of for mothers, particularly if they have post partum depression). lots of parents don't truly feel that love for their kid til they get to at least talking stage
so you're totally in the fucking clear if your wife (or you) just popped one out and you aren't feeling the 'magic'. it'll more than likely come
That's because bisexual people often present as straight to prevent people like you from making snap-judgements
again if you would've actually talked to him about it instead accusing and assuming you'd probably know that
>apologized for not being good enough
what the fuck is wrong with you? You should apologize for breaking your boyfriend's trust, going through his shit, and assuming he loves you less because you're not a man.
You are good enough. This isn't a HIM problem, it's a YOU problem, you are the one who has the issue with him being bisexual, not him. He's done nothing wrong, you've just put words into his mouth and decided they were true.
Amazing the stunning lack of self-awareness some of you anons show. It's so clear that you're more concered with your OWN self-esteem and image than his
You do realize all you have to do is buy a strap-on and a dress for your boyfriend
Again you'd know that if you stopped wigging out for ten seconds and thought about you're actual issue and then had a conversation about it
How am I supposed to encourage and cheer up other people when I feel useless and can't keep it together myself? I care about you all and I try my damnedest, but everything I say and do just feels...hollow.
There has to be something I can do. I just don't know what yet.
What are you even talking about user? Yes I'm sure me getting angry over bi-erasure is evidence I'm insecure, wonderful logic.
Take your hate-boner elsewhere
I want so bad to tell you that I love you, S (or W if i'm using your nickname). Everyone I talk to about you says you clearly like me, but I have no solid confirmation.
I love every bit of attention you give me. Especially the teasing. "Nice job, butterfingers" put a huge fucking grin on my face. If my customers spoke more English I'm pretty sure they would know what's going on.
I love you so much. It's getting hard to hide.
I would tell you but I'm just scared of rejection. I know due to the current situation you're pleading the fifth but I just want you to say something.
>You do realize all you have to do is buy a strap-on and a dress for your boyfriend
Gosh, girls who date fags must have miserable lives
i just want to hear your voice
calm the fuck down tumblr-chan
i wouldnt have an issue with it if he wasnt lying for 10 months and just told me straight up
i know its probably a me issue but just because hes bi doesnt mean he can break my trust either
he doesnt like women with strap ons anyway
he just likes pure traps, feminine dudes and women but its scary to think i'll have more competition trying to keep him to myself
Imagine this shit. Imagine your gay boyfriend making up words to get angry about. Do you really want this?
I don't know how to tell you this but you shouldn't be experiencing ed 'due to age' in your early 30s
free yourself of the excuses, user
>this conceited matter of fact tone
Back to tumblr with you. If she's uncomfortable that her boyfriend likes to get fucked by dudes, that's her business, no different than being turned off by any other sexual kink or general interest.
You should end it. You went through his stuff and he was hiding shit from you. You can't trust each other and you're obviously not comfortable with what you discovered. It's doomed to get worse until you resent each other if you don't already.
>likes pure traps, feminine dudes and women
Does he like animals and exhaust pipes too?
Just break up with him, you can do better than some perverted dude who can't even get hard. It's better to cut things now than to wait till he cheats on you with whatever from his repertoire
This is fantastic advice.
Like, user, evaluate if you think you can handle his kinks in time, if yes, go with it, at a pace that you feel comfortable with ! This isn't a problem! Really. Consider why he wouldn't feel comfortable telling you in the first place. Maybe extreme homophobia growing up? Maybe you've made some homophobic jokes here and there unknowingly. I'm a bisexual woman and happily in a relationship with a guy. Have been for 5 years. Haven't cheated or "missed girls."
In past relationships I've identified as straight or lesbian to try and make my partner feel more secure, and this has only made me feel more confused and alone.
Give your boyfriend time. Just because he sees both women and men as potential partners does not at all increase his chance of breaking up with you or cheating. At all. Shitty people cheat, not bisexual people. In the mean time, I would do some self reflecting as to how you can provide a more welcoming/open atmosphere for talking. It takes time.
My boyfriend and I, after 5 years, are just getting to the phase where we are exploring kinks and whatnot, and in the process we're both learning a ton about communication and sexuality. It can be fun, and opportunity to grow closer if you both put in the work. Relax. It's okay.
wtf is this Tumblr influx from
there are so many mixed responses and i have no idea what to do im in relationship limbo
Also, from
My boyfriend lied to me the first year of our relationship about him being on the autism spectrum. Sucked and hurt, but when you consider societal things, and how he hasn't been in the situation before of "needing" to tell some one, and not and seeing how it hurts them, i dunno, I chalk it up as a learning experience for us both. Especially considering that I used to make a ton of jokes about autistic people. Life comes at you fast.
all this weed I smoke doesnt make shit better lol. You can only take this shit so far so im not done yet but im gonna try and change for the better. Ive also realized i also know fuck all about anything but I realize that and I'm gonna try and build something thats meaningful to me and maybe other people.
What a thoughtful reply from a 15 year old who thinks it's so cool and normal to refuse to learn anything lol.
>muh relationship got too hard so I just quit because I was a little uncomfortable
jeez. Grow up.
Do what says. You don't trust him, and if you aren't okay with him fucking guys, you will probably always detest this part of him. And it was unfair of him to had from you a big deal breaker like that, he either didn't trust you or wanted to ignore this side of himself. If he still considers himself 100% straight despite having obvious homosexual tendencies, it means he is not in peace with his sexuality and tries to suppress it. It may have the adverse result...
tl;dr break up with him
For some people finding out that their male, supposedly heterosexual partner is into dicks, dresses and anal penetration is too much. Just like some dudes wouldn't date strippers, or some girls wouldn't date guys addicted to porn. Sexuality is a big deal, and she has right to be very uncomfortable and hurt, and decide that she isn't cut for a relationship with a dude like that.
>user understand how sexuality works
is a board, dumbasses.
>bi-erasure is a made up word
only a faggot could say that with a straight face. i still can't read it without laughing.
>Just because he sees both women and men as potential partners does not at all increase his chance of breaking up with you or cheating. At all. Shitty people cheat, not bisexual people.
gay dudes have no concept of fidelity whatsoever. at all. guess who bi dudes are fucking when they're not fucking girls. now please go ahead and tell me how that doesn't matter and encourage everyone to convince themselves that people aren't influenced by who they interact with.
>she has right to be very uncomfortable and hurt, and decide that she isn't cut for a relationship with a dude like that.
Sure. Not my point at all and never said it was. She, herself, said she wanted to keep being with him.
Tired of explaining the simplest shit to you people because all you are hearing is "lel dicks amirite guys???" and not what I'm actually fucking tell you.
I hear what you're saying. I guess for me it's a little different. I've been on the internet for years and not a whole lot is shocking anymore. But if I had been dating something and they revealed something that I didn't like after me being with them for 10 months (which is still pretty early into the relationship and when you would be learning these things about your significant other), I'd pause and consider if they're worth it to me to adjust to how depraved they are. I think it's not as bad because he hasn't been doing gay shit while with her and lying about it. He's just done it in the past. I'd like to say that it's not right for some one to leave some one over sexuality shit in the past but I'm sure my boyfriend would be hurt if I had been a major slut in the past and lied about it.
>bi people aren't faggots
when did I say this? Never. The B is part of LGBT. No one is saying it isn't gay to get buttfucked user, I was never saying he was straight.
Grow the fuck up.
>gay dudes have no concept of fidelity whatsoever
can you cite your source or are you just talking out of your ass?
>missing the point this hard
>telling others to grow up
this is almost impressive